I've decided to go topless!

cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
I went to see gyn Friday and have lost 5 lbs. Ran around doing lots of errands in the afternoon and met a woman in Michael's Crafts who had less hair than I did and she wasn't wearing a hat like I was. I admired her confidence to go shopping like that and made a decision when I got home that I wasn't wearing a hat anymore. So what if I still have pretty bare spots on my head. I feel a new sense of freedom and oh, it's so much cooler. Does anyone have a magic potion to help hair grow faster???? I read that a se of Arimidex is thinning hair! Yikes!


  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    You go girl!
    You go girl! Congratulations, 5 pounds and no hat! That is quite a day!

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Char, when was your last chemo - and did you have Taxotere? I just can't go out without covering up my head and I don't think I'll ever be able to. You're a brave woman.

    Saw my primary care physician Friday about the hair thing. She feels my lack of hair is due to the toxicity of the chemo, but is doing thyroid, ANA, and iron tests. Very unlikely they'll be off, but we're checking just in case. She thinks I'm either slow at recovering from the chemo damage OR the chemo killed some stem cells completely and I'm not ever going to get any more hair back. It's really the latter that she thinks is happening, doggone it. Hair loss is also a side effect of Arimidex but since I never had any to lose, who the heck knows? I bought my first wig yesterday. I felt so normal with hair, even though I'm pretty self conscious since I haven't seen myself with hair and only gray hair for the past 2 years.

    Had a chat with my next door neighbor this morning. She's a PA. She has had patients who did not get their hair back after chemo. It does happen - very rare, but it happens. I'm still hoping mine will fill in.

    Congratulations on the weight loss. I had company last week and found those 5 lbs. you lost. Sigh.

  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Nioxin Scalp Recovery Cleanser
    Here's my potion: http://www.nioxin.com/en/products/new-products/scalp-recovery-medicating-cleanser. When my hair first started coming back in, Tim had gone in for a haircut & was talking to the guy cutting his hair about my situation. The guy let tim use his employee discount & told him about this product. It isn't a hair regrowth product, but it's a treatment for the scalp. The guy put it this way to him - it's like putting fertilizer on your lawn if you have a dirt yard -you fertilize it along with adding grass seeds to get it to grow in. I think it's like $25 a bottle or something but it lasts a long time -I even gave mom a travel bottle full of it when she finished chemo & her hair seems to be coming in thick & fast also. I also take prenatal vitamins and biotin supplements, but my hair has grown in SUPER thick, where it was always thin before. And it's growing fast! yay! Good for you for going topless, it's such a freeing feeling!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631

    Nioxin Scalp Recovery Cleanser
    Here's my potion: http://www.nioxin.com/en/products/new-products/scalp-recovery-medicating-cleanser. When my hair first started coming back in, Tim had gone in for a haircut & was talking to the guy cutting his hair about my situation. The guy let tim use his employee discount & told him about this product. It isn't a hair regrowth product, but it's a treatment for the scalp. The guy put it this way to him - it's like putting fertilizer on your lawn if you have a dirt yard -you fertilize it along with adding grass seeds to get it to grow in. I think it's like $25 a bottle or something but it lasts a long time -I even gave mom a travel bottle full of it when she finished chemo & her hair seems to be coming in thick & fast also. I also take prenatal vitamins and biotin supplements, but my hair has grown in SUPER thick, where it was always thin before. And it's growing fast! yay! Good for you for going topless, it's such a freeing feeling!

    Thanks Heather.
    I'll check it out. I sure hope what Suzanne mentioned isn't my problem. My mom is going to be 83 this year and she has very thin hair. My hair color is coming in like my dad's was - grey/white/dark. Suzanne, I did have Taxotere/Cytoxan (6 rounds). I finished chemo Dec 7, 2010.
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    cahjah75 said:

    Thanks Heather.
    I'll check it out. I sure hope what Suzanne mentioned isn't my problem. My mom is going to be 83 this year and she has very thin hair. My hair color is coming in like my dad's was - grey/white/dark. Suzanne, I did have Taxotere/Cytoxan (6 rounds). I finished chemo Dec 7, 2010.

    Good for you. With the
    Good for you. With the warmer weather coming I think you might be more comfortable. I hated wearing my wigs and got really tired of the scarfs and bandanas.


  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    Thanks Heather.
    I'll check it out. I sure hope what Suzanne mentioned isn't my problem. My mom is going to be 83 this year and she has very thin hair. My hair color is coming in like my dad's was - grey/white/dark. Suzanne, I did have Taxotere/Cytoxan (6 rounds). I finished chemo Dec 7, 2010.

