Taxol and White Blood Cell Shot

Bubblesfl Member Posts: 2
My wife finished the first four sessions of chemo (some red stuff) and now she is on Taxol.
I do not know how she does it. At times she is really down. Between the Taxol and the shot for improved white cells she has pain in her bones. Now she is dizzy and I have not found that in any of the info I looked into. Has anyone been dizzy from this treatment.


  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Please be sure she talks
    Please be sure she talks with her doc about the dizziness, it is a common symptom of many different issues so it would be good to find out why she is dizzy.

    As for the bone pain, please ask the doc about taking claritin. Claratin is recommended by the manufacturer (the pharmacist can confirm this) for both Neulasta and Neupogin. I took the claratin starting the day before my shots and continued for two days after, some have continued for a week or so after. And little to no bone pain for me! I also felt the claratin was much easier on my system overall than the vicodin.

    Best of luck to you and your wife.
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944

    Please be sure she talks
    Please be sure she talks with her doc about the dizziness, it is a common symptom of many different issues so it would be good to find out why she is dizzy.

    As for the bone pain, please ask the doc about taking claritin. Claratin is recommended by the manufacturer (the pharmacist can confirm this) for both Neulasta and Neupogin. I took the claratin starting the day before my shots and continued for two days after, some have continued for a week or so after. And little to no bone pain for me! I also felt the claratin was much easier on my system overall than the vicodin.

    Best of luck to you and your wife.

    When Doxorubicin (red fluid) was given to me, I felt slightly dizzy when the triage nurse administered it to me. Because it comes in the syringe and they manually push it in your vein (port)they can be giving her too much too fast. When it happened to me they just slowed down the procedure. Now maybe the dizziness is just the onset of nausea? Don't know... Always good to ask the nurse giving chemo.

    I did find this website (not sure how accurate info is) but it talks about dizziness as a symptom of Taxol... It states

    Allergic reaction... Signs of this can include skin rashes and itching, a high temperature, shivering, redness of the face, a feeling of dizziness, a headache breathlessness, anxiety and a need to pass urine. You will be monitored for any signs of an allergic reaction during the treatment. Tell your nurse or doctor if you have any of these symptoms.

    Here's my resource site:

    Hope this helped somewhat and give your wife a hug from her pink sisters..
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Talk to Dr.
    I only had

    Talk to Dr.

    I only had Neulasta (white blood cell shot) when I was on A(red stuff)/C and I had no problems at all with it. Did not have any pain and the only 'reaction' I had to it was almost to the minute 2 hrsd after getting it I would go to sleep foir 2 hours. When I did Tasxol (12 weekly) i did not have Neulasta at all.

    Always best to check with Dr or his/her RN with any questions - better safe than sorry.


  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    Please be sure she talks
    Please be sure she talks with her doc about the dizziness, it is a common symptom of many different issues so it would be good to find out why she is dizzy.

    As for the bone pain, please ask the doc about taking claritin. Claratin is recommended by the manufacturer (the pharmacist can confirm this) for both Neulasta and Neupogin. I took the claratin starting the day before my shots and continued for two days after, some have continued for a week or so after. And little to no bone pain for me! I also felt the claratin was much easier on my system overall than the vicodin.

    Best of luck to you and your wife.

    Hi to you and welcome. I
    Hi to you and welcome. I didn't have chemo, so, I don't have an answer for you. Please have her or you call her oncologist and see why she is dizzy.

    Good luck,

  • 1acme
    1acme Member Posts: 77
    I am on A/C (red staff chemo) and after I am also scheduled for Taxol. My chemo day is Monday and Tuesday I will start injection of Neupogen (cousin of Neulasta) to increase white blood cells.
    I have muscle pain immediately after chemo and increasing pain over the week. By Thursday my head skin / scalp in so sore that I cannot even touch, my back is stiff that sit in movie theatre is agony and Friday my hands (joins) are so sored that I cannot even drive BUT I am taking DAILY - REACTINE which kiks in in about 2hrs and give me releave of Bone/join/muscle pain for 24hrs.
    It does working for me quite fine. Pain will get redused to "reasonable" level. My Onco also set that I can take Tylenol 3 if too bad, but that is giving me horrible nightmares so I am taking regular Tylenol if need it.
    Good luck & take care
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    1acme said:

    I am on A/C (red staff chemo) and after I am also scheduled for Taxol. My chemo day is Monday and Tuesday I will start injection of Neupogen (cousin of Neulasta) to increase white blood cells.
    I have muscle pain immediately after chemo and increasing pain over the week. By Thursday my head skin / scalp in so sore that I cannot even touch, my back is stiff that sit in movie theatre is agony and Friday my hands (joins) are so sored that I cannot even drive BUT I am taking DAILY - REACTINE which kiks in in about 2hrs and give me releave of Bone/join/muscle pain for 24hrs.
    It does working for me quite fine. Pain will get redused to "reasonable" level. My Onco also set that I can take Tylenol 3 if too bad, but that is giving me horrible nightmares so I am taking regular Tylenol if need it.
    Good luck & take care

    I did not have the neulasta
    I did not have the neulasta for the taxol just the AC. I was very dizzy during treatment especially walking around. My blood pressure was low and my heart rate was high. I think no matter how much I drank, I was always on the dehrated side. I continue to have dizziness at times. I have heard of others as well complaining of this.