Nice, new, disgusting topic!

kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
As some of you know, i've been having terrible bowel issues since my takedown in May. First there was having to go constantly with suicidal pain, then there was the severe constipation with very similar pain. Through this all, some issues have improved while others seem to have worsened, or just remain the same. After starting the metamucil and not being able to make it to the bathroom before i'd potty, i now take the metamucil very sparingly. Like once every two days. I was also taking those fiber one bars which i am NOT doing anymore. Well, i haven't taken anything in the last two days, and still tonight, i didn't make it to the bathroom three times!!! The first time i was lack a diaper! I haven't eaten anything new, in fact, i hardly eat at all! Yesterday i had two hot dog buns with cheese, and a very scant amount of salsa. Today i had some mock orange chicken and tom ka soup. The problem did start after eating that, but my problems usually start after i eat anything, that's why i don't like to eat! Tonight it started with horrendous constipation. You know, the kind where you can feel the pain in your toes. I'm soooo frustrated! I can't get in to see any of my doctors until August 14th, and i just want to rip my hair out! I know there isn't anything anyone can do for me with this, so i guess i just needed to rant a little. I'm so tired.

Many hugs,


  • Julie 44
    Julie 44 Member Posts: 476 Member
    Sorry to hear
    I am sorry you are having so many problems.I would call your doctor and tell them how much pain and discomfort you are in..Tell them you need to get in to see him now...If that doesn't happen I would go to another doctor and get a second opinion..You have been having so many problems for awhile now and it seems to me your doc just isn't up to par...Hope things get better for you real soon..Good luck.......JULIE
  • sheri22
    sheri22 Member Posts: 273
    Sounds awful

    Krista that sounds awful, There is no reason you should have to go thru this for that long. if you cant get in to see your DR I agree with Julia you should get another DR.
    I know if I was going thru something like you are my the nurses would be on the phone with the DR and he would do his best to see me as soon as possible keep trying to get into a DR

    hugs Sheri22
    ps Ill keep you in my prayewrs
  • ittapp
    ittapp Member Posts: 383 Member
    Hey Krista, I understand the
    Hey Krista, I understand the constipation part, since chemo I have the worst and if it comes out at all it's just a bit smaller that a golf ball and hard as a rock. It feels like razors are cutting my rectum. I told my NP at the Onc. office when I did my bloodwork on Tues. She suggested I take 3 colace and I 8oz. of Miralax in which I did and it did take two days of that to loosen stool but it worked without starting the diarrea. Once it loosens I eat small amounts all day, things like cottage cheese with strawberries (small cup) half a sand.watermelon, etc. but eat good food and not alot of processed cheese. I hope you feel better because I know how you feel and you probably already have tried these things but it helped me this go around. I know the pain of your problem it makes me want to cry to go to the toilet! I will pray for you to get better Krista, hang in there and demand to see your Dr. keep calling and bugging them, ask to be put on a list of cancellations if nothing else. God Bless you, Patti
  • johnnybegood
    johnnybegood Member Posts: 1,117 Member
    ittapp said:

    Hey Krista, I understand the
    Hey Krista, I understand the constipation part, since chemo I have the worst and if it comes out at all it's just a bit smaller that a golf ball and hard as a rock. It feels like razors are cutting my rectum. I told my NP at the Onc. office when I did my bloodwork on Tues. She suggested I take 3 colace and I 8oz. of Miralax in which I did and it did take two days of that to loosen stool but it worked without starting the diarrea. Once it loosens I eat small amounts all day, things like cottage cheese with strawberries (small cup) half a sand.watermelon, etc. but eat good food and not alot of processed cheese. I hope you feel better because I know how you feel and you probably already have tried these things but it helped me this go around. I know the pain of your problem it makes me want to cry to go to the toilet! I will pray for you to get better Krista, hang in there and demand to see your Dr. keep calling and bugging them, ask to be put on a list of cancellations if nothing else. God Bless you, Patti

    i understand also
    i too have bathroom issues.i had my reversal in feb 209 and my muscles just dont want to work down there.i usually wear a pad all the time to prevent any surgen told me to take fibre-con to bulk my stool but even that causes constipation.well good luck to all in this situation maybe this is just part of our new normal.Godbless.....johnnybegood
  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member

    i understand also
    i too have bathroom issues.i had my reversal in feb 209 and my muscles just dont want to work down there.i usually wear a pad all the time to prevent any surgen told me to take fibre-con to bulk my stool but even that causes constipation.well good luck to all in this situation maybe this is just part of our new normal.Godbless.....johnnybegood

    Angel used to be like that before he was sick we would go to eat breakfast at a resturant and no sooner did we get in the car he was racing to get home because in his words I'm going to **** my pants and sometimes he would it got to the point where we would eat close to home so we could get there fast. Krista i hope things will get better for you soon.

