
Hi ladies ,

Right mum is complaining of a cramp like feeling in her hands and ankles , is this neuropathy ? And what do suggest we do ? Icepacks?

Thanks Liz.


  • Rookerbird
    Rookerbird Member Posts: 100
    Neuropathy Question
    Hi Liz - So sorry your mom is feeling bad. Since I'm in the midst of Doxil treatments, I check on this website when I'm not sure if something is related to Doxil, after-effect of other chemos I've had, or something random.

    According to the Doxil site, numbness, pain or tenderness could be related to hand-foot syndrome and a call to doctor/nurse is recommended. But it also says "Check your body regularly for signs of skin irritation and HFS. If you have numbness or tingling in your hands and feet (peripheral neuropathy) from other treatment(s) or other conditions, you may not feel the symptoms easily."

    Wishing your mom a bit of reprieve from the ascites, depression, tiredness, hand/ankle is overwhelming when there's a "pile-up" of side effects. Glad you had a neat "top of the ski slope" moment.

  • anicca
    anicca Member Posts: 334 Member
    Yes, that is the first sign
    Yes, that is the first sign of neuropathy. I had no idea what was going on when it hit me rather suddenly. My doctor's NP told me to start 50 mg Vitamin B6 and 250 mg Magnesium daily. It began to work right away! At my 6 month check-up, my doctor asked me if I were still taking it, and nodded approval that I was. I am now taking gabapentin (Neurontin), which is helping with the burning sensations and even a little with the superficial numbness I've got, but they didn't want to give it to me during chemo (carbo/taxol), and I'm not sure why. Your mum should call and ask about the B6 & Magnesium.