Mayo Clinic in Minnesota

Lee Christensen
Lee Christensen Member Posts: 49 Member
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Thinking about getting a second from here and be treated at Mayo Clininc in Minnesota. Anybody have any pro's or con's on this clinic?


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  • Bobs1wife
    Bobs1wife Member Posts: 150
    Mayo Clinic
    Lee, My husband had his second opinion at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, and then decided to have his surgery there. That is something we would do all over again. There are a couple others here on this site who had surgery at Mayo. I believe we all had different surgeons, and all seem to have had very good experiences with each of them. You will probably hear from them also. There are 6 surgeons who do the esophageal surgeries and we were told they are all divided amoung those six, so all have good experience. I'm not sure if all do the MIE. I know some definately do, so I would check on that.

    My husband had surgery on August 16, left the hospital on August 20th. He had the robotic assist, MIE, Ivor Lewes with Dr. Wigle. I cannot say how wonderful Mayo Clinic was for us. From how organised they were, to the nursing staff, great surgeons, and they are so familiar with this surgery. The nurses knew exactly what to look for for complications, should they happen, and were in constant contact with our doctor. We have never had such attentive care. We were checked on by our doctor, his assistant, and his PA five or six time per day, personally by them, and in between by the nursing staff. Push your button and you wonder how they could get there so fast. He was doing well after surgery, so he never went to ICU, just recovery and then on up to the floor. If you request a private room, and get one, they will allow you to have someone stay with you overnight, but only in a private room. The rate is $60 more per night, and insurance does not cover that extra $60, but we felt it was well worth it. I may be a strange thing to remember, but, Mayo almost seemed to sparkle with cleanliness. Maybe I noticed because we had a preop room, before port and g-tube put in) in Nebraska that was old and in disrepair, and really upset my husband. I won't even go into what the room was like. Maybe that was why I noticed so much at Mayo.

    Should you decide to go to Mayo Clinic, and have family members with you, all of the thorasic surgeries are done at St Mary's Hospital. It is set up so nicely with various waiting rooms to make family comfortable also. Hope you hear from Gerry, he also had surgery there and is doing well.

    We also have an oncologist there for second opinion, and he works well with our hometown doctor. All in all, 5 stars for Mayo from us. Linda
  • Bobs1wife
    Bobs1wife Member Posts: 150
    unknown said:

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    MIE-Mayo Clinic
    Lee, When we were at Mayo there were others that had esophagectomies on our floor and when I ask about the surgeries I was told that it is how the doctors were trained. Some of the senior doctors do what they were trained to do. The younger doctors were trained in another manner at the time of their schooling. Dr. Wigle, for instance, we were told is the only one that uses robotic assist. Others may do MIE, but not use the robot. I liked it because they can easily get to the lymph nodes they need to. My husband had 27 lymph nodes removed with the MIE. I know it used to be an issue with MIE proceedure being able to access enough nodes. I don't think that is the case now. Of all three Mayo Clinics Rochester does the most esophagectomies. Linda
  • GerryS
    GerryS Member Posts: 227 Member
    Surgery at Mayo..........
    Linda was correct, I had my diagnosis, surgery, consultation and follow up all done at Mayo, MN. I was given exceptional care and continue to have great confidence in the Mayo Clinics physicians and hospitals. My surgery was at St Mary's done by Dr Deschamps. I had the Ivor Lewis surgery and am doing very well. Being diagnosed is a real shocker and one needs to have the best in consultation and direction. I was given that at Mayo and was really impressed with how they communicated with my oncologist in Iowa where I had my follow up chemotherapy.
    I am sure there are many excellent hospitals and doctors in this wonderful country. I do not think any specific has all the answers. I will continue to be treated at Mayo as I fight this esophagael cancer. By the way, My daughter, now 31, had Ewings Sarcoma at age 5 and was treated at Mayo. She is cured and we had an excellent experience then also.
    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you decide what is best for you. God bless.
