Why do you call a lumpectomy a partial mastectomy?

DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My surgeon said I had a lumpectomy. I have a really small incision because I had a very small tumor. So, why do some of you call your lumpectomy's, partial mastectomy's? I don't understand that. Is there some reasoning to that? Thank you!


  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Hi Diane....
    I'm not sure of the answer to your question really. But I suspect that it probably has to do with the amount of breast that is removed.

    My surgeon said that she could do a lumpectomy or a mastectomy. The lumpectomy would have taken the majority of the breast anyway, due to the size of the tumor. I opted for mastectomy.

    I hope that others will chime in here.

  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    CR1954 said:

    Hi Diane....
    I'm not sure of the answer to your question really. But I suspect that it probably has to do with the amount of breast that is removed.

    My surgeon said that she could do a lumpectomy or a mastectomy. The lumpectomy would have taken the majority of the breast anyway, due to the size of the tumor. I opted for mastectomy.

    I hope that others will chime in here.


    Hi Diane! I really don't
    Hi Diane! I really don't know for certainty, but, it might have to do with the size of the tumor and how much tissue the surgeon takes. My tumor was also very small and I had a lumpectomy. I always thought a partial mastectomy was taking more tissue than a surgeon would with a lumpectomy, but, I could be wrong. I really don't know. Sorry Diane.
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    partial mastectomy
    Hi Diane!

    I have had a number of names for mine, the doc did say he was going to do a radical lumpectomy, but took even more tissue and skin than anticipated. Took about 1/3 of my right breast, I used to be a small D, now I am not..... Later he said partial mastectomy. Others (rad doc) called it a lumpectomy. I guess it depends on someones idea of what is or is not a mastectomy. Most state it is not if there is any tissue left behind. Semantics, go figure. Either way, they are taking a part of us out along with the tumor, and it is surgery. The rest is just how you prefer to deal with it. I didn't want to even say the word mastectomy at first, but now it doesn't really matter. I just consider survivor to be what matters.
    Take care

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    I had a lumpectomy, but my
    I had a lumpectomy, but my surgeon used the words partial Mastectomy. I got confused to, but it's the same thing.Just different terms
  • kiley40
    kiley40 Member Posts: 17
    my doctor told me i was having a lumpectomy but on the paper work for surgery it stated partial masectomy. The measurement of tissue taken was 2x6. Not really a lump but scattered DCIS. masectomy came after...
  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member
    kiley40 said:

    my doctor told me i was having a lumpectomy but on the paper work for surgery it stated partial masectomy. The measurement of tissue taken was 2x6. Not really a lump but scattered DCIS. masectomy came after...

    Oh my gosh I can answer this!!!!
    When I went to see my surgeon last Wednesday this was one of the questions on my list, that everyone suggested I take with me (Thanks for that BTW). And she told me they were the same thing. That literally a partial masectomy was the right term for a lumpectomy, but that doctor's use the term "lumpectomy" to easy the patients mind, because the word "masectomy" sound so aggresive.
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    The difference?
    Here is the way I understand it. A lumpectomy & partial mastectomy are the same, just using different terms. I had what tecnically was refered to as a "quadrenectomy". This was a lumpectomy or also refered to as a partial mastectomy (in the upper outter quadrant). Any surgery not removing the entire breast (Mastectomy) can be refered to using these other terms and mean basically the same thing. :) Pammy
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    I had a lumpectomy
    when I was diagnosed,and a partial mastectomy when they "tested"my lymph nodes and took out a little more tissue-so go figure!!The lumpectomy was for taking out the initial tumor,and the partial(or segmental) because they just took part of my breast(for my second surgery)-not all of it.
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    I had a lumpectomy
    when I was diagnosed,and a partial mastectomy when they "tested"my lymph nodes and took out a little more tissue-so go figure!!The lumpectomy was for taking out the initial tumor,and the partial(or segmental) because they just took part of my breast(for my second surgery)-not all of it.

    Well you have me confused.
    Well you have me confused. lol I had a lumpectomy according to the doctors and that is what is on the path report. But, I understand the concept of saying that instead of mentioning mastectomy anywhere in it, as, that word is scary.