Update on My Father

sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Well, he's still in the hospital. They want to keep him one more night for observation. Since they stopped most of the bleeding and he's gotten his fourth unit of blood, his hemoglobin numbers are finally up and are remaining steady. Thank you God!

He had an ultrasound of his legs to make sure there where no new clots. All came back clear, so they're going to take him off his blood thinner medicine and see if that helps stop the little bleeding that is still going on. They are also still deciding if they'll radiate the area again.

He's going for the 3rd, yes 3rd!, time to "try" to get an MRI done of his arm. They tried again last night, but whatever pain killers they "supposedly" gave him didn't do any good and my dad couldn't tolerate the pain of holding his arm in the position they wanted him to. My dad is a tough guy and has an extremely high tolerence for pain, so for him to not be able to handle it, you know it's bad. He said it's like he didn't get any kind of pain meds. So, this morning his doctor gave him a new prescription for a heavy duty pain med that will hopefully knock him on his butt and he can get the stupid test done with! I asked if they could just put him under for the procedure and for whatever reason, they don't want go there.

So...for now things are at least getting a bit better and he's stable. It's interesting as my mom mentioned this "setback" has reminded them of the reality of their situation. I think they were getting a little too lackadaisical about the seriousness of his situation. I keep telling them to really be intentional about living each day while he's feeling good! You never know when it's gonna turn and go down hill!! I think they finally "get" that!!

Thanks once again for all your thoughts and prayers. And for being willing to just "listen" as I ramble on! LOL. It does help just to "get it all out" even to people you don't know.
But one thing I do know...you all are awesome, strong people and this board has been a great support and blessing to me! There's nothing like coming together over similar circumstances and being able to share experiences and support one another! Even when the circumstances stink!

Blessings to You All,


  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good News!
    Hey sally
    Thanks for your recent dad update. I say this is good news, actually every little bit of light, every little bit of improvement, and hope....is good news in this journey! Glad dad is stable for now. Hope they get the pain med right! Gee whiz! The poor man needs an mri of his arm, come on now! Who are the drs here? Some days you wonder! Glad that mom and dad are at the point of "getting it." that means a whole lot. Enjoy and rejoice in every moment. Cherish each day you are all together now. May the peace of God be with all of you now. Let us know how dad is doing. Hugs to all of you!
    Tina in Va
  • linda1120
    linda1120 Member Posts: 389
    Hey Sally,

    You are one of the best listeners, and I so appreciate your listening to me, and your feedback. I hope they get the medication right so your dad can get his MRI. Your parents are going through so much and even if they don't verbalize it, it is there. They are so fortunate to have such a caring and loving daughter! Hang in there and always know there are listeners here for you.

  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Sally, so glad your dad is
    Sally, so glad your dad is better. I hope they will be able to find the problem with his arm soon. Even though he's better, the pain he has,is probably keeping him from realizing it.
    Praying for you, your mom and dad,
  • Callaloo
    Callaloo Member Posts: 135
    Please keep us updated
    I think of you and your father often. I feel a special kindred spirit, not only because your father is stage 4, but as I've mentioned before I have a son who is about your age, and I wonder if I'm trying too hard to shelter him. My husband and I know full well the seriousness of the situation, but we try very hard to be up-beat about it when we are with our son. When I read your posts, I think it's probably ok that we let him know that we "get" it. He's probably frustrated by his belief that we don't. Maybe he would be relieved to know we are not clueless. Maybe it would be more comforting to him as it is to you.

    In any event. I get a lot from your posts. My hopes lie in your father's recovery. I'm pulling for him. And for you.
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Callaloo said:

    Please keep us updated
    I think of you and your father often. I feel a special kindred spirit, not only because your father is stage 4, but as I've mentioned before I have a son who is about your age, and I wonder if I'm trying too hard to shelter him. My husband and I know full well the seriousness of the situation, but we try very hard to be up-beat about it when we are with our son. When I read your posts, I think it's probably ok that we let him know that we "get" it. He's probably frustrated by his belief that we don't. Maybe he would be relieved to know we are not clueless. Maybe it would be more comforting to him as it is to you.

    In any event. I get a lot from your posts. My hopes lie in your father's recovery. I'm pulling for him. And for you.

    Thanks Callaloo
    I appreciate your thoughts.

    As for trying too hard to "shelter" your son, you have to do what you think is best for all of you. I think it depends too on your son's personality. Some like to be sheltered, others, like myself, want to know EVERYTHING and discuss it! That's hard when you have parent's that just don't know how to communicate very well and are just "private" people. It drives me crazy! LOL. But, I've got to respect them and how they wish to handle their situation.

    I do however make it clear to my mom how I need to be told what's going on. She gets that and is becoming much better at telling me the "details". She is also opening up a bit more as to her frustrations and fears, which has drawn us closer together. So...that's been good. Not to start another lengthy conversation, but my relationship with my mother has been complicated and dicey forever. As for me and my father, I'd say we both love each other, but don't really "know" each other and don't have a very close father/daughter relationship. We do connect on some levels and share good times, but for me, it's sad because it could have/should have been so much better. But...you can't change people...so I just take what he's able to give and find joy in that. :)
