Access to information pertaining to a patient

CS3800 Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
Anyone know of any reason why a doctors administrative staff would be slow to repond to a request for copies of a patients file material? Lab reports etc.


  • sue Siwek
    sue Siwek Member Posts: 279
    has the patient signed a
    has the patient signed a release form? only the patient can request his files to be released. if they have and still are not getting the materials, nag, nag, nag. it is the patients right to have these files sent anywhere they choose as long as they give the permission. you can go to the doctors office an get a form to speed it up. if the patient is able take them with you and they can sign there and that will speed things up.
  • SonSon
    SonSon Member Posts: 174
    I agree - if the person you are caring for (assuming it is a family member) has not signed a release form and they want you to collect these things for him/her, have him/her sign one right away.
    Assuming that a form has been signed, when you ask for a copy of the records stand there and/or follow them around until they get a copy for you. If you walk away it is back to "out of sight, out of mind...". Get a copy of the release form, also, as sometimes some records do not get passed forward from department to department (mistakes happen). Then if they have doubts about your right/permission to collect copies of records you can show it to them.
    I wonder why you need copies - if you are just wanting more information to get an idea of the patient's condition, treatment options, prognosis, etc - then the doctor(s) is not talking to you enough and explaining things well. ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS! ! !
  • SonSon
    SonSon Member Posts: 174
    Note to self: don't click "Post Comment" twice... (patience!!!)
  • sue Siwek
    sue Siwek Member Posts: 279
    SonSon said:

    Note to self: don't click "Post Comment" twice... (patience!!!)

    haven't you noticed we all
    haven't you noticed we all do that!
  • sue Siwek
    sue Siwek Member Posts: 279
    SonSon said:

    Note to self: don't click "Post Comment" twice... (patience!!!)

    haven't you noticed we all
    haven't you noticed we all do that!
  • Barbara53
    Barbara53 Member Posts: 652
    sue Siwek said:

    haven't you noticed we all
    haven't you noticed we all do that!

    Be persistent
    Get to know a nurse or other staff member by name and call and email them until you get what you need. Be courteous but persistent, and always say thank you. When I need something important, I will email and then call, wait a few hours and then call again. The squeaky wheel really does get the grease, especially in busy oncologists' offices.