Does Edema get worse with each treatment?

Katmy Member Posts: 93
My edema reaction gets worse with each treatment. At first it was just my face. Then, my legs. This 3rd treatment, my face, legs, and arms were swollen. Simultaneously, my urination started later and later with each treatment. I am worried that my tongue will swell in my 4th.
Did anyone else have this progression? If so, what did the doctor do to control the Edema? Were there side effects from those medicines?

Did the edema effect your ability to urinate? All my liquids were trapped in my body. My kidneys were on vacation.


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    If you haven't told your oncologist about this, you need to do so, PRONTO!!!! Swelling of any kind is one thing that I was checked for religiously during chemo....they may give you a dieuretic, to help you eliminate the excess fluid....if you haven't informed your oncologist, I, personally, would call today and report these side effects... I know that the steroids given while on chemo cause fluid retention...

    Hugs and best wishes.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    MAJW said:

    If you haven't told your oncologist about this, you need to do so, PRONTO!!!! Swelling of any kind is one thing that I was checked for religiously during chemo....they may give you a dieuretic, to help you eliminate the excess fluid....if you haven't informed your oncologist, I, personally, would call today and report these side effects... I know that the steroids given while on chemo cause fluid retention...

    Hugs and best wishes.

    I agree with Nancy, call
    I agree with Nancy, call your oncologist please and let us know.

    Hugs, Kylez
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Mine started about the 5th
    Mine started about the 5th chemo, after the 6th it was 15 pounds in 2 days, and little urination. MO checked for UTI, then did an echo-cardiagram of my heart to make sure that the chemo was not damaging anything. Once it was confirmed that heart was okay and no infection, he had me take a diuretic.
    I too would call the onco before doing anything.