Leaving Minnesota for Sloan in NYC. A quick question regaring the oncology and liver surgery team

JONinAPPLEVALLEY Member Posts: 17
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Well, we have a busy week planned. We are taking our 7 month daughter and heading out to NYC this weekend. We are scheduled to meet with Dr. Kemeny (oncologist) and Dr. D'Angelica on Monday. Although I have 2 positive lymph nodes outside of my liver, I am hoping that they will agree to utilize the hepatic pump in going after my 2 small liver lesions (less than 2cm on the right side). We will leave NYC on Tuesday and head back to Minnesota. On Wednesday, we will head down to Rochester, MN for a series of appointments at the Mayo Clinic. Between Sloan and Mayo, I believe that we should be able to come up with the best possible plan for me. For those of you that have seen these fine physicians at Sloan, what has your experience been like? Do you have any specific words of wisdom to help make sure that we make the most of this awesome opportunity? Thanks everyone! Jon & Laura


  • mom_2_3
    mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member
    Jon & Laura,

    I have nothing but good things to say about the liver surgeon (he did my own resection in February). I found him to be very competent, compassionate and dedicated to my well-being. The oncologist you are seeing is probably one of the most competent doctors in this particular field and is known far and wide for her treatment of colon cancer with liver mets. Keep in mind that she is not well-known for her great personality but I personally don't need warm/fuzzies from her as long as she is running my treatments well. The two together are a phenomenal team and really work well together.

    I don't have any particular words of wisdom other than you will probably get a CT scan on Monday as the oncologist typically likes to have them done on the machines at MSK. Not to worry though as everywhere you may need to go is most probably there at the 53rd outpatient facility (albeit on different floors of the building). Make sure you have all your questions outlined as your time with the oncologist may be short and sweet. She is always on the move so be prepared to be expedient with your questions. Think through all the scenarios they may take you and be prepared accordingly. Have you had definitive word that the 2 lesions are inoperable at this time?

    I will also be there on Monday if you would like to meet. I have a 12:00 appointment with the oncologist prior to my 6th HAI treatment. If you want to get together send me a PM. Of course as you're from Minnesota I could always try and listen for those in the waiting room using lots of "ehs." ;) I am from New Jersey so you can see if you can pick me out by my "fuhgedaboutit." Well, there are lots there from NJ so that may not be of help...

    If I don't see you on Monday, best of luck with your visit and your subsequent trip to Mayo. Keep us posted on the plan.

    All the best,
  • menright
    menright Member Posts: 256 Member
    Sloan in NYC
    I recently visited Sloan for a second opinion. I have cc with mtx to the liver.

    I actually visited the outpaitient center on 53rd Street. If this is where you are going, I would offer a short walk North and West to Central Park for a pleasant stroll in a very interesting and beautiful park. Time square is a short walk to the south and is worth the effort.


  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Dr Kemeny is the best. I have even gotten her to smile although my brother insists that she must have just saved a bundle by switching her car insurance to GEICO and I was mistaken. Don't get us wrong, she is not mean at all but she's more business than some other Oncs may be. She will tell it like it is and she has many treatment options up her sleeves. I had a different liver surgeon but the teams at Sloan are incredible.
    I hope you have a great visit with her and to NYC in general. I will be at Sloan on Wednesday. Central Park is not far from there as someone mentioned. It's worth the walk for sure.
    Best of luck to you
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    PhillieG said:

    Dr Kemeny is the best. I have even gotten her to smile although my brother insists that she must have just saved a bundle by switching her car insurance to GEICO and I was mistaken. Don't get us wrong, she is not mean at all but she's more business than some other Oncs may be. She will tell it like it is and she has many treatment options up her sleeves. I had a different liver surgeon but the teams at Sloan are incredible.
    I hope you have a great visit with her and to NYC in general. I will be at Sloan on Wednesday. Central Park is not far from there as someone mentioned. It's worth the walk for sure.
    Best of luck to you

    ....I would love to go to meet these doctors, and take a trip to my home state, I have cousins and aunts who I could stay with during recovery as well, i am going to see what my onc has an alternate plan then just maintenance chemo, I want to know if I can be operated on, now that they've shrunken, we'll see.

    Good Luck on your trip! and good luck at your appointments! don't leave without a little tour of the city as well! They have great stores there!

    JONinAPPLEVALLEY Member Posts: 17
    mom_2_3 said:

    Jon & Laura,

    I have nothing but good things to say about the liver surgeon (he did my own resection in February). I found him to be very competent, compassionate and dedicated to my well-being. The oncologist you are seeing is probably one of the most competent doctors in this particular field and is known far and wide for her treatment of colon cancer with liver mets. Keep in mind that she is not well-known for her great personality but I personally don't need warm/fuzzies from her as long as she is running my treatments well. The two together are a phenomenal team and really work well together.

    I don't have any particular words of wisdom other than you will probably get a CT scan on Monday as the oncologist typically likes to have them done on the machines at MSK. Not to worry though as everywhere you may need to go is most probably there at the 53rd outpatient facility (albeit on different floors of the building). Make sure you have all your questions outlined as your time with the oncologist may be short and sweet. She is always on the move so be prepared to be expedient with your questions. Think through all the scenarios they may take you and be prepared accordingly. Have you had definitive word that the 2 lesions are inoperable at this time?

    I will also be there on Monday if you would like to meet. I have a 12:00 appointment with the oncologist prior to my 6th HAI treatment. If you want to get together send me a PM. Of course as you're from Minnesota I could always try and listen for those in the waiting room using lots of "ehs." ;) I am from New Jersey so you can see if you can pick me out by my "fuhgedaboutit." Well, there are lots there from NJ so that may not be of help...

    If I don't see you on Monday, best of luck with your visit and your subsequent trip to Mayo. Keep us posted on the plan.

    All the best,

    Thank you Amy
    Is it alright if I ping you with a message on Saturday or Sunday? We would love to connect with you.
    JONinAPPLEVALLEY Member Posts: 17
    Shayenne said:

    ....I would love to go to meet these doctors, and take a trip to my home state, I have cousins and aunts who I could stay with during recovery as well, i am going to see what my onc has an alternate plan then just maintenance chemo, I want to know if I can be operated on, now that they've shrunken, we'll see.

    Good Luck on your trip! and good luck at your appointments! don't leave without a little tour of the city as well! They have great stores there!


    Thanks Everyone!!!
    We truly appreciate everyone's help and support. Since our son is a little older, we have forgotten how difficult it is to travel with a baby. We have the stroller and baby seat ready to go...here we come NY! Again, thank you for all of your help!
  • robinvan
    robinvan Member Posts: 1,012
    Jon and Laura
    I hope you have a very fruitful trip to New York. What a great opportunity to visit some of the best cancer clinics in the world! Two lesions and two lymph nodes certatinly sounds well within the range of surgical "can do". I had 3-4 lesions in the liver, resection and RFA 2yrs later. 5 years after original liver surgery my liver is in great shape.

    I have a friend who describes a pilgimage as a journey to a special place with the hope and expectation of transformation. My hopes for you are that this "pilgrimage" brings you to a path of healing and leaves you on a truly "curative" journey.

    You will be im my thoughts this weekend and next week. Let us know how it turnd out.

    All good things... Rob; in Vancouver

    “Healing in a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.”