  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    I sure hope this isn't my new normal! If it is, my internal organs are going to be destroyed in no time with all the pain meds! I wish i could get in early to see my GI, but with his schedule, and my boyfriend's schedule, it just won't happen (i don't drive anymore), and after the trolley shooting here, my boyfriend's having to work all of his days off for i don't know how long.

    It's strange how quickly your perception of things can change. My friend who has a rare breast cancer is always telling me i have the worst cancer, and i always used to argue with her over that. I used to think losing a breast would be just the worst thing! Losing part of your colon is nothing...HA! I'll tell ya now, i'd trade BOTH of my breasts to be able to potty normally without any pain. Now i need to knock on wood that i don't get breast cancer too! She is a funny bean! She thinks it's awful how much attention breast cancer gets compared to the other cancers. She calls it the "popular" cancer! Isn't that funny? I know it seems like more people are getting breast cancer than colorectal cancer, but all the numbers say that more people are getting colorectal cancer. She's right! No one wants to talk about my cancer, but they'll ask her questions all day. I didn't used to think about that much, but i know now that my cancer is a taboo cancer. It's the worst thing anyone can imagine, and they certainly don't want to imagine it can happen to them!

    Thank you all for your help and prayers. I only have a few more weeks until the colonscopy, so i can look forward to that possibly solving the problem.

    Many hugs,
  • krystle singer
    krystle singer Member Posts: 108

    Thanks everyone!
    I sure hope this isn't my new normal! If it is, my internal organs are going to be destroyed in no time with all the pain meds! I wish i could get in early to see my GI, but with his schedule, and my boyfriend's schedule, it just won't happen (i don't drive anymore), and after the trolley shooting here, my boyfriend's having to work all of his days off for i don't know how long.

    It's strange how quickly your perception of things can change. My friend who has a rare breast cancer is always telling me i have the worst cancer, and i always used to argue with her over that. I used to think losing a breast would be just the worst thing! Losing part of your colon is nothing...HA! I'll tell ya now, i'd trade BOTH of my breasts to be able to potty normally without any pain. Now i need to knock on wood that i don't get breast cancer too! She is a funny bean! She thinks it's awful how much attention breast cancer gets compared to the other cancers. She calls it the "popular" cancer! Isn't that funny? I know it seems like more people are getting breast cancer than colorectal cancer, but all the numbers say that more people are getting colorectal cancer. She's right! No one wants to talk about my cancer, but they'll ask her questions all day. I didn't used to think about that much, but i know now that my cancer is a taboo cancer. It's the worst thing anyone can imagine, and they certainly don't want to imagine it can happen to them!

    Thank you all for your help and prayers. I only have a few more weeks until the colonscopy, so i can look forward to that possibly solving the problem.

    Many hugs,

    Topic only sound disgusting to them as ain't had colon cancer! For those of us in the same boat er..uh..diapers, it is just a part of life. My own personal problem is that is hot, wet weather I get sore 'down there'. I have used vaseline, baby power, Nupercainal (sp?) and you name it and I still feel as if I am a raw steak walking. I do a lot of walking, I do it with discomfort, but I try to keep going. There are just miserable after effects to this cancer.
    Believe me, you are not the only one or the first one who reaches the bathroom too late! My laundry has doubled since surgery. ICK!

    Nonetheless, Keep your chin up, my dear, and a full supply of depends!

    My love and my prayers are always here for you!
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member

    Topic only sound disgusting to them as ain't had colon cancer! For those of us in the same boat er..uh..diapers, it is just a part of life. My own personal problem is that is hot, wet weather I get sore 'down there'. I have used vaseline, baby power, Nupercainal (sp?) and you name it and I still feel as if I am a raw steak walking. I do a lot of walking, I do it with discomfort, but I try to keep going. There are just miserable after effects to this cancer.
    Believe me, you are not the only one or the first one who reaches the bathroom too late! My laundry has doubled since surgery. ICK!