    You can't raise the dead
    Nioxin will work to nourish your scalp to provide a healthy environment for hair growth, but it can't ressurect the dead. I've been thinking about trying it, tho, because if those cells are just having trouble waking up, it might help. If it doesn't work, that would also tell something. I've had a number of people suggest it to me.

    Char, Taxotere could definitely be the culprit for me. There's a website Taxotear.org. It's not medical, just information from women who have taken Taxotere and not gotten their hair back. There is also at least one thread about it on the other breast cancer board. My doc did find some "official medical" information about women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer not getting their hair back. I just wish my oncologist would admit it. Maybe she will when I see her in June and all my lab work turns out to be normal. I hope your hair comes back nice and thick and strong like every one else's.

    In the pecking order of things to complain about on this journey, hair is far down on my list and I'd feel a lot stronger about it if I was 43 instead of 63. It is, however, a constant reminder of having had cancer and its potential to rear its ugly head again.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Good for you. With the
    Good for you. With the warmer weather coming I think you might be more comfortable. I hated wearing my wigs and got really tired of the scarfs and bandanas.



    Jumping on this 'hair loss' topic ... LOL
    Frustrated like the rest of you, gals...!!!!! Taxotere -- 18 consecutive weeks - Ugh! Taking Biotin 800 mg supplements -- about $35.00 every 6 weeks. I feel it's helping. I've also purchased BIOTIN shampoo on line, by J/A/S/O/N.

    This supplement was offered to several of us 'Bilateral' Women at my PS office by a beautiful, healthy 53 year old -- as we all admired her flowing hair. She is also a breast cancer patience and Survivor. She said Biotin worked wonders for her hair regrowth, and now her husband is using this supplement as well.

    My hair started to grow back about this time last year, so I thought ..geez, by next Easter I will have long flowing hair -- 12 to 14 inches in length, so I can wear a hat for Easter service, put my hair in a pony when working out, or long flowing curls when dressing up and going on a date with my husband ... WRONG! My hair grew back patchy, and the back of my scalp hair grew twice as quickly, as my bangs or sides. -- 1 year later my bangs are are 1/4 inch below my eyebrows, side hair is about 1 inch below my ears, and back of my hair is long enough to hit the top of my shirt collars. I painfully have the back of my hair trimmed 1 inch every 2 to 3 months, in hopes of eventually having my sides and back hair even.

    It does it better, I promise -! Try any product offer ... and let me know if anything works!

    Strength, Courage and Rapid Hair Growth :-)

    Vicki Sam
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    You can't raise the dead
    Nioxin will work to nourish your scalp to provide a healthy environment for hair growth, but it can't ressurect the dead. I've been thinking about trying it, tho, because if those cells are just having trouble waking up, it might help. If it doesn't work, that would also tell something. I've had a number of people suggest it to me.

    Char, Taxotere could definitely be the culprit for me. There's a website Taxotear.org. It's not medical, just information from women who have taken Taxotere and not gotten their hair back. There is also at least one thread about it on the other breast cancer board. My doc did find some "official medical" information about women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer not getting their hair back. I just wish my oncologist would admit it. Maybe she will when I see her in June and all my lab work turns out to be normal. I hope your hair comes back nice and thick and strong like every one else's.

    In the pecking order of things to complain about on this journey, hair is far down on my list and I'd feel a lot stronger about it if I was 43 instead of 63. It is, however, a constant reminder of having had cancer and its potential to rear its ugly head again.


    Congrats on the freedom of
    Congrats on the freedom of going topless! It felt so good when I did it and I remember it well.
    Also, congrats on the 5 lbs!
    My hair is almost shoulder length now, but can't say that I've shed any pounds :)
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    You can't raise the dead
    Nioxin will work to nourish your scalp to provide a healthy environment for hair growth, but it can't ressurect the dead. I've been thinking about trying it, tho, because if those cells are just having trouble waking up, it might help. If it doesn't work, that would also tell something. I've had a number of people suggest it to me.

    Char, Taxotere could definitely be the culprit for me. There's a website Taxotear.org. It's not medical, just information from women who have taken Taxotere and not gotten their hair back. There is also at least one thread about it on the other breast cancer board. My doc did find some "official medical" information about women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer not getting their hair back. I just wish my oncologist would admit it. Maybe she will when I see her in June and all my lab work turns out to be normal. I hope your hair comes back nice and thick and strong like every one else's.

    In the pecking order of things to complain about on this journey, hair is far down on my list and I'd feel a lot stronger about it if I was 43 instead of 63. It is, however, a constant reminder of having had cancer and its potential to rear its ugly head again.


