Oncoplasty & Radiation

zivagirl Member Posts: 19
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Has anyone had reconstructive performed after lumpectomy for DCIS? Dr. is suggesting it for me; removal of implants, lift both breasts and fill lumpectomy incision with my breast tissue. Then followed by radiation. So far as I know I am Hr and Er negative. An awful lot for me to take in and am scared to death of the surgery and most of all the radiation. Any tips on how to get through the radiation - type of clothing to wear to lessen irritation; type of cream to use? Appreciative of all everyone offers.....


  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    Zivagirl, so sorry to hear
    Zivagirl, so sorry to hear of your dx. Rads are definitely doable! Your rads onc or rads nurse should give you (or tell you what to get) cream. Be sure to use it exactly as they say.
    I am rather "generously" sized, and I continued to work (I am a teacher), so I needed a bra that I could wear all day. I got the cotton bra from Just My Size in 1-2 sizes larger. I
    was able to wear it throughout. I got mine at Meier Stores but you can order them over the internet, too. (Maybe one at K-Mart, too.) During the worst I purchased flannel from the fabric store & cut it into 9 x 9 squares to pad the affected area. Take each day as it comes & don't be afaid to ask your onc or nurse. Good luck! Keep us posted.