    Nonetheless, Keep your chin up, my dear, and a full supply of depends!

    My love and my prayers are always here for you!

    i hear you Sandi!
    What are you doing that allows you to leave the house? If i'm drugged up, i'm good for at least a couple of hours, sometimes longer. I would like to be able to leave the house WITHOUT being so drugged up.

  • serrana
    serrana Member Posts: 163 Member
    nice new disgusting topic
    Hi Krista
    You are only two months from takedown and you need to know that it WILL get better.I promise. This is a tough time. At the two month stage your body is still in shock and needs to figure out what to do. I had the same problem and know how awful it is.

    What meds are you on? Hopefully you are taking lonox?

    I went on a really limited diet which I am still on after two years and I suggest you keep a log of what you are eating. If I eat bakery goods, any sugar, fructose, hi fructose corn syrup, any fatty meat such as beef, lamb, pork, dark meat chicken or any chicken skin,any processed food, raw veggies, fresh fruit other than bananna/apple, anything dairy or wheat, coffee alchohol or soda I am still in a world of hurt.

    Start with the brat diet ( bananna, rice, applesauce, tea/toast) and soy milk for several days. Go to and order the soluble acacia fiber and take 25 grams
    a day.Apple pectin tabs are a good fiber also. Drink at least a quart and a half of water a
    day. Eat twice a day. This usually works for me. Yes i know it is a terrible plan but not as terrible as the cramps, runs, accidents and constipation rollercoaster. Add a new food every two days. It usually takes about 12 to 24 hours to go thru your system so you will know. Keep
    a log.

    Be patient, it WILL improve.
    Be sure to take probiotics especially bifidus infantus and digestive enzymes ( Culturelle, Jarro, or any good Henry's brand.
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    serrana said:

    nice new disgusting topic
    Hi Krista
    You are only two months from takedown and you need to know that it WILL get better.I promise. This is a tough time. At the two month stage your body is still in shock and needs to figure out what to do. I had the same problem and know how awful it is.

    What meds are you on? Hopefully you are taking lonox?

    I went on a really limited diet which I am still on after two years and I suggest you keep a log of what you are eating. If I eat bakery goods, any sugar, fructose, hi fructose corn syrup, any fatty meat such as beef, lamb, pork, dark meat chicken or any chicken skin,any processed food, raw veggies, fresh fruit other than bananna/apple, anything dairy or wheat, coffee alchohol or soda I am still in a world of hurt.

    Start with the brat diet ( bananna, rice, applesauce, tea/toast) and soy milk for several days. Go to and order the soluble acacia fiber and take 25 grams
    a day.Apple pectin tabs are a good fiber also. Drink at least a quart and a half of water a
    day. Eat twice a day. This usually works for me. Yes i know it is a terrible plan but not as terrible as the cramps, runs, accidents and constipation rollercoaster. Add a new food every two days. It usually takes about 12 to 24 hours to go thru your system so you will know. Keep
    a log.

    Be patient, it WILL improve.
    Be sure to take probiotics especially bifidus infantus and digestive enzymes ( Culturelle, Jarro, or any good Henry's brand.

    I was thinking about taking the probiotics, but i'm always so unsure about anything new! I will try the things you've suggested. At least tonight i was able to make it to the toilet. I have myself on a soft mechanical diet now. Just had some soup and farina today. I love Henry's, so i think i'll have my boyfriend stop there tomorrow and get everything you suggested for me. What is lonox? Do i have to get a prescription for that?

    Did you say it's been two years, and you're still having problems?? Someone else told me not too long ago they've been having problems for FIVE YEARS!!! The thought is just horrendous to me. Where is the quality of life? Are you still having to take pain meds? Granted a lot of my pain is from the strain on my bones, and the stricture, i think. Can you believe i broke a rib while on the potty just from pushing?

    Thank you so much! I'm writing everyone's advice down so i can try them all! I'll do anything at this point!

  • mommyof2kds
    mommyof2kds Member Posts: 519

    I was thinking about taking the probiotics, but i'm always so unsure about anything new! I will try the things you've suggested. At least tonight i was able to make it to the toilet. I have myself on a soft mechanical diet now. Just had some soup and farina today. I love Henry's, so i think i'll have my boyfriend stop there tomorrow and get everything you suggested for me. What is lonox? Do i have to get a prescription for that?

