3rd form of treatment - Doxil - any tips?

Linn1 Member Posts: 47
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
This is my 3rd form of treatment in 2.2 years. I start Doxil Wed., just wondering if anyone has any tips prior and during the use of this drug. I've read about the side effects. Any tips for dealing with the possible hand/foot rash/dermatology issues?
Thanks for your help.


  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Hi Linn,

    Bonnie posted some very helpful precautions to take (taken from the doxil website) that I tried to follow, that you can find in the archives, and here are some other threads too in the archives on doxil that you might want to read.

    I just finished 8 cycles (3 with carbo combined) of doxil (40mg x m2). I did get the rashes on my trunk (under my arms and breasts) and blisters eventually on my feet (after 4 cycles). It was working well, and numbers came down, until they lowered the dose. Then the CA went up. So, therefore adding in the carbo.....

    I would say it was not an extreme difficulty to do it and continue on with life, but when I got the blisters, I ended up on the couch for 3 months. I could hardly walk.

    Everyone is so different and maybe it will be easy to tolerate for you. I do recommend following the do and don't do list. I think it made a difference and why I could be on it for so long. In the end, my CA was lower than when I started and am now able to take a couple months off. I honestly believe though that the last 4 doses of carbo added in that brought things down. Doxil just seemed to keep things at bay, not work toward killing the cancer. Just my gut feeling.

    A couple tips that I will pass on. First, get the fur lined crocs or something similar. They are comfortable and really make a difference for not irritating the feet. (I wish I had worn them from the beginning, because it might be why I got such bad blisters.) I also got fuzzy slippers for inside, and I lived in my slippers and crocs for months. Not sure where you live, but if it is a hot climate, it will be a bit harder to keep your body cool. I started in September and it was still very hot here in Japan. I hung onto long narrow ice packs when I went out, and driving in the car, make sure I didn't get over heated.

    Wishing you the best!
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    I had five infusions of Doxil. I did not use icepacks during infusions as lots of women suggested. Initially I did find the side effects troublesome. After awhile I realized the side effects really aren't that bad. I would have happily stayed on Doxil as long as it worked. I started with hyperpigmentation. I freckle easily and my legs developed these unsightly, large, dark spots all over. Then I started with rashy areas on my feet and abdomen. I used aquaphor liberally. It did help some. Mouthsores developed, very painful but an oral rinse quickly took care of it.

    The foot rash did get progressively worse and started itching. I didn't have blisters, just a peeling rash that itched like crazy. As the warmer weather started coming in my feet would swell. I had bought crocs also. They helped hide my swollen, unsightly feet and kept them cool at the same time. I was taken off Doxil shortly after buying the crocs. I've been off Doxil for maybe 3 months now. The hyperpigmentation on my legs is just about gone. My one foot is still recovering but oh, so much better.

  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    Hi Linn,
    Another thing about

    Hi Linn,

    Another thing about the doxil for me was how harsh it was on my gum tissues. They would swell, becoming inflamed and then they would go down just as fast as it had come.

    You might want to look for the many sensitive mouth-washes out there geared for this very purpose. Many of the ladies had posted threads about product names for these washes.

    Also; I did not experience blisters along the trunk area, however, I did suffer from the hand and foot syndrome in which both turned very purple/blackish and very dry. I did my best to keep these areas cool and moisturized.

    Hope some of my tips help you as well.

    Good Luck,

  • Linn1
    Linn1 Member Posts: 47

    Hi Linn,
    Another thing about

    Hi Linn,

    Another thing about the doxil for me was how harsh it was on my gum tissues. They would swell, becoming inflamed and then they would go down just as fast as it had come.

    You might want to look for the many sensitive mouth-washes out there geared for this very purpose. Many of the ladies had posted threads about product names for these washes.

    Also; I did not experience blisters along the trunk area, however, I did suffer from the hand and foot syndrome in which both turned very purple/blackish and very dry. I did my best to keep these areas cool and moisturized.

    Hope some of my tips help you as well.

    Good Luck,


    Doxil tips
    Hi Ladies-
    Thanks for the tips. REad thru a few other discussions re: Doxil and learned a little more. I did print the self-care tips given by the drug company and will follow those too...hopefully this drug gives me some time. I have so many drug allergies and adverse reactions to meds, I'm just scared.

    Hang in there everyone.