Spiral Growth

Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
was the theme for the Women's Retreat that I attended 2 weekends ago at Ft. Meade (SD) VA. There is s much that I'd like to say about it that I don't really know where to start.

These Retreats have been done semi-annualy since in the early/mid 1990's (I think this year is the 17th year.) (If I remember right the first one I went to was in Fall 1996 and I went for 5 or 6 years - can't remember for sure - getting OLD LOL - didn't go for several years but started going again last Fall).

These Retreats are NOT funded by the Government - they are funded by a grant from DAV and other private donations and are free to all participants - do not have to live in South Dakota. Start at 1pm on Friday and finish after lunch on Sunday. Rooms provided at the National Guard Lodge on Ft. Meade and food is prepared in the NG mess hall conected to the Lodge by male volunteers - Hubby has already volunteered to help cook at the Fall one - it'll be his first. (Food is GOOD and plentiful - no reason for anyone to be hungry).

There is an option you can do before it officially starts - a Lakota Sweat Lodge that starts about 9. I choose to start that way as it is a very good means (for me anyway) to get in a spitritual place and prepare for the Retreat with 'outside world' left behind for the weekend. This Sweat was special I thought - the Elder who was conducting it had his Grandson (probably about 12) sing one of the songs (in Lakota) for his first time in a Sweat.

This year there were almost as many Women Veterans at it as there were collateral women (spouse/mother/sister/SO/etc.) at it. (Some years us Vets have been definately in the minority.) A lot of the emphasis is on PTSD (which is NOT only combat related!) but it is a time for growth and understanding and acceptance.

It is very structured in some ways - but not really in others. Watches are to be taken off - no cells - no TV . Time is measured in how far apart the staff puts their fingers when you 'break' be it personal time or smaller group time. There is a lot of time that is very personal but there is also a lot of time that is just FUN! (In the Fall I was a big pink Ghost in our skit.)

If I haven't totally bored you yet I have some addys to give;

www.blackhills.va.gov/Womens_retreat.asp This site has info about the Retreat and some pictures from the Fall Retreat. As far as the staff knows this is the only Retreat of it's kind in the USA.

www.ptsdsupport.net/biology&PTSD.html (The Biology of PTSD explains a lot)

I have some other sites if anyone is interested.

If you've read this far then you aren't easily bored.



  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    I agree going to a sweat lodge may put one in the correct frame of mind for the retreat. I guess the retreat idea is something I will have to look into when I get past rads. I do think that having bc effects one spritually as well. I have been having a lot of discussions with God regarding my diagnosis. Glad you were able to attend.
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    What a wonderful experience!
    What a wonderful experience! I looked it up and see how much the staff put into it and how much is offered. I think many of us have or still do suffer from PTSD and would benefit from this retreat. I'm glad you got so much out of it and yes indeed, a sweat would put you in a whole different state of mind and one that transcends all races. I'll guess you're really looking forward to the one in the fall, LOL