    Did you say it's been two years, and you're still having problems?? Someone else told me not too long ago they've been having problems for FIVE YEARS!!! The thought is just horrendous to me. Where is the quality of life? Are you still having to take pain meds? Granted a lot of my pain is from the strain on my bones, and the stricture, i think. Can you believe i broke a rib while on the potty just from pushing?

    Thank you so much! I'm writing everyone's advice down so i can try them all! I'll do anything at this point!


    Hi all, I'll be getting my
    Hi all, I'll be getting my reversal done in a couple of months, but it seems like so many have isues with it. I don't have a recum so I guess I'll be in diapers all the time. Just wondering how long of a healing process you guys had before the reversal. Thanks..
  • krystle singer
    krystle singer Member Posts: 108

    i hear you Sandi!
    What are you doing that allows you to leave the house? If i'm drugged up, i'm good for at least a couple of hours, sometimes longer. I would like to be able to leave the house WITHOUT being so drugged up.


    I don't take a lot of drugs, but find that immodium helps. I admit to wearing Depends to really long public outings and a sanitary pad for shorter outings. Since everyone I know knows all about my problem I have only had a couple of unpleasant incidents and they were handled very discreetly. Other than that I have no real answers. I am so sorry you are having such a terrible time. How I wish I could give you more help.
    Church is the most daunting trip out! I do wear plenty of 'padding' for that.

    The drugs are useful, at least part of the time, but I hate taking meds all the time, too.
    About all I can help with is tons of prayers and good thoughts for you and the rest of the "disgusting" included.

    Heaven bless you, Krista and I hope this phase is soon over and we can all get back to our real lives.

    Much love and hugs,
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member

    Hi all, I'll be getting my
    Hi all, I'll be getting my reversal done in a couple of months, but it seems like so many have isues with it. I don't have a recum so I guess I'll be in diapers all the time. Just wondering how long of a healing process you guys had before the reversal. Thanks..

    They're reversing your ostomy and you don't have a rectum? Is that right? If that's right, i would DEFINITELY NOT let them reverse me! It's bad enough missing half your rectum! I didn't even know it was an option to reverse without a rectum. What do they expect you to use for poop storage? It'll just run out of you! I would hate to see another one of us with these terrible problems. Sometimes i really wish i had kept my bag.

    I heard that the shorter the time with the bag, the less trouble people have retraining their colon. I was on the bag for 15 months. I don't know if this is true, but if you talk to others, it seems fairly consistent.

    Many hugs,
  • serrana
    serrana Member Posts: 163 Member

    They're reversing your ostomy and you don't have a rectum? Is that right? If that's right, i would DEFINITELY NOT let them reverse me! It's bad enough missing half your rectum! I didn't even know it was an option to reverse without a rectum. What do they expect you to use for poop storage? It'll just run out of you! I would hate to see another one of us with these terrible problems. Sometimes i really wish i had kept my bag.

    I heard that the shorter the time with the bag, the less trouble people have retraining their colon. I was on the bag for 15 months. I don't know if this is true, but if you talk to others, it seems fairly consistent.

    Many hugs,

    nice new disgusting topic

    Yes it takes a while to train your new rectum to be a storage facility but it has all the neurological capacity to do that job. The problem is that docs don't tell anyone how to do it and half or more of the battle is food as I said above. The other part is that since we have been sliced, diced, burned and poisoned by the treatments (surgery/chemo/rad) the lining of our intestines is usually a mess and can't process food normally. Sooooo it is essential to help with probiotics, digestive enzymes, gas reducers like gas-x and beano at every meal, and soluble fiber ( acacia from Heather which you can get at Whole Foods in La Jolla by the way)as well as the diet I listed in my previous post. I am really serious about this program because our poor intestinal tract was assaulted by the chemo especially that was designed to kill fast growing cells ( gut, hair, fingernails) This program does not work quickly, it takes weeks and months. Sorry.
    Lonox is a rx common named lomotil. It is like immodium in that it reduces diahreha but different because it slows down the peristalsis. I use both. Usually if you need them you will need more than the ordinary dose and you can use it after every event of diahreha.
    Constipation is another issue.......need lots and lots of water and lots and lots of daily walking and fiber for that also.
    You can do this. BTW now that Lisa is back we need to work on getting the SanDiego Chapter of Semicolons together for a chat.
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    serrana said:

