My brother & surgery plans...input

caregiver4all Member Posts: 26
edited March 2014 in Stomach Cancer #1
Hi Everyone,

We met with the surgeon on Thursday. The results were very good from the endoscope/sonogram. Seems it is localized and very small. The doctor is ordering a PET Scan for next week. We have a tentative date for surgery Aug 3rd but it depends on what the heart doctor says on Tuesday.

We are also seeing a genetic counselor next Thursday. However, even if my brother has the gene CDHD1 the doctor is only going to remove 70 % and keep a close surveillance every 3 months. With my brother's other health issues it keeping part of his stomach in tact is better for his quality of life. I would like to know how people feel on the board about keeping 30 % of the stomach even if the gene turns out to positive. My brother is 60 years old and has major other health issues besides the recent cancer diagnosis.

Feedback is greatly welcome.
