Stabbing Pain after rads

rosamercedes Member Posts: 7
Hi there everyone, Has anyone had very sharp stabbing pain in the area of the lumpectomy after their radiation treatment I only had two sessions done and both days at some point after the rads this horrible stabbing pain hits me I just wonder is it normal or should I worry?.
I also want to thank you ladies. It it helps so much to read the posts I have gotten more counseling from you ladies, shed some tears, received needed hugs and had many questions answered before I even ask them, Thank you all.


  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333
    I have had the stabbing
    I have had the stabbing pains since my stitches were taken out. They have increased with the radiation treatments. Some days they are sharp and in the center of the lumpectomy, other times around the outside of it but less sharp . I actually jump at times causing my husband to look at me strangely!!

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    robang13 said:

    I have had the stabbing
    I have had the stabbing pains since my stitches were taken out. They have increased with the radiation treatments. Some days they are sharp and in the center of the lumpectomy, other times around the outside of it but less sharp . I actually jump at times causing my husband to look at me strangely!!


    I finished rads in July '10
    and I still have stabbing pains from time to time. Mine feel like a bar-be-que skewer going through and sometimes I have burning type pain. I don't think the area will ever be the same and these things might get less frequent as time goes on. Good luck with your rads. They will be done before you know it.

    Hugs, Renee
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I had bilateral mastectomy
    in June 2010 and my surgeon said the occasional stabbing pains can continue for a year or more. While getting rads the skin tightens and I was more apt to get the flinching pains. All we can hope is that they get less frequent and eventually go away.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • MarleneElla
    MarleneElla Member Posts: 22
    Stabbing pains
    I was so glad to hear I'm not the only one.
    I get them as well in the area of my lumpectomy. The good news for me is they come and then are gone. I don't have any residual aches.
    Of course, now that I've got 23 days of rad under my belt, there's a pretty good constant ache from the burn! But that's a different story!
    Hang in there!