    nice new disgusting topic

    Yes it takes a while to train your new rectum to be a storage facility but it has all the neurological capacity to do that job. The problem is that docs don't tell anyone how to do it and half or more of the battle is food as I said above. The other part is that since we have been sliced, diced, burned and poisoned by the treatments (surgery/chemo/rad) the lining of our intestines is usually a mess and can't process food normally. Sooooo it is essential to help with probiotics, digestive enzymes, gas reducers like gas-x and beano at every meal, and soluble fiber ( acacia from Heather which you can get at Whole Foods in La Jolla by the way)as well as the diet I listed in my previous post. I am really serious about this program because our poor intestinal tract was assaulted by the chemo especially that was designed to kill fast growing cells ( gut, hair, fingernails) This program does not work quickly, it takes weeks and months. Sorry.
    Lonox is a rx common named lomotil. It is like immodium in that it reduces diahreha but different because it slows down the peristalsis. I use both. Usually if you need them you will need more than the ordinary dose and you can use it after every event of diahreha.
    Constipation is another issue.......need lots and lots of water and lots and lots of daily walking and fiber for that also.
    You can do this. BTW now that Lisa is back we need to work on getting the SanDiego Chapter of Semicolons together for a chat.

    Get together..
    I'm ready, Serrana! Anytime you guys want to get together! I'll just drug myself up a bit. That usually lasts a for a few hours. It sounds like Lisa needs a break, but i don't know if she'll be able to. I'll start a post about it.

    My boyfriend picked me up a bottle of Kefir today, and i had about a cup full of it. It's probably too soon to tell what it's going to do to me, but i haven't taken anything else with it so i can see tomorrow what happens. I think i will slowly incorporate each one of the things you suggested. He got apples too, so i will add them to my diet tomorrow. The painful constipation started again tonight, and i'm convinced my stricture is actually tightening. The stools are becoming more and more narrow, and i'm getting gut wrenching cramps. Worse than even my period used to cause. I feel like my body really wants to go to the bathroom, but something is blocking it from going. Gotta be the stricture. I'm calling my GI tomorrow to try and get in earlier for the colonoscopy/dilation. I've been living like this for three months, so what's another three weeks. Well, if the stricture is tightening, what if it tightens completely closed! I can't (i won't even try) to imagine that!

  • serrana
    serrana Member Posts: 163 Member

    Get together..
    I'm ready, Serrana! Anytime you guys want to get together! I'll just drug myself up a bit. That usually lasts a for a few hours. It sounds like Lisa needs a break, but i don't know if she'll be able to. I'll start a post about it.

    My boyfriend picked me up a bottle of Kefir today, and i had about a cup full of it. It's probably too soon to tell what it's going to do to me, but i haven't taken anything else with it so i can see tomorrow what happens. I think i will slowly incorporate each one of the things you suggested. He got apples too, so i will add them to my diet tomorrow. The painful constipation started again tonight, and i'm convinced my stricture is actually tightening. The stools are becoming more and more narrow, and i'm getting gut wrenching cramps. Worse than even my period used to cause. I feel like my body really wants to go to the bathroom, but something is blocking it from going. Gotta be the stricture. I'm calling my GI tomorrow to try and get in earlier for the colonoscopy/dilation. I've been living like this for three months, so what's another three weeks. Well, if the stricture is tightening, what if it tightens completely closed! I can't (i won't even try) to imagine that!


    nice new disgusting topic
    You may be having a bowel obstruction which is really common; it might not be a stricture at is just alot of pooh, stuck. I agree that you need to see the doc BUT in the meantime the standard treatment for bowel obstructions ( I've had a few) is to STOP EATING ALL SOLID FOOD; WALK WALK WALK WALK and DRINK GALLONS OF WATER.When you lie down lie on your left side. Massage your tummy alot. Stop taking diahreha meds. Breathe deeply alot.
    The diahreha meds may have plugged you up and the diahreha that continues is just the stuff ( gross, huh) that seeps by the plug. Do stretches, knee bends, squats, but mostly walk. Miles if you can. Sometimes it takes a couple of days but that is what they will have you do in an ER in addition to an enema..yuk. No point in going to an ER if you can make it happen at home unless the pain gets too bad.
    I had the terrible cramps, felt like I was delivering a baby and it was lactose intolerance brought on by surgery/chemo/rad. Might stop eating all cheeze, yogurt, milk etc and read every label. These things are common after surgery, don't panic I still can't do lactose after 2 years.
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    serrana said:

