Just had my second chemo yesterday and some tentative good news from doc

hopeful girl 1
hopeful girl 1 Member Posts: 454
edited March 2014 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1
Hi friends!

I am uterine cancer stage III.
I had surgery end of March and all tumor was removed-including uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and aorta lymph nodes. Doc noted all cancer was removed. We are treating for microscopics. He said if I were to do no treatments cancer would definitely come back.

I just had my second chemo yesterday (Friday). I am on the sandwich therapy 3 chemos/25 raditions/3 chemos. Chemos are every three weeks.

Well, the tentative good news is that my oncologist was very pleased yesterday. He said my CA125 bloodwork (cancer marker) after the first chemo treatment dropped. He said post surgery my level was 300, and now after the first treatment it is 20. He said that is great news and a good sign that the chemo is working and doing what it is supposed to.
I was so thrilled. So, it made me just alittle less nervous about going to get the chemo.
Today I feel ok, kind of tired. I always tell my doctor he is my HERO. HE always gets a big smile at that.

Wanted to share this little bit of potential good news as I think when we all share our pieces of happy news, it uplights and gives hope to us all.

What I am doing to help my treatment is drinking Ensure Plus (for protein and calores) and I also mix in protein powder (23 g) in orange juice once or twice a day, or sometimes I throw the protein powder in a milkshake for extra calories. (I have had appetite and weight loss issues) and that is why I make milkshakes too. My weight dropped lowest to 107 and now is up to 118.

I try to mix rest with getting out of the house alittle to run errands or visit a friend, relax with my boyfriend.

If my joint hurt too much I will just take it easy that day. I also have been renting movies, particularly romantic comedies. I keep goodies like applesauce and popsicles around for snacks. I go on these boards to keep in touch and share.
I am thinking about checking out a wellness center in the area that offers all free classes and services for cancer patients and family members of cancer patients.
There is a female cancer support group and I may check that out.

What things does everyone else do that they think might be helping their health in addition to treatments?

Peace and healing to all and enjoy the holiday week-end! :)


  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    I'm reading about me!
    Gosh my cancer sounds like your's....what type and stage? Im uterine 3C diagnosed last February, total hysterectomy, with cancer only found in 1 pelvic lymph node. Had same chemo as you -- taxol/carpo and ended July 31, '09. Today no cancer found and feeling quite good. Still some side affects from either treatment and finding most docs aren't good at understanding after affects, so we're left on the side of the road....dah!

    I go to The Wellness Center here as started the group therapy with a few girls with other forms of cancer...wonderful support for me! Plus the many classes, lectures and support -- all for FREE. Join as it's very helpful!!

    Keep busy and take care of yourself as the treatments can jolt our systems. I do eat and exercise, and read lots of research and information on my cancer, so better able to handle the best things to keep cancer at bay. This site has been wonderful as also gained much strength from others.

    One of the biggest areas I zoom in on is what I eat and increased exercise and yoga in each day. We at this point have to keep our immune systems beefed up and the proper intake of foods will help gain strength to fit off any recurrence of cancer. Also any exercise that forces oxygen into our systems forces cancer out....try the deep and heavy breathing while out walking fast....great! Recommend a book, Anti cancer, A new way of life!...sorry can't remember the author as don't have book in front of me....purchase at Amazon.

    Best to you and pat yourself on the back as you're doing great!!
  • Songflower
    Songflower Member Posts: 608
    The little things are the big things
    I am glad your chemo is working so well. It is a good sign. Just little things to make us happy are a reason to celebrate. My best advice is eat a good balanced diet. the anti cancer book is great. Rest as you need to. Pamper yourself. You're on your way to NED!

  • hopeful girl 1
    hopeful girl 1 Member Posts: 454
    jazzy1 said:

    I'm reading about me!
    Gosh my cancer sounds like your's....what type and stage? Im uterine 3C diagnosed last February, total hysterectomy, with cancer only found in 1 pelvic lymph node. Had same chemo as you -- taxol/carpo and ended July 31, '09. Today no cancer found and feeling quite good. Still some side affects from either treatment and finding most docs aren't good at understanding after affects, so we're left on the side of the road....dah!

