What's the name of the test to find out if you metabolize tamoxifen?

jennytwist Member Posts: 896
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello everyone,
I've been on the tamoxifen for about 2 weeks now and I'm doing OK so far - just more hot flashes and maybe a little more tired than usual. From reading all the posts here, I found out you can find out if you metabolize the drug or not. I'd sure like to know as there are alot of possible side effects. My onocologist doesn't believe in doing blood/tumor marker testing or PET scans as a benchmark when you are done with chemo, so I'm wondering if he'll approve this test. It wasn't offered to me. Did you all have to request it or was it given first to make sure you were going to metabolize it? I sure don't want to be taking it if I'm not. Thanks for any info. Also, I love this site - it's great. I wish I'd come and visited back in March when I was first diagnosed. You all have been wonderful!


  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    My oncologist gave me the
    My oncologist gave me the test Jenny. I can't remember the exact name right now, but, I will look it up and post it for you. It was something like CY26 or something.

    ♥ Kylez ♥
  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129
    Blood Test
    I've been on Tamoxifen for about two and a half months now, and the last time I saw my oncologist, I asked about the test to see if I'm metabolizing it. My oncologist told me the name of it and said to check my insurance to see if they will cover it, because it's pretty expensive. The test is the CVP2D6 Blood Test, and it costs about $500.00. I think I'm goin to have the test, because I feel the same way you do. Some of the side effects are scary.
  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    Kylez & Contrail,
    Thanks for the info - I have an appt with my onc in 2 weeks - I'll request a test. I will have been on the tamoxifen for a month by then - so hopefully they'll ok the test.
    thanks again!
  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129

    Kylez & Contrail,
    Thanks for the info - I have an appt with my onc in 2 weeks - I'll request a test. I will have been on the tamoxifen for a month by then - so hopefully they'll ok the test.
    thanks again!

    Correct Test
    Jenny - I must correct the name of the test. It's CYP2D6. When I wrote it down in the doctor's office it was kind of sloppy, and I mistook the Y for a V. I hope you get this message before your appointment. Sorry about that. Hope everything else is going OK. Connie