    nice new disgusting topic
    You may be having a bowel obstruction which is really common; it might not be a stricture at is just alot of pooh, stuck. I agree that you need to see the doc BUT in the meantime the standard treatment for bowel obstructions ( I've had a few) is to STOP EATING ALL SOLID FOOD; WALK WALK WALK WALK and DRINK GALLONS OF WATER.When you lie down lie on your left side. Massage your tummy alot. Stop taking diahreha meds. Breathe deeply alot.
    The diahreha meds may have plugged you up and the diahreha that continues is just the stuff ( gross, huh) that seeps by the plug. Do stretches, knee bends, squats, but mostly walk. Miles if you can. Sometimes it takes a couple of days but that is what they will have you do in an ER in addition to an enema..yuk. No point in going to an ER if you can make it happen at home unless the pain gets too bad.
    I had the terrible cramps, felt like I was delivering a baby and it was lactose intolerance brought on by surgery/chemo/rad. Might stop eating all cheeze, yogurt, milk etc and read every label. These things are common after surgery, don't panic I still can't do lactose after 2 years.

    High obstruction
    Hi Serrana! Whatever it is that's blocking me, it's lower down. Feels like the rectum because stool will get pushed passed it, and it feels like a little blowout, yet it hasn't left my body yet. It feels almost exactly the way it did when the obstructive tumor was there. I had the type of tumor that encompassed the entire circumference of my bowel. I will show you pictures of it when we meet. It wrapped around, and filled in my bowel until there was barely any hole anymore. There was another tumor directly behind it doing the same thing. Nothing would get passed it except diarrhea. It took hours to turn my stool into diarrhea, and it was very painful. This feels so much like that. If i try to relax while on the potty, it seems to help some, but you know how your body's reflex is to bear down and contract when stool is coming? Then NOTHING comes out at all!

    I never take antidiarrheals. Diarrhea for me is a wonderful thing. The stools are narrow and ribbon like, and if i can get enough of stool passed the blockage, it causes pain in the rectum that spreads to my hips, and then my back and down my legs. I didn't eat anything all day today, and it went ahead and happened anyway! I took a pain killer and when it kicked in, i ate some soft stew. That started the peristalsis again, but at least what is coming out is very soft. Almost like horse poo (typical vegetarian stool), except they're narrow and ribboned. I also walked today. That does start the peristalsis, but peristalsis is bad because nothing will get passed the blockage. The bad cramping and uncontrollable stool in the diaper is something sort of new. I was only getting the uncontrollable stool after taking high fiber. Now it does it whenever it pleases. I'm not eating cheese, and i only had a cup of the probiotics two days ago. Not eating doesn't seem to stop it. I wasn't able to call the GI in time today, but i'm definitely going to tomorrow. I'm so scared that if this is a stricture, that it's closing up on me. I think i mentioned that. Forgive me if i'm repeating myself. I'm so frustrated! I feel like i should just slam something up there and dilate myself!!

  • tiny one
    tiny one Member Posts: 465 Member

    High obstruction
    Hi Serrana! Whatever it is that's blocking me, it's lower down. Feels like the rectum because stool will get pushed passed it, and it feels like a little blowout, yet it hasn't left my body yet. It feels almost exactly the way it did when the obstructive tumor was there. I had the type of tumor that encompassed the entire circumference of my bowel. I will show you pictures of it when we meet. It wrapped around, and filled in my bowel until there was barely any hole anymore. There was another tumor directly behind it doing the same thing. Nothing would get passed it except diarrhea. It took hours to turn my stool into diarrhea, and it was very painful. This feels so much like that. If i try to relax while on the potty, it seems to help some, but you know how your body's reflex is to bear down and contract when stool is coming? Then NOTHING comes out at all!

