Reconstruction or no

skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
I would love to hear some opinions! Several women have urged me to go for reconstruction after my mastectomy. They say it's for comfort and cooler than dealing with prosthetics. A couple others say don't do it because it can mask a recurrance. I'm scheduled to meet with my plastic surgeon next week and would love to hear some opinions from those who have gone down this road.


  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Not sure
    I can speak for my niece.She was 32 when she had her reconstuction.She had one breast removed and the next year the other one showed pre cancer. Another masectomy,Then the 3rd year she had reconstruction.She is very happy about it.She did have some infection and I hear alot do but you can talk that over with your doctor.

    I had lumpectomies but know there could be a chance someday for mastectomy.If so I will have to think real hard.I am 64 and know older than most but I am a D cup and would really look funny. My mom had a masecetomy at 21.She had alot of scarring and it looked horrible.she never complained.Then it was the norm(1940's) but now they do reconstruction.Looking back being around breast cancer since I was born,I saw one major hardsip for my mom was getting a bra to fit right and also buying the ("falsies).What we used to call them.When she dressed daily to go out she would put that falsie in.Then go do her errands.Then when she got hom it was pulled out.It was very very bothersome to her but that was many years ago.It is the way I lived so not sure how I will deal with this till the time.
    My mom said it was uncomfortable and very hot to wear one.

    My close friends have all had lumpectomies even being diagnosed with Stage 3 with one friend and Fast growing cancer with another. One doing fine after 16 years and the other doing OK after 6 years.

    I don't know how old you are but that might make a difference.And talk to your doctor.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    talk to your Drs
    They are the one that know the most about your situtation.

    I did not have reconstruction after Mod. Rad. Mast. - My Drs all said NO - not for a year at least. A lost depends on the type cancer you are dealing with - I'M IBC so it was a no go then. I have never regretted not being able to do it at the time. I got a large seroma, burned VERY bad after rads and have rather severe lymphedema (pretty much under control now with my FlexiTouch MLD) I can't begin to imagine what a painful mess it would have been had i also been trying to do recon at the same time. It's been almost 1 1/2 yrs since and I've decided that I want to look into it now - my PA has put me on the list for a consult some time this spring. Don't know rather I'll do it or not - I'm not unhappy with how things are just thinking maybe.

    Being hotter - can't say that I've noticed that or awkward/uncomfortable. A lot has to do getting a good certified fitter. Even at my age (64) I'm quite active and out in the heat a lot (it does get hot here on prairie just east of the Black Hills). I do all my own yard work (push mower), ride and do most of the care for our 3 horses, bicycle 15 miles several times a week (when it's not TOO hot). I've never had any discomfort or problems with my pros. If I'm up and about - it's on.

    Of course remember we are all different!

  • canoegirl
    canoegirl Member Posts: 169
    Whatever is best for you is what you should do.
    Whatever is best for you is what you should do. I had reconstruction using my own tissue. I don't think that masks a recurance the way implants do, but I would check with the doctor on that. I only had one breast removed, plus I have really good doctors and good insurance, so I opted to have the reconstruction. At a different stage of my life (both younger or older) I MIGHT have made a different decision. My step mom was about my age (50ish) when she had a mastectomy years ago and decided against reconstruction and seemed happy with her choice.

    Talk to one or more plastic surgeons and see what your options are and then decide.

    Good luck!
  • 1acme
    1acme Member Posts: 77
    Hello Skipper
    I thing that

    Hello Skipper

    I thing that it is a personal choice. Some people like to get your boobs back so the can feel as "complete" women,
    some ladies decide agains for different reasons.

    I just had lumpectomy, centennial note and 14 lymphs removed and currently I am in recovery.
    I also been diagnosed with DCSI so I am expecting that oncologist will "offer" me double mastectomy soon (I am 37).

