Quercetin + Vitamin C for Cancer Prevention/ Cancer Treament

phaegean Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Has anyone tried the supplements Quercetin + Vitamin C for Cancer Prevention/ Cancer Treament?


  • Yaziza
    Yaziza Member Posts: 14
    No have you

    No have you
  • 1acme
    1acme Member Posts: 77
    yes I did
    Yes I did.
    I am staring chemo Mon-Apr-25 (16wks - A/C + Taxol) but my Naturopath also recomended Vitamin C Injections, Bowen Therapy and Chelation therapy.

    This is a link of clinic I am going and they have also available Vitamin C therapy.

    Good luck
  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    1acme said:

    yes I did
    Yes I did.
    I am staring chemo Mon-Apr-25 (16wks - A/C + Taxol) but my Naturopath also recomended Vitamin C Injections, Bowen Therapy and Chelation therapy.

    This is a link of clinic I am going and they have also available Vitamin C therapy.

    Good luck

    I am concerned.
    Research I've read says that vitamin C not only protects regular cells from damage. It also protects cancer cells from chemo. Have you checked your treatment plan (from the smallest vitamin pill right up through the expensive stuff from this center) with a reputable oncologist? What you do AFTER chemo to rejuvenate your body is one thing. Vitamin treatment during chemo is something else. I'm no doctor. I just read research and know you better check more than the website. Thanks for being careful!
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    cabbott said:

    I am concerned.
    Research I've read says that vitamin C not only protects regular cells from damage. It also protects cancer cells from chemo. Have you checked your treatment plan (from the smallest vitamin pill right up through the expensive stuff from this center) with a reputable oncologist? What you do AFTER chemo to rejuvenate your body is one thing. Vitamin treatment during chemo is something else. I'm no doctor. I just read research and know you better check more than the website. Thanks for being careful!

    Not sure
    I'm not sure but my friend did drink lots and lots of orange juice while taking chemo.I didn't ask her why but it does help the immune system.Maybe it was to help prevent sickness/colds.Your body is wore down.She never was sick during chemo.She had her spells of nausea but never did get colds etc.

    As cabbot said read up on it.I know my friend did alot of what the medical staff told her to get through chemo.She had chemo on Fridays.Rested the weekend and back to work on Monday.My friend is a 16 year survivor.Now though she is always sick with colds.May not be drinking orange juice like she used to. Almost every 2 months she is down with the flu or a cold that lasts for weeks.Of course we are older now.

    This week I got a e-mail from a friend talking about the benefits of Vitamin D and how it helps prevent cancer and heart disease.It is so long it would take me awhile to type it here.I will see if I can condense it down. It was definetely interesting.

    Lynn Smith
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    My Chemo Dr was quite
    My Chemo Dr was quite adamant - no Vitain C. He says it counteracts the Chemo and even to a small amount to him that's not accepatble. I was also told no multi vitamins,garlic suppliments or anti-oxidants. They interact with Chemo in a negative way according to what he told me. He did let me take a few vitamins and a few minerals. - Vitamin D (I have bad issues with SAD in late Fall/Winter/early Spring) and Vit. B complex;, Calcium and zinc and then potassium during Taxol because my K levels 'fell through the floor' - still over a year out of TX I still have to take mega doses of K daily to keep it to normal. Soy was also not allowed (a dash of soy suace on a meal occassionaly was OK but not using soy "solid" soy was not.

    Just got my Chemo Patient Education Manual out - it says no Grapefruit or Grapefruit juice with Doxorubicin (Adiamycin).
    It also says in the Mouth Care section (general section - not drug specific) that to steer away from tomato, orange and grapefruit as they are very acidic and will aggravate and mouth issues.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    My opinion
    High doses of Vitamin C probably do no harm and no good (you'll just pee it out). Quercetin may be helpful, but it is more reasonable to eat/drink foods that contain it (such as green/black tea) than to take supplements at this time. See research below.

    Failure of High-Dose Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Therapy to Benefit Patients with Advanced Cancer — A Controlled Trial

    High-dose vitamin C: Can it kill cancer cells?

    From ACS:

    Having trouble with ACS link. It is:

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    My opinion
    High doses of Vitamin C probably do no harm and no good (you'll just pee it out). Quercetin may be helpful, but it is more reasonable to eat/drink foods that contain it (such as green/black tea) than to take supplements at this time. See research below.

    Failure of High-Dose Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Therapy to Benefit Patients with Advanced Cancer — A Controlled Trial

    High-dose vitamin C: Can it kill cancer cells?

    From ACS:

    Having trouble with ACS link. It is:


    No vitamins..
    My oncologist said NO vitamins during chemo!! Nothing to "improve" my immune system....so that the chemo could fully attack cancer cells ...
    I followed his advice to the letter...make sure you tell your oncologist about anything and EVERYTHING you are taking...People have a misconception that " it's only vitamins or a supplement"....

    Wishing you well...
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    MAJW said:

    No vitamins..
    My oncologist said NO vitamins during chemo!! Nothing to "improve" my immune system....so that the chemo could fully attack cancer cells ...
    I followed his advice to the letter...make sure you tell your oncologist about anything and EVERYTHING you are taking...People have a misconception that " it's only vitamins or a supplement"....

    Wishing you well...

    Great advice
    I now have saved my medication list in my computer as a word document. I include EVERYTHING: cranberry pills, vitamins, fish oil, etc. Before I head out of the door to any doctor's appt, I check it and then print it out and hand the receptionist the copy. It saves me from having to remember or cart all of my pills and it is also nice to not have to write all the meds out on their forms (I just put "see attached list").