Dad with Leukemia and Question about Autologous Stem Cell Transplant

toneless Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
My dad aka my best friend has been diagnosed with AML on my birthday oct 23, 2008. At first I felt like God was punishing me for bringing something like this on my birthday but now I try to think about it as a lucky day. If it wasn't for that day maybe it might have been too late and because it was my birthday all the treatments went well..

I just want to know how you guys cope? It's really hard for me to see him like that. He is suppose to be superman, he is my dad I always looked up to him. Sometimes I wish it was me, instead of him. I try to always be optimistic, but seeing him go through this always breaks my heart and puts tears in my eyes. I want him to be active again, I want him to find new hobbies, I want him to learn new skills so he can keep his mind of leukemia but he doesn't seem motivated at all. Am I pushing him too hard? Should i wait a little longer? I just can't see him stay home alone all day, it just gives him too much time to think about how messed up his life just got. I just don't want him to feel unimportant and useless, sometimes I can see that in his eyes and It kills me inside...

That felt good getting it off my chest. I usually don't feel like talking about it with anyone. If anyone asks me about my dad and my family, I always try tell them that everything is good and well.

Question about autologous stem cell transplant...
My doctor told me that after the stem cell transplant, his platelets counts will never be normal again and he will always get tired easily. Is this true? Is there anyone here that went through the transplant and had their platelets counts to be normal? or Are able to do activities you have done before without getting tired so easily?