    Personally ..... I do not mind to take them both off as it will give me peace of mind that "infected" parts may not spread further to my body. And I also decided to have reconstructive as soon as my doctor will allowed me. I am getting boobs back AND they will be better then my own now.
    But that's my opinion :o)

    Take care
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Hi Skipper, I did ask my surgeon and my onco if reconstruction can hide a recurrence and both told me they have not seen that happen, both also said all breast tissue is removed with the mastectomy so there is no tissue for bc. Deciding on reconstruction is a personal choice, you must decide what is best for you. I originally had chose not to have reconstruction and lived with a prothesis for 2 years before I decided to go ahead with the surgery. After several surgeries I am nearly done and for me it was the right decision. I wish you well.

  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    RE said:

    Hi Skipper, I did ask my surgeon and my onco if reconstruction can hide a recurrence and both told me they have not seen that happen, both also said all breast tissue is removed with the mastectomy so there is no tissue for bc. Deciding on reconstruction is a personal choice, you must decide what is best for you. I originally had chose not to have reconstruction and lived with a prothesis for 2 years before I decided to go ahead with the surgery. After several surgeries I am nearly done and for me it was the right decision. I wish you well.


    what did u have done. its been 3 years for me and i an ready to have recon.
  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    RE said:

    Hi Skipper, I did ask my surgeon and my onco if reconstruction can hide a recurrence and both told me they have not seen that happen, both also said all breast tissue is removed with the mastectomy so there is no tissue for bc. Deciding on reconstruction is a personal choice, you must decide what is best for you. I originally had chose not to have reconstruction and lived with a prothesis for 2 years before I decided to go ahead with the surgery. After several surgeries I am nearly done and for me it was the right decision. I wish you well.


    what did u have done. its been 3 years for me and i an ready to have recon.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    ladybug22 said:

    what did u have done. its been 3 years for me and i an ready to have recon.

    Hi Lady bug :-)
    I decided to go with the implant where the expander is placed in the chest to stretch the skin by adding fluid to the expander periodically till you reach the desired size. Once that is done then the expander is removed and the implant is inserted and secured into place. I did not do the nipple recon for almost a year. I just did not know if I wanted to do the tattoo or the graph. Well my implant slipped to the underarm when I would lay down so I figured since I was going in to secure the implant pocket I would have my surgeon create the nipple and do a skin graft for the areola. This is where I am now as the final surgery was on Feb 18 so I am still changing the dressing on the skin graft and nipple. I will tell you that it looks pretty natural. I hope this has helped, I wish you well in your reconstruction journey, feel free to PM me anytime.

  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    ladybug22 said:

    what did u have done. its been 3 years for me and i an ready to have recon.

    decisons decisions
    Have now met with my plastic surgeon again and he is suggesting using skin and muscle from my back with an implant underneath. He feels that would be the best option with least risk of failure since I have had rads. I'll see him again in August to schedule for September so my skin has lots of time to recover from the radiation burn. I'm looking forward to being cooler than with the "fake" I'm using now. That's my primary reason for recon.
  • csr771
    csr771 Member Posts: 117
    skipper54 said:

    decisons decisions
    Have now met with my plastic surgeon again and he is suggesting using skin and muscle from my back with an implant underneath. He feels that would be the best option with least risk of failure since I have had rads. I'll see him again in August to schedule for September so my skin has lots of time to recover from the radiation burn. I'm looking forward to being cooler than with the "fake" I'm using now. That's my primary reason for recon.

    Do the research of both reconstruction methods AND plastic surgeons. Each one of us can tell you we did this or that, but ultimately you have to do what feels right for you. I had a mastectomy of the left breast with immediate reconstruction, DIEP flap protocol. There are many different ways that reconstruction can be done--from the back, abdomen w/muscle and without muscle, buttock, implants, etc. You will not be a good candidate for every procedure and your plastic surgeon probably does not perform every procedure with equal proficiency. If what the plastic suregon tells you does not feel right or if you do not feel comfortable with the plastic surgeon, find another one. I did and it was a wonderful choice for me. Although I had a breast surgeon, oncologist and plastic surgeon the only doctor from which that I have not been released (surgery 1/21/11)is the plastic surgeon. You will have a long relationship with this person depending on the procedure that you decide upon. You will know what's right for you once you do the work.