Platelet count

shoemeiste Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Multiple Myeloma #1
Dr. Tan, who was on call for my mom's regular GP, Dr. Whitaker, called our home on 16th of January. He provided information that her bloodwork from 15 January indicated a concern on his part that her platelet count was 25. On 4 January her count was 71. This caused concern for Dr. Tan and he said we should relay this information to oncologist's wire service for consideration on my mother's Tuesday’s next chemo that is scheduled. He also mentioned that the other numbers were Hemoglobin 9.1 and Hematocrit 25.8. I can't tell how bad 25 is or what this means. Anyone help?


  • meloasia
    meloasia Member Posts: 11
    platelet count
    I want to suggest that anything you want to know can be google.
    Once you have info, then you don't feel so hepless and hopeless.
    Yes, 25 is very low to the point some doctors would recommend blood transfusion.
    But it goes back up so not to worry.