    I never take antidiarrheals. Diarrhea for me is a wonderful thing. The stools are narrow and ribbon like, and if i can get enough of stool passed the blockage, it causes pain in the rectum that spreads to my hips, and then my back and down my legs. I didn't eat anything all day today, and it went ahead and happened anyway! I took a pain killer and when it kicked in, i ate some soft stew. That started the peristalsis again, but at least what is coming out is very soft. Almost like horse poo (typical vegetarian stool), except they're narrow and ribboned. I also walked today. That does start the peristalsis, but peristalsis is bad because nothing will get passed the blockage. The bad cramping and uncontrollable stool in the diaper is something sort of new. I was only getting the uncontrollable stool after taking high fiber. Now it does it whenever it pleases. I'm not eating cheese, and i only had a cup of the probiotics two days ago. Not eating doesn't seem to stop it. I wasn't able to call the GI in time today, but i'm definitely going to tomorrow. I'm so scared that if this is a stricture, that it's closing up on me. I think i mentioned that. Forgive me if i'm repeating myself. I'm so frustrated! I feel like i should just slam something up there and dilate myself!!


    painful pottying
    When I first had my reversal I didn't have much control. I have alot more control now. Radiation and scar tissue narrowed my rectal area. The 10 months that I had my ileostomy enabled me to heal. It also took alot of time to soften and to enlarge this area some. My surgeon has done one dilation. He just did a sigmoidoscopy and I haven't narrowed anymore. He could tell how much narrowing I had when he tried to do a digital exam. Then he would make sure I was sedated for my scope. He said to use tap enema's that might keep stretching the area more. Sorry but I can't bring myself to do this on a regular basis. The times after I did the enema's I didn't have any problems for a couple of days after. I had alot of cramping with the enema's. My stool is still very small and soft in diameter even now. On the occasion when I eat a larger meal I sometimes have problems. The pain that we're having from the reversal is hard to deal with mentally, going to the bathroom is something we all need to do every day. It's not like an area that you can just rest when it hurts. For now I try not to eat anything that has alot of fiber.
  • serrana
    serrana Member Posts: 163 Member

    High obstruction
    Hi Serrana! Whatever it is that's blocking me, it's lower down. Feels like the rectum because stool will get pushed passed it, and it feels like a little blowout, yet it hasn't left my body yet. It feels almost exactly the way it did when the obstructive tumor was there. I had the type of tumor that encompassed the entire circumference of my bowel. I will show you pictures of it when we meet. It wrapped around, and filled in my bowel until there was barely any hole anymore. There was another tumor directly behind it doing the same thing. Nothing would get passed it except diarrhea. It took hours to turn my stool into diarrhea, and it was very painful. This feels so much like that. If i try to relax while on the potty, it seems to help some, but you know how your body's reflex is to bear down and contract when stool is coming? Then NOTHING comes out at all!

    I never take antidiarrheals. Diarrhea for me is a wonderful thing. The stools are narrow and ribbon like, and if i can get enough of stool passed the blockage, it causes pain in the rectum that spreads to my hips, and then my back and down my legs. I didn't eat anything all day today, and it went ahead and happened anyway! I took a pain killer and when it kicked in, i ate some soft stew. That started the peristalsis again, but at least what is coming out is very soft. Almost like horse poo (typical vegetarian stool), except they're narrow and ribboned. I also walked today. That does start the peristalsis, but peristalsis is bad because nothing will get passed the blockage. The bad cramping and uncontrollable stool in the diaper is something sort of new. I was only getting the uncontrollable stool after taking high fiber. Now it does it whenever it pleases. I'm not eating cheese, and i only had a cup of the probiotics two days ago. Not eating doesn't seem to stop it. I wasn't able to call the GI in time today, but i'm definitely going to tomorrow. I'm so scared that if this is a stricture, that it's closing up on me. I think i mentioned that. Forgive me if i'm repeating myself. I'm so frustrated! I feel like i should just slam something up there and dilate myself!!


    nice new disgusting topic
    I still think it is an obstruction made of stool, not a stricture but Im not a doctor
    The main problem w/ pain meds is that they make the situation really worse because pain meds cause constipation big time ( no pun intended). Try to get off the pain meds onto something like advil, take the lonox rx if you have diahreha, drink 2 quarts of water a day at least, eat no unsoluble fiber, get Heather's acacia soluble fiber from the website, take at least 20 grams a day,this is really essential, avoid all wheat and dairy, take the probiotics and dig enzymes with every meal, and walk walk walk. I have never taken pain meds because of the constipation issues. Constipation can block you up, make the stools that come out runny and thin and cause the pain. Y ou can do this. I am cheering you on.