Still Tired After Treatment is Done -- ?!

Joan41 Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hey... I would like to hear from anyone who has finished treatment and is deemed cancer free, but is still fatigued? I faithfully go to my check-ups, and praise God, have never had cancer found again. But, I'm tired all the time? This is a symptom of cancer, so it worries and nags me all the time?

My treatment was rough... I've been treated twice for triple negative breast cancer (local recurrence in the breast; led to a mastectomy). My doc put me on chemo starting June '08. By Oct '08 my blood levels were way low, and I ended up in the hospital. I had multiple platlet and blood transfusions through December.

By now, shouldn't I be bouncing back? I have energy for my job (part time) and do what has to be done around our home, but it is the bare minimum. No remodeling or gardening for me, these days!

What is your story, post-treatment? Did you battle fatigue? Did it get better? I just want some reassurance -- all I can think of otherwise is that more cancer is lurking...


  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Hi Joan and welcome! I am
    Hi Joan and welcome! I am still tired, but, I haven't been out of treatment very long, just a few weeks. So, for me now, this is pretty normal to be tired.

    Just being diagnosed with bc and going thru what we do, is enough to make anyone tired for the rest of their life, as far as I am concerned.

    Just take it easy, try to eat right, get lots of sleep and think positive.

    Hope to see you posting more!

    Hugs, Lex
  • faithandprayer
    faithandprayer Member Posts: 177
    Vitamin D
    Hi Joan,

    I'm not anywhere near post treatment but...

    You might want to request a Vitamin D level done for you via blood work. Within the past year or so, studies are even beginning to link low D levels with breast cancer.

    Someday I'll post my Vit D Deficiency story but, long story short, many women are deficient for various reasons. It can cause, among many things, unbelievable fatigue. It is not something to mess with on your own with multi-vits. If you believe you may be deficient, it is best to have blood work to get a baseline and, if needed, your dr will prescribe a dosage appropriate to get you where you need to be...high dosages need to be monitored, though.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    I Just Woke Up from My 4 Hour Nap
    and read your post. Well, it IS the weekend... I finished treatment (chemo and rads) in October '08 and I still have some fatigue. I lost muscle and stamina and I am slowly regaining it. I've been told it can take up to 2 years to get your strength back (some people only take a year), but I became severely (life threateningly) anemic during chemo and I think that's part of why I'm on the "long time to bounce back" track.

    Are you still on the 3 month regimen seeing your onc? If so, talk to him or her about your fatigue and fear about recurrence. I noticed that my wbc was just a little low last visit. Our bodies have been put through the wringer!

    Take care and listen to your body. Rest when you need to. xoxoxo Lynn
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Hi Joan, I understand how
    Hi Joan, I understand how you are feeling.I am more than 3 years out from diagnosis and am still tired much of the time. Like you, I drag myself to work, the gym, do housework, and do what needs to be done, but I do not ever feel energetic like I once did. I have had trouble sleeping since my treatment so I am sure that is a contributing factor. Cancer treatment takes a lot out of you both physically and emotionally. I think for some it takes a long time to bounce back. Hang in there. Perhaps your onc could suggest some supplements or check your blood levels. Let us know what you learn.
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Hi Joan, I understand how
    Hi Joan, I understand how you are feeling.I am more than 3 years out from diagnosis and am still tired much of the time. Like you, I drag myself to work, the gym, do housework, and do what needs to be done, but I do not ever feel energetic like I once did. I have had trouble sleeping since my treatment so I am sure that is a contributing factor. Cancer treatment takes a lot out of you both physically and emotionally. I think for some it takes a long time to bounce back. Hang in there. Perhaps your onc could suggest some supplements or check your blood levels. Let us know what you learn.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Hi, Joan41, it is good to hear from a fellow triple negative survivor. I was diagnosed and had mastectomy in Nov. 08. Currently in the middle of rads. If you don't care to share, I would be interested in the details of your experience.

    Over and over again on this board I have read that fatigue is common and can continue for years. Many survivors, such as Lynn, will confirm that energy levels just don't bounce back right away. I hope this will help lessen your worry. We all know the fear of recurrences.

    My best to you.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Hi, Joan41, it is good to hear from a fellow triple negative survivor. I was diagnosed and had mastectomy in Nov. 08. Currently in the middle of rads. If you don't care to share, I would be interested in the details of your experience.

    Over and over again on this board I have read that fatigue is common and can continue for years. Many survivors, such as Lynn, will confirm that energy levels just don't bounce back right away. I hope this will help lessen your worry. We all know the fear of recurrences.

    My best to you.

    Hi Joan. Sorry to hear that
    Hi Joan. Sorry to hear that you are so tired, but, I, as the others said, thinks it just comes along with having bc and the treatments. I don't think anyone realizes what an effect this has on our bodies and our minds. The Vitamin D check is a good idea as lack of that can make you even more tired. Good luck!