possible help for bad taste

jgilbert1270 Member Posts: 9
Like many after chemo, nothing taste good. a friend of mine came up with a solution. Every morning I take 50 MGs of zink and 250 MGs of magnesium. Not sure if it helped because the chemo was wearing off, but really made a huge difference. I go for more chemo Thurs and will keep you updated about the effectiveness during the chemo. Good luck & God bless to all


  • kayebadoe
    kayebadoe Member Posts: 81
    The last 10 days to a week
    The last 10 days to a week you kinda get back to normal (at least our normal) then you have to start all over again. I had my second round on the 10th and my taste is going again. I will try the combination.
  • Susy28
    Susy28 Member Posts: 18
    That sounds like a better
    That sounds like a better solution than mine. I ate everything regardless of the taste but I ate lots of sweets because it helped me with the bad taste. Now I have to deal with cavities. lol. Big mistake.