Memorial and Life Service Dec 26th.

LivingFaith Member Posts: 74
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Christmas Blessings to you all!

May everyone hug and cherish their family today and always as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. I had no idea last year at this time my dad would get EC and not be with us to celebrate. Very humbling to say the least.

Tomorrow, Dec 26th, our church is having a Life Celebration service. We celebrate all the new lives-the babies- that have entered the world this year. We also honor and remember all the people we love that have lost their lives on Earth. We celebrate entry into Heaven to be with our Savior Jesus, by lighting a candle in their memory. We pray and lift up to God these children and lost loved ones. There is a slide show with music and our loved ones pictures. It is very touching.

I am going to light an extra candle to represent all the people who have passed away this year from our EC board.

If anyone wants me to light a candle during the service for their loved one, by name, it would be my honor. Just reply here or if you are more comfortable send it by private message.

Maybe we could light a candle at home tomorrow to honor and remember our EC family both those still on the journey and those in heaven.

It has been 12 days since dad went to be with Jesus. I still want to carry on something in his honor and for all the EC friends.

I will close with this verse we had on my dad's funeral program:

I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race,
I have kept the Faith.

Rest in Peace Daddy-O! Love and Miss You Forever!
Rich Anderson
April 24th, 1945-Dec 13th, 2010



  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Deb, What a beautiful way to
    Deb, What a beautiful way to celebrate life and the passing of our love ones. We have done a version of this in the past, and it is so heart warming. My thoughts and prayers are with all my friends that have passed this year
