How do you know when your body really is thirsty

Greend Member Posts: 678
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Well 14 years out and I had a first. Last week I finally decided to trim our hedges; basically an all day event. Like all of you I carry my water everywhere but I also know that there are times (always) when my mouth is dry but unless I need to talk to someone, I may just ignore it for a while. Well I guess I ignored it too long and I actually dehydrated. I got very tired and went to bed. Later I got up and realzed I couldn't see and my blood pressure was 57/46. Wife called 911 but as she was speaking I started to see light again. I know it was dumb and I never thought I would EVER dehydrate with the amount of water I drink each day. Dr told me I had dehydrated.

Old dog learned a new trick :>)


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    My wife grew to love this during my treatment, used to drive me nuts though...

    The nurses told her to lightly pinch the skin on the backs of my hands. If it tented up and stayed that way, I needed fluids. If it returned to normal and soft very quickly my body had plenty of fluids.

    I'm in no way a medical professional..LOL, other than this last two years nearly....but it works.

    My wife would drive me crazy, I'd be lying there all nice and comfy...ya right, LOL, she would pinch the skin and scare the crap out of me when I was half (or all of the way) dozed off....

  • Greend
    Greend Member Posts: 678
    Skiffin16 said:

    My wife grew to love this during my treatment, used to drive me nuts though...

    The nurses told her to lightly pinch the skin on the backs of my hands. If it tented up and stayed that way, I needed fluids. If it returned to normal and soft very quickly my body had plenty of fluids.

    I'm in no way a medical professional..LOL, other than this last two years nearly....but it works.

    My wife would drive me crazy, I'd be lying there all nice and comfy...ya right, LOL, she would pinch the skin and scare the crap out of me when I was half (or all of the way) dozed off....


    Compare wives
    Your wife is nice. To quote mine after this "I want to pinch your %%$##$%^ head off" :>)

    She still loves me
  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    Greend said:

    Compare wives
    Your wife is nice. To quote mine after this "I want to pinch your %%$##$%^ head off" :>)

    She still loves me

    Yes, Greend, she obviously does.

    No more scares - she'll love you even more!
  • rozaroo
    rozaroo Member Posts: 665
    Greend said:

    Compare wives
    Your wife is nice. To quote mine after this "I want to pinch your %%$##$%^ head off" :>)

    She still loves me

    That is exactly what my Oncologist did to me when I was dehydrated because of Chemo.
  • CajunEagle
    CajunEagle Member Posts: 408
    Greend said:

    Compare wives
    Your wife is nice. To quote mine after this "I want to pinch your %%$##$%^ head off" :>)

    She still loves me

    Thanks Greend
    I now have evidence for my wife that hedge cutting is hazardous to my health. Anybody out there have fainting spells while washing dishes ??

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570
    Hey Greend,

    I'm sorry to hear that you dehydrated out, but glad that the ending is happy. I've been a runner for a lot of years in South FL, and staying hydrated is pretty much job one. As you experienced, many people (even those who don't have the delightful experience of chronic dry mouth) don't realize that they are dehydrated until it's too late. One runner rule of thumb is to drink at least 4 oz of water or sport electrolyte replacement beverage every half hour, even if you don't feel thirsty. The importance of electrolyte replacement is extremely important. I take walk breaks while running to pour fluids down my tube. I hope that the hedges came out looking great.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    My wife grew to love this during my treatment, used to drive me nuts though...

    The nurses told her to lightly pinch the skin on the backs of my hands. If it tented up and stayed that way, I needed fluids. If it returned to normal and soft very quickly my body had plenty of fluids.

    I'm in no way a medical professional..LOL, other than this last two years nearly....but it works.

    My wife would drive me crazy, I'd be lying there all nice and comfy...ya right, LOL, she would pinch the skin and scare the crap out of me when I was half (or all of the way) dozed off....


    Got to agree, a fast way to test is to pinch the skin.

    My wife is always pinching me now
  • terryscarlett
    terryscarlett Member Posts: 143
    I have always heard if you get thirsty you have waited to long. Drink drink and drink some more. Hope you are feeling better.