Update from the GreenHouse

leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi everyone!

Paula and Carlene--LOVE LOVE LOVE you guys! (and everyone else, too!) Tina, I hope you're doing well--miss you honey--sending healing thoughts out to the universe for you! Linda (all of the Lindas ;) and Nancy (all of the Nancys, too!) thinking about you and praying for you daily!

My latest news...where to begin...

Dad is home from rehab for his knees...his legs are still swollen and red with cellulitis, but he's walking. First thing the 71 year old man with acute cirrhosis of the liver did when he got home? Opened a da~n beer!!!! So, I'm guessing he's feeling fine.

Hubby Ken is no longer in acute renal failure (YAY), still whiny and in pain (Boo) Playing call of Duty Black Ops every waking moment that he's home from work (Boo Call of Duty, Yay Back to Work!)

Daughter Aly cuddled with me on the sofa while he played one night last week (YAY) Spends most of her time on the computer playing some online game with friends she's never met in real life (Boo)

lol..see a trend here?

Now for my updates:

Weird lump on my leg...not a blood clot. Had an MRI yesterday, will have results maybe Friday? Went for a squishy boob screening at the same time. The tech was wonderful and took great care with my port. That's the good part. The not so good part, there's an area of "concern." They took extra films and will compare them with old films and let me know for sure, but they don't "think" it's anything major. I'll know more in two weeks. (I'm thinking carbo/taxol would have put the kabosh on anything that was trying to grow, but who the heck knows). Decided not to share that bit of news with the family, I really can't deal with my husband complaining about how stressed HE is and whining even more about HIS anxiety (which manifests itself with physical bouts of puking, chest pains and loud comments about the amount of clonapine (sp.) he has to take to deal with my health issues.

I stopped working out because of the lump on my leg, and I've gained weight (I don't miss chemo but I do lament the weight gain that I've garnered since being off of chemo--- going on 20 + pounds now)

I've been in a funk. No one in my house is ready for the holidays, my birthday came and went this year without much notice from my family. (I really wanted a Keurig coffeemaker, but hubby says no, we already have a perfectly good coffeepot). No one is doing much to help around the house, so it's not Holiday Ready at all ;(. I took tomorrow off, not sure what I'll do with it. Probably laundry and cleaning.

Darnitall, this sounds really whiny. I'm really not this person! I'm supposed to be the PollyFreakin'Anna on this board! ;) On the bright side, looking forward to my one year anniversary. Hopeful for another clean scan and good bloodwork!

My new Mantra:

"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Alice in Wonderland

Believe in impossible things and anything is possible!

Love you all and I'm sorry I've been absent from the boards for so long.

