RIP Mary Ann

Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Some of you may remember me mentioning my brave friend with Stage IV colon cancer, her name was Mary Ann and she went home to God this month. She was such a big inspiration to me, she never gave up and even with mets to the liver and lungs, she was getting 5 FU every other week and she was not giving in. She thought she still had another year at least. A nurse, a teacher and happy person. When she answered the phone even if she had just been thru hell, you would never know it. She had this cancer 7 yrs, 4 yrs of remission the rest spent fighting it. We had many a phone call comparing chemo and insurance problems and she was single while I was lucky enough to have my Ron here, but Mary Ann had many friends and neighbors who helped her. At one time, when they found it recurred, they opened her up and just poured the chemo drugs into her abdomen. Boy, am I going to miss her but she is in heaven finally out of suffering. Someone said heaven will be a happier place with her there.
Prayers always,


  • Duane61
    Duane61 Member Posts: 29
    Sounds like she was a
    Sounds like she was a wonderful person. She will be missed. I will keep you in my prayers for your loss of a best friend.


  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
    amazing---but so are you!
    that is amazing that she was able to help you out so much while she was going through thte same thing---I bet that YOU helped her more that you realize!!!! I hope that if I ever have cancer, that I can have a friend like you or Mary Ann to help me though!

    I am sorry for the loss of your friend---but glad that she is not suffering any longer...
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    K_ann1015 said:

    amazing---but so are you!
    that is amazing that she was able to help you out so much while she was going through thte same thing---I bet that YOU helped her more that you realize!!!! I hope that if I ever have cancer, that I can have a friend like you or Mary Ann to help me though!

    I am sorry for the loss of your friend---but glad that she is not suffering any longer...

    My sympathies
    Dear Donna,
    So sorry for the loss of your friend. Heaven will be a much happier place now that she and my dad are there! They are both at peace, and no longer have to fight this horrible disease. My prayers go out to you and her family at this time. I share in your grief.
  • mumphy
    mumphy Member Posts: 440

    My sympathies
    Dear Donna,
    So sorry for the loss of your friend. Heaven will be a much happier place now that she and my dad are there! They are both at peace, and no longer have to fight this horrible disease. My prayers go out to you and her family at this time. I share in your grief.

    So Sorry!
    Hi Donna,

    I am so sorry to here of the loss of your dear friend. I will be sure to include her family in my prayers.

    You stay strong!!

    God Bless,