Doc Appt/estrogen question

Lynn Smith
Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
Went to the doctor today. I found out about blood work that is done. I asked my doctor if she could test my estrogen level. She said the CBC shows estrogen levels. I asked her" will it show my tamoxifin is working to lower my estrogen level". She explained our bodies have estrogen even though we take tamoxifin.Its just tamoxifin blocks our estrogen levels.That is why we take it.So tamox doesn't "rid" our body but blocks our body from estrogen.

I always thought I should'nt have any or very little estrogen since I've had a totsl hysterocomy but our bodies still have estrogen.Just tamoxifin blocks it. I repeated what the doctor said and she agreed. Guess I understand now????

My blood work was done and I walked out with it. I had the chart that tells where I am for what.I have no idea what the abbrev were but I was in the low range on some things, medium range on others and a tad bit high on a couple things.What is tested I have NO idea(but complete blood count).The work is done right before I see the doctor and she knows the results.NEAT.

This is a answer to my question about estrogen levels and do we need to ask our doctors to do a test for that. It is done from what I am told at our regular appt.

I take the lower dose of tamox now.I feel if my level was high she would put me on the higher dosage of tamox or try another estrogen blocker.

Lynn Smith