sick children in the house

Katmy Member Posts: 93
One child has a fever and cough, which means all my kids will get it from school. Any advice on living with sick children through the long weeks of chemo. My WBC is normal again, thank goodness. However, 4, 5 day incubation period puts me at risk of the virus at my next treatment. I am trying not to freak and my children need me. Ugh. my heart and my anxiety.


  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Wash your hands. Make sure the kids wash theirs.Keep bathroom clean.Hand sanitizer.If a cold make sure the kids cover their mouth and then wash their hands.There are more but mind is blank now.You immunse system is down but these thing probably will help.Oh and my friend used to drink alot of orange juice when she was taking chemo.She said it kept her immune system up.She worked the times she took it.Only off 1 day.Made her appt. on a Friday.

    I am def one who stays away from sick people and I let them know it.Husband is the same way.We never get sick.We wash our hands before eating etc.We avoid aisles in the store where someone is coughing BAD.WE go the other direction. Germs can be in the air for 1/2 hour. If at the check out and someone coughs we go to the another checkout.We are cautious bu twe never get sick with the flu or pneumonia>His last cold was 6 years ago and mine was before that. Flu we never get.Never vomiting or diarrhea.

    Going to be hard to avoid but these things will HELP.When my kids got sick I did this and no one else got sick in the family.Kids bring these things home from school.

    Lynn Smith
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    A suggestion
    I got from my pc dr. was to take Airborne. My husband and I were both sick and my mother lives with us. Because we both went in to the dr. I asked for a suggestion to help keep my mother from getting sick (she is 86). The Airborne worked well for her - not even a sniffle. The only thing I can't tell you is if you can take it since you are doing chemo.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I have not had chemo
    But with MY HOUSE kids and grands and friend...strep went through then stomach virus...I did not get either...I just followed everyone around with Lysol wipes..wiped down phones, light switches, door knobs, fridge handles, railing on steps and washed in HOT HOT water...but you know all those tricks...
  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    I stayed away
    from people as much as possible and used hand sanitizer constantly. The day before my final chemo I caught something at work and was sick for 6 weeks. I had to take antibiotics for a month. My onc WOULD NOT let me take mega doses of vitamins. I wore a mask around my husband when he got sick (for 2 days only--his immune system worked!) and made him sleep on the sofa. We don't have young children at home, thankfully, but I just rested as much as I could and let my hubby fend for himself while I was sick.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Hand sanitizer. Use it
    Hand sanitizer. Use it frequently and try to avoid rubbing your eyes or nose while everyone is sick. Of course, the airborne illnesses are tougher, but teach your kids to do the Dracula cough. Cough into your elbow like Dracula positions his caped elbow over his face. If you get sick, call your physician early with any problems. But you may not. I worked in the hospital even when I had no WBC to speak of. Somehow, I never got sick--even though I took care of some very infectious babies. Good luck!!