I'm New

morgansfaux Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello all, I am new here. I've been in the chat room now for about a week, but lots of times nobody is in there...whaaa! So I thought I'd give this a try. Let me introduce myself, my nickname is Morgan and I am now a one year survivor.

I originally found my lump through a self exam last year, but was poo pooed by my GYN that it was just a cyst and to forget about it. I insisted on tests and it was cancer. My mother died at the age of 32 when I was four of breast cancer that metastasized to bone, so I have always been afraid I would get it as well.

I had two lumpectomies, sentinal node removal (lymph nodes turned out to be clear) and a nipple removal. I had mucineous carcinoma of the breast found in only 5% of breast cancer patients that they say rarely leaves the breast, and DCIS under the nipple area. I then had four rounds of chemo (Taxotere and Cytoxin) and 6.5 weeks of radiation. I finished treatment in February of this year and my hair is now about 3 inches long...yeah! Used to be thin, but long straight beautiful blonde hair. Now is really curly, thick and not sure what color it is! I have been put on a AI Inhibitor called Femora for five years which causes bone and joint pain. Lovely! Good news is I just passed my first year as a survivor!

I have read so many stories on here of so many survivors and am wondering if anyone else is suffering from depression? Not sure if it's the pills or just the fact I had cancer and the fear it will return. It's almost like cancer has become like the flu, I have so many friends who have friends or relatives with it or someone they know knows someone with cancer its scary.

Hoping to make friends to talk to,



  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425

    Welcome to our group.

    There are quite a few people on this board (myself included) who are/have been suffering from depression. Personally, I think it is a combination of medication and the fear it will return. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned - they have many ideas and options for helping with depression inculding medication and counseling.

    I encourage you to read as many of the previous posts as you can as they are filled with good ideas and a lot of support. You can search for things by keywords which may save you some time if you are looking for something specific. I have done this and it has been helpful.

    I didn't have chemo but had six weeks of radiation after my surgery (bi-lateral). My one year anniversary is this Thursday.

    I hope you find as much support here as I have since I joined last year - it is a wonderful group.

  • morgansfaux
    morgansfaux Member Posts: 5
    Wolfi said:


    Welcome to our group.

    There are quite a few people on this board (myself included) who are/have been suffering from depression. Personally, I think it is a combination of medication and the fear it will return. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned - they have many ideas and options for helping with depression inculding medication and counseling.

    I encourage you to read as many of the previous posts as you can as they are filled with good ideas and a lot of support. You can search for things by keywords which may save you some time if you are looking for something specific. I have done this and it has been helpful.

    I didn't have chemo but had six weeks of radiation after my surgery (bi-lateral). My one year anniversary is this Thursday.

    I hope you find as much support here as I have since I joined last year - it is a wonderful group.


    One Year Anniversary
    We have something in common already, my anniversary was Aug 5, 2010! Happy Anniversary!

  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Welcome to the boards.

    Welcome to the boards.

    You have found a great site. All the survivors here are encouraging and supportative and willing to discuss just about anything.

    Congratulations on reaching your one year anniversary.

    I too am taking Femara and you are right it is a pain in more ways than one. I finished chemo on Feb 26 and rads on July 2. I just scheduled my first mamo after dx for Sep 2.

    The depression kinda sneaks in there every once in awhile. The past year has been hard on me emotionally as well as physically. This board helps. I know I can post here and I will get the support I need without being judged. I am sure you will find lots of friends here.


  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Wolfi said:


    Welcome to our group.

    There are quite a few people on this board (myself included) who are/have been suffering from depression. Personally, I think it is a combination of medication and the fear it will return. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned - they have many ideas and options for helping with depression inculding medication and counseling.

    I encourage you to read as many of the previous posts as you can as they are filled with good ideas and a lot of support. You can search for things by keywords which may save you some time if you are looking for something specific. I have done this and it has been helpful.

    I didn't have chemo but had six weeks of radiation after my surgery (bi-lateral). My one year anniversary is this Thursday.

    I hope you find as much support here as I have since I joined last year - it is a wonderful group.