    Biotin == 8,000 mcg
    vegetarian caples by Nature's Life .. that's what I take .. I also dissolve 3 tablets of #12 Silicea 6X by Hyland's under my tongue .. Silicea 6X --- skin eruptions, brittle hair and nails.

    Vicki Sam
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    VickiSam said:

    Biotin == 8,000 mcg
    vegetarian caples by Nature's Life .. that's what I take .. I also dissolve 3 tablets of #12 Silicea 6X by Hyland's under my tongue .. Silicea 6X --- skin eruptions, brittle hair and nails.

    Vicki Sam

    Vicki Sam
    I think I might call my onc this week and ask about the Biotin and the Nioxin. Thanks for the suggestions.
  • Hippiechick58
    Hippiechick58 Member Posts: 320
    cahjah75 said:

    Vicki Sam
    I think I might call my onc this week and ask about the Biotin and the Nioxin. Thanks for the suggestions.

    Hello Char. I had almost the
    Hello Char. I had almost the same situation happen to me last week. I was waiting for rads, in the women's changing room and chatted up a young woman who I believed was new. We were both wearing head scarves. She took off her scarf and showed me her head, which to me, looked fine. She was cursing because her hair is not growing in the way she thought it should. She said;"Okay, I've shown you mine, now you show me yours!" Well, okay. So I took off my scarf. She said,"OMG, if my hair looked like yours, I would go out without a scarf or hat on my head!" I thought she was kidding me, so I laughed. But she was serious. "Even with my little bald spots?" Yes, Yes, she told me. So that very day I ditched the scarf and have been going "topless" ever since! Now that is Freedom!

    Be Well,
  • Cinkal
    Cinkal Member Posts: 161
    Congratulations on losing
    Congratulations on losing the 5 pounds and going topless. Yipee for you!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Topless isn't just for convertibles any more!!!
    You GO, girl!!!

    I wore hats/scarves on 2 occasions...when it was cold, and to gatherings where I felt people would be made too nervous (and those weren't many). I was proud I was a warrior, and held my bald head high!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    KathiM said:

    Topless isn't just for convertibles any more!!!
    You GO, girl!!!

    I wore hats/scarves on 2 occasions...when it was cold, and to gatherings where I felt people would be made too nervous (and those weren't many). I was proud I was a warrior, and held my bald head high!!!

    Hugs, Kathi

    Well, Char, I am so proud of you!
    Losing 5 lbs.!!! and being the proud warrior you are and going topless--fantastic. Going topless gave me such a feeling of freedom--just light and airy. I even had to contend with carrot-red stubble from a goofed up home dye job! I remember honestly getting more smiles and kind looks than negative stares.

    You go girlfriend!

    Hugs, Renee
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    Congrats on the freedom of
    Congrats on the freedom of going topless! It felt so good when I did it and I remember it well.
    Also, congrats on the 5 lbs!
    My hair is almost shoulder length now, but can't say that I've shed any pounds :)

    Congrats on the weight loss
    Congrats on the weight loss and even bigger congrats on going topless!

    Hugs, Kylez
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Congratulations on the weight loss! It's not easy, I know. And getting brave & going topless! I bet you'll be more comfortable, especially (if!) & when we get warm weather.

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    You can't raise the dead
    Nioxin will work to nourish your scalp to provide a healthy environment for hair growth, but it can't ressurect the dead. I've been thinking about trying it, tho, because if those cells are just having trouble waking up, it might help. If it doesn't work, that would also tell something. I've had a number of people suggest it to me.

    Char, Taxotere could definitely be the culprit for me. There's a website Taxotear.org. It's not medical, just information from women who have taken Taxotere and not gotten their hair back. There is also at least one thread about it on the other breast cancer board. My doc did find some "official medical" information about women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer not getting their hair back. I just wish my oncologist would admit it. Maybe she will when I see her in June and all my lab work turns out to be normal. I hope your hair comes back nice and thick and strong like every one else's.

    In the pecking order of things to complain about on this journey, hair is far down on my list and I'd feel a lot stronger about it if I was 43 instead of 63. It is, however, a constant reminder of having had cancer and its potential to rear its ugly head again.


    Congrats on the 5 pounds and
    Congrats on the 5 pounds and going topless!
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    sbmly53 said:

    Congratulations on the weight loss! It's not easy, I know. And getting brave & going topless! I bet you'll be more comfortable, especially (if!) & when we get warm weather.


    Congrats on both counts,
    Congrats on both counts, going topless and the loss of weight!
