Cancer is controlled -- Near Remission

kstorger Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
I was originally diagnosed with adenocarcinoma on March 2, 2010. This is cancer of the esophagus which was for me a tumor that had grown out into the esophagus and had spread to 18 tumors in my brain and others in my chest cavity. This “silent killer” is diagnosed usually in men near age 60 as was with me. I was diagnosed in Univ of Cal San Fran hospital neurology department by a team of doctors. An endoscope was used to determine that the cancer had started and spread from my esophagus tumor. I was diagnosed as Stage IV, Terminal with a life expectancy of 5 months to 2 years.

I took 10 full brain radiation treatments and 6 chemotherapy treatments. I was hospitalized in San Francisco initially for 4 days. My radiation treatments went by smoothly and were immediately followed by the chemo. After my 2d chemo I was hospitalized twice in Merced for 6 days and two weeks later again for 5 days. I reluctantly resumed chemo only after changing the chemo drug and dosages. I continued chemo until Sept 15, my 6th treatment. I would have various CT scans and MRIs to check my progress.

Then on Oct 7th, I was given a PET scan during which radioactive sugars are injected into your body to illuminate any cancers in your body. This was a 3 hour procedure. This scan was followed up by an endoscope on Oct 11th. We would anxiously await the results. A preliminary report on the endoscope showed some remaining nodules in my esophagus and 10 biopsies to check for cancer were sent to pathology. I was informed by the doctor that I had Barrett’s condition which is a precursor to cancer, but there was not a protrusion as in March. Now we awaited final results until today, Oct 13th.

Today we went to my onocologist, who would give us the final results. As we sat there we were unaware that the biopsy results from the pathologist had just came in to the doctor. We had been told this morning we would have to wait for 5 more days. Dr. entered the room and shuffled through her papers and had me tell about my tests. She then interrupted and told us the wonderful news that NO CARCINOMA (cancer) WAS DETECTED in any of the 10 biopsies. The PET scan revealed only one area of illumination, the area near the esophagus and stomach juncture, where the biopsies were taken. There was no other illumination in my chest, lungs, lymph nodes, or brain. The esophagus tumor is controlled, the 18 brain tumors did not illuminate!, the lung tumor was not detected as well as no activity in the lymph nodes. Dr. was totally amazed with the results of these tests and stated that I am as close as I can be to a controlled remission. The Herceptin antibody therapy (not chemo) will be injected every 3 weeks to control the tumors.

PRAISE GOD. We truly believe God has provided a healing miracle in my body, freeing me of the cancers that were threatening my life. OUR GOD IS AWESOME. His healing hand was upon me the whole time and I could feel a multitude of prayers raining down on me coming from around the world and different religions. Thank you to all that lifted me up in prayer and the encouragement you gave me through this ordeal. We will continue to pray for long term remission. Thank you to all the wonderful doctors, nurses, and technicians that diagnosed, treated and led me to a near remission.


  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Hello, welcome and
    Hello, welcome and congradulations on the wonderful news! Yes, Our God is an awesome God.
    I was diagnosed stage 3 Ec in Nov. 2007. After receiving chemo and surgery, I am disease free. I don't take this for granted. I thank the Lord everyday for what He has brought me thru. I beleive prayers are what gives me strength to fight this beast. I know beyond a doubt, the Lord has me by the hand "Isaih 41,13 "
    I did not fit the usual stats. I am female and was 64 at the time of diagnosis. I had not had acid reflux ever, but I would get indigestion. My dr. treated me for this with meds until my food stuck, and then decided to do a scope. I now encourage anyone who experiences any hurting in the chest to insist on a scope.
    There are people on here who are also stage 1v. I'm sure you will be hearing from them.
    Praise The Lord for your wonderful news today. Please keep letting us know your progress .
  • mrsbotch
    mrsbotch Member Posts: 349
    That is so wonderful
    Your news is fantastic. I am mrsbotch and if you read my story you will see that my husband also has invasion of the chest cavity. The surgeon was not hopeful but the oncologist is going to start him on chemo Tuesday. What kind did you have and how often//
    Any info would be great for me.
  • kstorger
    kstorger Member Posts: 5
    mrsbotch said:

    That is so wonderful
    Your news is fantastic. I am mrsbotch and if you read my story you will see that my husband also has invasion of the chest cavity. The surgeon was not hopeful but the oncologist is going to start him on chemo Tuesday. What kind did you have and how often//
    Any info would be great for me.

    Chemo Trmts
    My chemo started with cisplatin and herceptin and a pill Xeloda 4 pills 2x a day. The chemo cycles were 3 weeks apart. My tumor qualified for the HER2 protien maxing out at 2.8 for the protien level. This regime is aggressive as it sent me to the hospital for 6 days and two weeks later for 5 days. These two chemos pulled my immunity levels down bad. Lots of pills and shots. I almost cancelled chemo and let the cancer run its course. My chemo dr. decided to change the recipe to carboplatin and herceptin with Xeloda pills to 3 pills 2x a day. This was much better thru chemos 4,5,6. I still took many injections for immunity levels as this was constantly monitored. Between 2 and 3 I developed a non-migrating blood clot on my lung so I am also on coumaden for blood thinning. Lots of blood checks for immunities and white blood count, potassium and magnesium. Something has worked as the cancer is gone, but do realize this "beast" can reappear. It can be controlled but rarely cured.
    I truly believe that the Herceptin was the miracle drug. I qualified as my espohageal tumor produced the protiens necessary to qualify for the treatments.