    Hi Morgan
    Just want to welcome you. There is so many of us, you would think this is like a flu right. This board and group is like the best ever. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done with out them. I am almost done with treatment, I only have one more Herceptin treatment and port comes out and I am then finished. That, I also found is stressful. Glad you found us, and again welcome.
  • Kara0221
    Kara0221 Member Posts: 5
    Hi Morgan, Happy
    Hi Morgan, Happy anniversary!

    I'm a newbie also, just have spent the last week or so reading all the encouraging posts for amazing women! I also am feeling depressed, and it didn't make it any better when someone told me "oh they got it, your ok now"....really cause I don't feel ok now.
    Talking to other survivors seems to help, they get it. Keeping busy helps too, if you have the energy...I didn't realize that being tired from Radiation ment completely exhausted! lol

    So happy for you in your 1st year of survivorship, that is really encouraging for me.
  • Betsy13
    Betsy13 Member Posts: 185
    Hi Morgan and Welcome
    They found my calcified cluster through a mammogram, had surgery twice because the first time the "doctor" (he was a jerk) missed. The 2nd surgery was positive for DCIS. Have since been through radiation. My depression was severe. I mean suicidal severe. I recognized it as that and am now on an anti-depressant. In my area, there are NO support groups within approx. 50 miles of me.

    I have had no support from extended family (husband and kids are great but they are ready for me to be normal again...whatever that is), friends, or work. My cousin who lives 10 minutes from me facebooked me for the 2nd time today to see how I am.

    I have been done with radiation for almost 3 months and am still fighting the crippling fatigue. I'm a teacher so I am busy writing lesson plans. I wrote 2 units for science(8th grade) in 2 days and spent the next day in my chair doing nothing.

    We are here for you to talk with, to vent with, whatever you need. We are in this together. I am terrified to go back to school because of the fatigue. The cause of depression is difficult to find sometimes. My rad. onc. thinks mine is from the radiation messing with the chemicals in my brain. I'm also seeing a therapy to help me deal with the depression and the let down of my expectations from extended family, friends, and work.

    Know that you are not alone,
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    Welcome to the board, sorry
    Welcome to the board, sorry for the need to be here but you will be so glad you found it. This is a great place for answers. Congratulations for being through with trt. sorry you are having depression problems.I have seen a book reccomended by a couple of different ladies. I do not have it but plan on getting it soon. It is After Breast Cancer by Hester Hill Schnipper.
    I have 9 rad trt. left 4 and then 5 boosters, just started Tamoxifen. I had the same chemo as you. Wishing you the best, prayers and God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Welcome Morgan!
    This is a great site. Whether you need to cry, just vent or ask advise this is the place to be. Sometimes I have down days, but luckily most are up days! I have a great support system including family & friends, which does help. I have my 4th and last chemo tomorrow. Yay! I also am taking Taxotere & Cytoxan. I will still have to continue my Herceptin treatment for a year. This site has definitely helped me through this. Hugs, Jean
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Jean 0609 said:

    Welcome Morgan!
    This is a great site. Whether you need to cry, just vent or ask advise this is the place to be. Sometimes I have down days, but luckily most are up days! I have a great support system including family & friends, which does help. I have my 4th and last chemo tomorrow. Yay! I also am taking Taxotere & Cytoxan. I will still have to continue my Herceptin treatment for a year. This site has definitely helped me through this. Hugs, Jean

    Hi Morgan, Welcome
    I too had

    Hi Morgan, Welcome
    I too had my tumor behind the nipple. Had a lumpectomy & sentinel nodes(thankfully they were clear)Stage 2, HER2, prog & estrogen +, so my chemo was Taxotere and Carbonplatin and Herceptin. Done with the 1st 2, put still on Herceptin till Oct and also started Tamoxifen which I will have to take for 5yrs, and went finished 33 rounds of radiation back in May. Still feel very tire, some days more then others, body pains, oh yea especially my hips, but also my back and legs. Onc told me to start taking a baby aspirin everyday, lets see if it helps. Depression, that too. It hasnt been too bad so I have not opted for meds, yet. But if I see that it starts to get bad,especially now that I lost my job 2wks ago, then I have no prob asking for meds. As you can see by my pic, this is my latest look since my hair started coming in.
  • sparkle1
    sparkle1 Member Posts: 242
    Hi Morgan
    Welcome to the

    Hi Morgan

    Welcome to the board. This is the best site ever. I can't get enough of it. Here you can ask anything and will get honest and open opinions. I want to be a survivor like you!
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Glad you chimed in Morgan!
    I felt depressed at times and for me it was due to being inactive. HATED lying
    around, especially after my Mastectomy and the lack of energy nearly drove me
    insane. But NOW that I am somewhat getting back to my old self I am SOOOO
    loving it!!

