Recruiting for CSN

Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I have invited a young woman who recently posted a message on my local support site. Her mom has OC, late stage. I know there are other daughters here who can help Ashlee help her mom. This is what she wrote:

I need some help or support or both! My mom was diagnosed last Feb w/
stage iv ovarian cancer. She has had great 3mo check ups since last
Aug when she completed treatment. This past Fri her blood work came
back at 59 when 3mo prior it was 17. I know this isn't good. I've
actually been to one Ft Worth dinner and the ladies told me to watch
if the numbers double. That it isn't a good sign. I have emailed and
talk to Dianne on prior occasions, very helpful and understanding.
What is your advice that you can give me at this time. I'm very
worried. She had her blood taken again today, so we should hear
something tomorrow or Thur. I'm more concerned for her because when we
talked today she said she has a very bad feeling about this. Words of
wisdom would be great right now.


  • Barbara53
    Barbara53 Member Posts: 652
    Ashlee, my mother's story is similar to yours, and there is much that can be done to manage the disease. Your mother's oncologist will probably order a PET scan to see if any lesions light up, then put her on an appropriate chemo. In general, second-line or maintenance chemo is not nearly as debilitating as the first regimen, which comes so soon after major surgery.

    My mother's numbers quickly rose to 167 this summer, but have now dropped to 29 on cisplatin and avastin. There are lots of things yet to try. Don't give up hope!