Help getting back to mainstream after caregiving ends.

santafe2323 Member Posts: 7
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
I am looking for help to make the transistion back into the mainstream after caregiving, grieving and most change towards a new normal have happened. It is 1-1/2 years since my mother died and I am still having trouble with sleep patterns. What was an adjustment to a 3-11AM sleep pattern to best care for her has become a habit I just cannot break for the regular 8-5 job. Has anyone had a similar experience and triumphed at getting back to a normal sleep pattern? Does anyone relate and have any help in getting back to a normal habit of sleeping and waking?


  • santafe2323
    santafe2323 Member Posts: 7
    Wide awake and...
    Well I have joined this network hoping for some help and answers. It is 1AM and I am now going to try to get to bed and get some sleep. If I get to sleep soon I can get 5 or so hours of sleep and wake to get to work on time. If I don't wake up until 11 AM I think I will just cry.
  • grandmafay
    grandmafay Member Posts: 1,633 Member

    Wide awake and...
    Well I have joined this network hoping for some help and answers. It is 1AM and I am now going to try to get to bed and get some sleep. If I get to sleep soon I can get 5 or so hours of sleep and wake to get to work on time. If I don't wake up until 11 AM I think I will just cry.

    I'm not really sure I can
    I'm not really sure I can give you any help. I lost my husband in Oct., 2009 so I am still in the grief stage. I sleep well because of some medication I take for my fibromyalgia. My only suggestion is that you talk to your doctor about some temporary sleep meds. They have some short acting ones that might help you sleep without making you sleepy all day. Also, don't be sure that you have moved beyond the grief. It can take a very long time. Some grief counseling might not be a bad idea. Like I said, I'm not sure I can help. I just wanted to let you know that I'm here. Take care, Fay
  • soccerfreaks
    soccerfreaks Member Posts: 2,788 Member
    "...sleep, perchance to dream"
    I think that many of us, both survivors and caregivers, can relate, santefe. Cancer, its treatment, and subsequent results, after all, do not work an 8-5 shift and so it is not uncommon for us to find ourselves 'out of whack' with respect to sleep patterns.

    However, to be caught up in such a disjointed sleep pattern a full 1.5 years beyond mom's passing is cause for concern.

    I join Fay in suggesting that you consider short-term sleep agents and that, more importantly, I think, you talk to your doctor or some other professional about the possibility that your grief has led to depression.

    Regrettably, this is not uncommon either.

    Take care,

  • pattynonews
    pattynonews Member Posts: 176
    Well it has been a little over 2 months since Jack passed and my sleep is totally off, I will go days without sleep and then I will crash, I did happen to find some of Jack ativan and they seem to help me sleep so Im going to ask the doctor for some, because it gives me a good night rest, and leave some kind of normal day, and my caretaking never quits, I now have 5 patients during the week and I have Jack dad that I take care of so my life is caretaking, Hopefully one day when I need someone there will be someone there for me, Im finding that im getting back in to the church it helps, I have actually decided to start catechism classes next week I feel this is what I need and it would make Jack happy,