double mastectomy 2 weeks ago

kms3566 Member Posts: 57
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello, I am not really sure what to post. This entire process as hit me hard. Within 2 weeks of my mammogram I had a double mastectomy, actually 2 weeks to the day, which is today. Yesterday I had my drain tubes and all 75 staples removed and physically feeling tons better. I have been told that only the centinal node was positive and all others were clear, so no radiation only chemo. I have my 1st appt with the chemo dr feb 23. Still I am not sure what my feelings are. I want to move forward ASAP with chemo and reconstruction. There is only one dr in my area with recon that i was told about, but i am wanting to check the surrounding areas, which are really close ( anyone out there in the Greensboro, NC area)! I am just so scared and not sure what to do next. I guess most for this is my way to unload and really could benefit from all the knowledge of wonderful ladies out there that I have been reading their posts!


  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    You've had no time to catch your breath or even begin to deal with all this! Of course you want to move forward with your chemo ASAP but take your time with the plastic surgeon. Interview, reference check, network with friends cause maybe someone knows of a good surgeon, the whole nine yards. You can't do both chemo and reconstruciton at the same time (as far as I know, I didn't have reconstruction) so you have plenty of time to find someone. You have to live with this doctor's work a lifetime.

    You are having to process a lot of info and decisions in a very short time, you are doing a terrific job and you bet you are scared. Just slow down and take your time and don't let anyone rush you.

    We are all here ready to listen and wish you well with your decisions...

    Hugs, Judy :-)