OT Heart Tips

Lynn Smith
Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
Some heart tips to prevent heart disease.

1.Reduce plague buildup with Vitamin C. Take 360 mg or more daily and you are 30% less likely to develop heart disease.

2.Lower your risk by 40% by being social.(Pick the right people)I don't always!!!!

3.Pause to take 1/2 hour naps 3 times a week to reduce risk by almost 40%

4.Cranberry Juice-Drinking 3 glasses a day(seems alot) raises good HDL cholesterol 10% and also ups the level of antioxidents in your blood.

5.Dark Cocoa has more heart protective compounds than Green Tea or Red Wine.

Since my husband has heart disease this was interesting. He was having tests done so I got this out of a magazine.I have tachycardia but no blockages or leg problems.

Lynn Smith


  • gagee
    gagee Member Posts: 332
    I have had that for a long time. Do you have problems and what do you do to keep it under control? I have found that I need sleep and less stress. Plus no coke or coffee. If you know of anything that could help me with this please let me know. I take xanx however you spell it. Only when the attack happens and won't stop. I have been to emergency many times with it. Until an ER doc finally figured out what I have. There is a procedure that can be done to get rid of it. I am afraid to do it. It is burning the nerves around the muscle. My husband said he read where they are coming out with something new. Some kind of stent like thing goes in first and keeps the needle cool until needed to do the burning. Just can't go for any thing else right now. Thank you for listening.

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    gagee said:

    I have had that for a long time. Do you have problems and what do you do to keep it under control? I have found that I need sleep and less stress. Plus no coke or coffee. If you know of anything that could help me with this please let me know. I take xanx however you spell it. Only when the attack happens and won't stop. I have been to emergency many times with it. Until an ER doc finally figured out what I have. There is a procedure that can be done to get rid of it. I am afraid to do it. It is burning the nerves around the muscle. My husband said he read where they are coming out with something new. Some kind of stent like thing goes in first and keeps the needle cool until needed to do the burning. Just can't go for any thing else right now. Thank you for listening.


    See a cardiologist
    What your doctors want to do is a cardiac ablation. The pacemaker, electrical rhythm controlling part of your heart is not functioning correctly. An ablation destroys the part of your heart causing the misfiring.

    Diana, you must see a cardiologist regularly. Having untreated serious tachycardia will make you much higher risk for stroke. If you don't choose to do the ablation, there are still a number of meds that you should be on.

    This is outside of my field, but my close friend had a stroke while cutting his grass on his ride-on mower. The cause was an arrythmia causing tachycardia. What happens when the heart beats that fast is that it kind of flutters and doesn't beat effectively so blood can stagnate and form clots which end up in your brain (stroke), legs (thrombus) or lungs (embolism). I don't want to scare you, but this is not a condition to ignore.
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    See a cardiologist
    What your doctors want to do is a cardiac ablation. The pacemaker, electrical rhythm controlling part of your heart is not functioning correctly. An ablation destroys the part of your heart causing the misfiring.

    Diana, you must see a cardiologist regularly. Having untreated serious tachycardia will make you much higher risk for stroke. If you don't choose to do the ablation, there are still a number of meds that you should be on.

    This is outside of my field, but my close friend had a stroke while cutting his grass on his ride-on mower. The cause was an arrythmia causing tachycardia. What happens when the heart beats that fast is that it kind of flutters and doesn't beat effectively so blood can stagnate and form clots which end up in your brain (stroke), legs (thrombus) or lungs (embolism). I don't want to scare you, but this is not a condition to ignore.

    I can't believe you've had no help.Started out that way for me too.This is long because it took a long time to see what was really wrong.

    You've had this years and no doctor said see a cardiologist or your family doctor.Mine started after a major surgery I had.It was beating so fast I could hardly breathe.Just to load the dishwasher I got out of breath.To walk and turn the TV on I was tired. I went to my family doctor.He said blow in a paper bag.Stress related.I wasn't about to do that.I didn't feel it was stress but it was making me stressful.Then I had bad anemia.This doctor said Now I bet your heart problem will stop.We will give you a few units of blood.Well they did.I go home and still my heart is racing.I go back to this doctor and he said we need to do a heart halter test."That is where you have something on your side and whatever you do every minute you record it".Now it is simpler though(not all that recording the times etc during monitering).If I vaccumed I had to record the time I started and quit and if going to the bathroom etc.Oh yes bathroom breaks counted. Took this paper where I kept track back to my doctor 24 hours later.He checked it and told me I had so many attacks of fast heart rates.More than he had ever seen.So I'm not nuts or need to relax and less stress.I had a heart condition.

    He put me on one med.Didn't work(made me loose alot of fluid) then he put me on Nadolol(generic for Corgard) I have been taking this for almost 30 years.So really you def need something.There was 1 time my heart raced to 160 beats a minute.I thought I was dying.This med has been a miracle for me.Did have one problem 3 years ago when I went off caffeine coke.Did it cold turkey without thinking.Then my heart raced even with the med.I called my heart doctor and he ran tests also did the heart halter.It was fine.Then a EKG it was fine.The other test was a stress test.I said NO to the injection they give to speed up your heart.Why would I want it sped up if it is bad enough.The doctor listened to me.In 30 seconds my heart rate was almost 130 beats a minute.I about passed out and the nurse had to catch me.The stress test was fine but a heart murmur and also a mitral valve.It was to look for blockages mainly.

    See a family doctor, cardiologist and get in for some tests.That heart halter is something common they do and not all the recording like it used to be. Tell them you've been to emergency rooms etc and they just tell you it is stress.It isn't.(It is a heart condition and there are beta blockers to help). My doctor explained to me that the electrical system of my heart got out of whack.Sorta the way the doctor explained it after telling me for quite a while I needed to blow in a paper bag.NOT!!!!!

    See how you can be misdiagnosed. It has happened to me more than once with this doctor I no longer see.

    I don't see how you've lived without doing something.You could pass out eventually with your heart racing and that could be very very serious.

    Hope Cypres Cynthia and I have helped you to seek medical attention.

    Lynn Smith