  • teresa41
    teresa41 Member Posts: 471
    aysemari said:

    Glad you chimed in Morgan!
    I felt depressed at times and for me it was due to being inactive. HATED lying
    around, especially after my Mastectomy and the lack of energy nearly drove me
    insane. But NOW that I am somewhat getting back to my old self I am SOOOO
    loving it!!


    just wanted to welcome you!
    i also have my days when i am depressed but i take one day at a time and try to stay active and busy it helps. i was diagnosed april 2009 on my left side . then again april 2010 on my right side none of it is easy.it helps knowing i am not alone.

    again welcome!

  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Hi Morgan :) I'm glad you
    Hi Morgan :) I'm glad you found this website - there are so many wonderful and helpful people on here. I also found a lump, and my Dr. also believed it was a cyst & wanted to "wait and see" because I'm 34 and have no family history. Thankfully my annual exam with my gyno was about a month later & he ordered a mammogram/sonogram.
    I'm glad you decided to chime in with us all even after your treatment, and of course you're a survivor! It gives those of us still in treatment, or newly diagnosed, hope!!
    I've been on zoloft for years for depression, so I can't really help much with that, it's just always kinda been there for me, it hasn't gotten worse since my diagnosis though, maybe because I was given anti anxiety medications while I was awaiting my biopsy results & I take them when things get too bad for me.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Hi Morgan :) I'm glad you
    Hi Morgan :) I'm glad you found this website - there are so many wonderful and helpful people on here. I also found a lump, and my Dr. also believed it was a cyst & wanted to "wait and see" because I'm 34 and have no family history. Thankfully my annual exam with my gyno was about a month later & he ordered a mammogram/sonogram.
    I'm glad you decided to chime in with us all even after your treatment, and of course you're a survivor! It gives those of us still in treatment, or newly diagnosed, hope!!
    I've been on zoloft for years for depression, so I can't really help much with that, it's just always kinda been there for me, it hasn't gotten worse since my diagnosis though, maybe because I was given anti anxiety medications while I was awaiting my biopsy results & I take them when things get too bad for me.

    Welcome .. Miss Morgan
    Survivor's Guilt or just down about live and our world. Depression takes on many forms and enters our lives unwelcomed. I've been on Effexor for about 6 months and find that it is helping me deal with my anxiety and depression brought on by life, and breast cancer.

    Please know that you are safe here, and advise is depensed (get it, like a doctor's office) based on our own experience. Please contact someone, clinic, support group or doctor and see if mediciation will help with depression.

    Keep up updated ...Please

    Vicki Sam
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Welcome .. Miss Morgan
    Survivor's Guilt or just down about live and our world. Depression takes on many forms and enters our lives unwelcomed. I've been on Effexor for about 6 months and find that it is helping me deal with my anxiety and depression brought on by life, and breast cancer.

    Please know that you are safe here, and advise is depensed (get it, like a doctor's office) based on our own experience. Please contact someone, clinic, support group or doctor and see if mediciation will help with depression.

    Keep up updated ...Please

    Vicki Sam

    Congratulations, Morgan on your being a 1-year survivor
    and welcome to this site. I have just finished my treatments, 2 surgeries in Dec. '09 for IDC with 10 positive lymph nodes, 6 rounds of TAC and 33 rad treatments. I went on Zoloft when I was first diagnosed--my anxiety and depression were through the roof. I am not a pill-taker, but I've been on it ever since and I think it has helped tremendously--just evened me out. I still have blue days--wondering about my future and when the side effects of all the treatments will subside, but they are manageable and I'm able to climb up and out again.

    This board has been a lifesaver for me. There is always someone who has an answer to a question or concern, and the support has been wonderful. These girls really "get it!!"