    I go to The Wellness Center here as started the group therapy with a few girls with other forms of cancer...wonderful support for me! Plus the many classes, lectures and support -- all for FREE. Join as it's very helpful!!

    Keep busy and take care of yourself as the treatments can jolt our systems. I do eat and exercise, and read lots of research and information on my cancer, so better able to handle the best things to keep cancer at bay. This site has been wonderful as also gained much strength from others.

    One of the biggest areas I zoom in on is what I eat and increased exercise and yoga in each day. We at this point have to keep our immune systems beefed up and the proper intake of foods will help gain strength to fit off any recurrence of cancer. Also any exercise that forces oxygen into our systems forces cancer out....try the deep and heavy breathing while out walking fast....great! Recommend a book, Anti cancer, A new way of life!...sorry can't remember the author as don't have book in front of me....purchase at Amazon.

    Best to you and pat yourself on the back as you're doing great!!

    What kind of exercise and how much ok
    I am still confused about how much exercise is ok etc?
    Is walking best. I am concerned about yoga since I still have a little bit
    of swelling left in my abdomen from surgery end of March.

    Does everyone walk and how much? Does everyone do yoga and what kind of stretches.

    Healing and peace to all!

  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379

    What kind of exercise and how much ok
    I am still confused about how much exercise is ok etc?
    Is walking best. I am concerned about yoga since I still have a little bit
    of swelling left in my abdomen from surgery end of March.

    Does everyone walk and how much? Does everyone do yoga and what kind of stretches.

    Healing and peace to all!


    Exercise wise really depends on you and where you are with surgery and treatments. If anything walk slowly and start with 15-20 minutes each time. Then every week or so if that felt good and you're not exhausted, increase another 5-10 minutes and continue until up to approx 1 hour. Now I don't know your exercise background so best to consult with a doc before starting.

    Yoga? DOn't know if it will hurt the tummie,,,,,just be careful. Possibly work more on stretches for legs and arms and not much with middle area until swelling gone.

    I work out approx 6 times per week and when I walk it's quite fast for approx 50 minutes each time. SOme times I add running to the mix as was a huge runner before my cancer diagnosis and trying to get back into that sport. You can possibly sign up for entry level yoga class and see how that fits for you. Thinking some on this site have suggested yoga or meditation tapes or try library for tapes. I do yoga each morning for approx 20 minutes before my workout routine.

    Best to you and ask away on exercising...you know cancer can't grow with oxidation....so breate deep and hard....

  • kkstef
    kkstef Member Posts: 688 Member

    What kind of exercise and how much ok
    I am still confused about how much exercise is ok etc?
    Is walking best. I am concerned about yoga since I still have a little bit
    of swelling left in my abdomen from surgery end of March.

    Does everyone walk and how much? Does everyone do yoga and what kind of stretches.

    Healing and peace to all!


    Cindy....Just do what you can. Jan offered good advice! I wish I had appreciated the benefit of some exercise while I was in treatment...but it is never too late!

    I would highly recommend Restorative Yoga. It is much gentler and the instructors will really help you based on your abilities. I have been doing Restorative Yoga for a little over a year and I just love it! I wouldn't give it up for anything!! So relaxing...just makes me feel SOOOO good! I do some of the stretches almost every morning and I do think that really helps.

    Best wishes to you!! Karen
  • norma2
    norma2 Member Posts: 479
    Glad for your news!!
    Joining in with Jan, Karen and Diane to say how glad I am you are doing well. I live too far away from the Wellness Place at MD Anderson to go there on a regular basis. However, when I was in treatment last Fall I took advantage of the classes and lectures available. It was helpful. Learned some things that I incorporated into my daily routine. As the others recommended a good diet and activities will add to your recovery. {{{hugs}}}