What to ask the surgeon

sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I will have a bilaterial mastecomy the end of May. what should I be asking the surgeon when I met with him?


  • CarrWilson
    CarrWilson Member Posts: 111
    If you go to the main body of this website cancer.org - treatment decision tools - there is a suggested list of questions to ask. Everyone is different, starting immediately write down any questions you may have, talk with family, friends, especially anyone else who has BC and they may have some suggestions.

    Someone suggested a journal when I began this journey, I am not a journalist, but it was very helpful as I was going thru treatment. I wrote down everything the MD's told me, and they were referred to multiple times as I had to make decisions. And additional questions arose.

    Finally, I would suggest you take a husband, friend, or relative to all your initial appointments. When someone tells you "Cancer" you tend to block out other things are being told to you. When I was told "mastectomy" I burst out crying and was so glad my husband was there because I could not hear anything else.

    Best of Luck - Carrie
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    4 ears are better than 2
    I agree with Carrie: Always take another person with you and have her take notes. Even so, we misunderstood some things at first! It's so emotional and can be complex. Discuss every question until you are satisfied you understand. If you think of a question later, leave a voicemail and ask for a call back, usually from the nurse.

    Carrie gave you a good resource, so I won't reiterate all that. Be aware that every woman's situation is different. There are many factors and possibilities. Don't assume that because you read or hear about an issue or treatment that it will apply to you. Anyone on this discussion board will tell you that we are sharing our personal experiences, not giving medical advice.

    If you want a second opinion, your surgeon will understand. You are in charge!

    I'm sorry you have to be doing all this. It ain't fun, but, as you'll hear again and again, it is definitely doable. Best of luck to you!!