    Good luck and keep coming back,

    Hugs, Renee
  • morgansfaux
    morgansfaux Member Posts: 5
    missrenee said:

    Congratulations, Morgan on your being a 1-year survivor
    and welcome to this site. I have just finished my treatments, 2 surgeries in Dec. '09 for IDC with 10 positive lymph nodes, 6 rounds of TAC and 33 rad treatments. I went on Zoloft when I was first diagnosed--my anxiety and depression were through the roof. I am not a pill-taker, but I've been on it ever since and I think it has helped tremendously--just evened me out. I still have blue days--wondering about my future and when the side effects of all the treatments will subside, but they are manageable and I'm able to climb up and out again.

    This board has been a lifesaver for me. There is always someone who has an answer to a question or concern, and the support has been wonderful. These girls really "get it!!"

    Good luck and keep coming back,

    Hugs, Renee

    Thanks All For Your Support
    Thank you all very much for the well wishes and support. Having one of those whaa whaa days I will be better I'm a survivor already!
  • Snowkitty
    Snowkitty Member Posts: 295

    Thanks All For Your Support
    Thank you all very much for the well wishes and support. Having one of those whaa whaa days I will be better I'm a survivor already!

    This is a great place to come for answers. Post a question and in the blink of an eye, you will have lots of answers/opinions. These guys are great!

    Sorry we had to meet like this.

    Take care, cindy
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Welcome to the bc network
    Morgan and congrats on being a survivor of 1 year! Yeah! Depression is common much more than most people realize. I was dx with clinical depression 10 years ago while going through menopause. I met w/psychiatrist and later a therapist until 3 months ago and I was on Wellbutrin. Surprisingly I have not felt depressed since my bc dx. Four years ago a series of falls changed my life forever resulting in severe depression. I couldn't drive a car for 18 months and had to quit working and go on SSD. If your depression continues please talk to your oncologist about getting medication or referral to therapist. It really could make life much more enjoyable.

    A bit about me: I had bilateral mastectomy June 22 after being dx with LCIS in one breast and ILC (6.1cm tumor) in other breast. Sentinel nodes were clean. I started Taxotere/Cytoxan 2 weeks ago so I have 3-5 left. I'm the 5th in my family w/bc. I have found the information and experiences of those who post invaluable. A truly remarkable group of women and some men.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    Welcome to the bc network
    Morgan and congrats on being a survivor of 1 year! Yeah! Depression is common much more than most people realize. I was dx with clinical depression 10 years ago while going through menopause. I met w/psychiatrist and later a therapist until 3 months ago and I was on Wellbutrin. Surprisingly I have not felt depressed since my bc dx. Four years ago a series of falls changed my life forever resulting in severe depression. I couldn't drive a car for 18 months and had to quit working and go on SSD. If your depression continues please talk to your oncologist about getting medication or referral to therapist. It really could make life much more enjoyable.

    A bit about me: I had bilateral mastectomy June 22 after being dx with LCIS in one breast and ILC (6.1cm tumor) in other breast. Sentinel nodes were clean. I started Taxotere/Cytoxan 2 weeks ago so I have 3-5 left. I'm the 5th in my family w/bc. I have found the information and experiences of those who post invaluable. A truly remarkable group of women and some men.
    {{hugs}} Char

    Hi Morgan
    Welcome to the best place I know. I only wish that I had found it sooner. I think depression has affected all of us at one time or another and is probably a combination of things. I was just recommended a book called After Breast Cancer which sounds great, I have read some of it on line. It's about a woman who had bc twice and she works at Beth Israel Hosp in Boston in social work. She realized through her group as well as her own experience that no one really addressed the "after" portion of life when chemo and rads are over.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Happy Anniversary!
    You have made it a year! That is a great accomplishment!

    As far as depression, there are many of us receiving help for depression. Oncologists know that it is common, so holler if you need help. I have been on lexapro since my metastasis and it has really helped. Do ask your oncologist for an antidepressant first as there are some that are not recommended for breast cancer patients. Therapy and support groups can be helpful too.

    The fears do subside with time, but for me, it really took a long time. I wish I had been on something years ago--I think it would have helped battle the anxiety and depression.