    I continue on a 3 week regimen on Herceptin indefinitely to keep the tumor under control. Keep in touch and God be with you.
  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    kstorger said:

    Chemo Trmts
    My chemo started with cisplatin and herceptin and a pill Xeloda 4 pills 2x a day. The chemo cycles were 3 weeks apart. My tumor qualified for the HER2 protien maxing out at 2.8 for the protien level. This regime is aggressive as it sent me to the hospital for 6 days and two weeks later for 5 days. These two chemos pulled my immunity levels down bad. Lots of pills and shots. I almost cancelled chemo and let the cancer run its course. My chemo dr. decided to change the recipe to carboplatin and herceptin with Xeloda pills to 3 pills 2x a day. This was much better thru chemos 4,5,6. I still took many injections for immunity levels as this was constantly monitored. Between 2 and 3 I developed a non-migrating blood clot on my lung so I am also on coumaden for blood thinning. Lots of blood checks for immunities and white blood count, potassium and magnesium. Something has worked as the cancer is gone, but do realize this "beast" can reappear. It can be controlled but rarely cured.
    I truly believe that the Herceptin was the miracle drug. I qualified as my espohageal tumor produced the protiens necessary to qualify for the treatments.

    I continue on a 3 week regimen on Herceptin indefinitely to keep the tumor under control. Keep in touch and God be with you.

    just want to congratulate you
    thanks for sharing your wonderful news. Good news is what gives us hope here and keeps us all going. My wish is for you to continue on this tract and keep getting negative tests and scans. Thanks again for sharing your treatment regimen too. take care, prayers for all,
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    kstorger said:

    Chemo Trmts
    My chemo started with cisplatin and herceptin and a pill Xeloda 4 pills 2x a day. The chemo cycles were 3 weeks apart. My tumor qualified for the HER2 protien maxing out at 2.8 for the protien level. This regime is aggressive as it sent me to the hospital for 6 days and two weeks later for 5 days. These two chemos pulled my immunity levels down bad. Lots of pills and shots. I almost cancelled chemo and let the cancer run its course. My chemo dr. decided to change the recipe to carboplatin and herceptin with Xeloda pills to 3 pills 2x a day. This was much better thru chemos 4,5,6. I still took many injections for immunity levels as this was constantly monitored. Between 2 and 3 I developed a non-migrating blood clot on my lung so I am also on coumaden for blood thinning. Lots of blood checks for immunities and white blood count, potassium and magnesium. Something has worked as the cancer is gone, but do realize this "beast" can reappear. It can be controlled but rarely cured.
    I truly believe that the Herceptin was the miracle drug. I qualified as my espohageal tumor produced the protiens necessary to qualify for the treatments.

    I continue on a 3 week regimen on Herceptin indefinitely to keep the tumor under control. Keep in touch and God be with you.

    Thank you for posting your cancer journey and your wonderful results! Wow! For someone to be able to go through all that you have been through is a miracle in itself! Praise our Awesome God! Congratulations and keep up with your remission! Live each day to its fullest.
    Tina in Va
  • MBryant
    MBryant Member Posts: 1
    kstorger said:

    Chemo Trmts
    My chemo started with cisplatin and herceptin and a pill Xeloda 4 pills 2x a day. The chemo cycles were 3 weeks apart. My tumor qualified for the HER2 protien maxing out at 2.8 for the protien level. This regime is aggressive as it sent me to the hospital for 6 days and two weeks later for 5 days. These two chemos pulled my immunity levels down bad. Lots of pills and shots. I almost cancelled chemo and let the cancer run its course. My chemo dr. decided to change the recipe to carboplatin and herceptin with Xeloda pills to 3 pills 2x a day. This was much better thru chemos 4,5,6. I still took many injections for immunity levels as this was constantly monitored. Between 2 and 3 I developed a non-migrating blood clot on my lung so I am also on coumaden for blood thinning. Lots of blood checks for immunities and white blood count, potassium and magnesium. Something has worked as the cancer is gone, but do realize this "beast" can reappear. It can be controlled but rarely cured.
    I truly believe that the Herceptin was the miracle drug. I qualified as my espohageal tumor produced the protiens necessary to qualify for the treatments.

    I continue on a 3 week regimen on Herceptin indefinitely to keep the tumor under control. Keep in touch and God be with you.

    Herceptin for EC
    Kstorger I am glad to hear this treatment has worked for you! This gives me and my husband great hope. He was diagnosed in June 2010 with stage 4 EC and it has now spread to his bones, main organs are still clear. He took 6 weeks of Cisplatin and Taxol and 5 fu without success, the Dr done scans on him and it still showed the cancer there and some lymph nodes where even more inflammed than before so he had a 6 week break and the Dr decided to do the gene test on him to see if he qualified for the Herceptin and he did, so he took his first treatment Nov 1 of cisplatin, herceptin and takes xeloda just as you did 4 pills 2x a day and it is really making him sick and causing lots of body aches. So he does the Herceptin once a week for the rest of his life and the cisplatin with herceptin and xeloda every 3 weeks so one more treatment of all 3 then scans again I just hope and pray he can hold out for all of this his body is already tired from the other treatments he recieved that didn't work. Pray for our family that it works for him just as it did for you.