lump biopsy

Karen9182 Member Posts: 60
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I recently underwent a biopsy for a lump on my neck the size of a walnut. It just showed up over night, but is in the approximate location of a "hot spot" that showed up on my last CT. we did a biopsy which came back clean: all tissue looked necrotic; dead. we are assuming it is/was a lymph node that got taken out with the first couple rounds of chemo. It did not show up on the PET scan back in Feb. my onc is bugged by it and is suggesting tkaing it out completely. sounds right I guess. I am scheduled for another PET in three weeks. my 7th and final cycle of chemo is scheduled to start tues the 17th IV and 18th IPCisplaatin and finally IP taxol on the 24--then all done. I am fighting a bad cold right now, sore throat for 3 days and a bad cough for a couple. has anyone ever done "belly chemo" with a bad cough? I cant imagine it will be fun. maybe a week off is in order, i just dont know.