Under 30 battling breast cancer?

kansersuks Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Anyone out there diagnosed with breast cancer in their 20s? Has anyone had children after beating breast cancer? Has anyone had a recurrence of breast cancer after having children?


  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    not me
    I was diagnosed at 43, so I do not have personal experience, but I have seen others post on this site who are near your age. Surely one of them will respond soon. Meanwhile, you have a lot of people praying and thinking of you. seof.
  • young_one
    young_one Member Posts: 67
    seof said:

    not me
    I was diagnosed at 43, so I do not have personal experience, but I have seen others post on this site who are near your age. Surely one of them will respond soon. Meanwhile, you have a lot of people praying and thinking of you. seof.

    Diagnosed at 29. I just
    Diagnosed at 29. I just turned 31 in December. I haven't had any more children but I am triple negative so pregnacy would have no effect on whether it would come back.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Young cancer

    I was diagnosed recently at age 34. I know of many women who have gone on to have children after breast cancer. I am triple negative as well so I'm not up on all the issues with pregnancy and recurrence. Have you been on youngsurvival.org? It is a group for breast cancer survivors who are under 40. Many, many women on that site deal with the issues you present and would have helpful information for you. I hope you post again and let us know more about you.

  • Yihong
    Yihong Member Posts: 6
    young_one said:

    Diagnosed at 29. I just
    Diagnosed at 29. I just turned 31 in December. I haven't had any more children but I am triple negative so pregnacy would have no effect on whether it would come back.

    triple negative
    I am also triple negative too. Is that really triple negative a very bad type?
    My husband was once cried (he was hide in his office) after he read some horrible things about triple negative.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi, kansersuks!
    I was diagnosed at 45 (pregnancy/children not an issue), almost 6 years ago, and was then told I was "young" for BC. You are warmly welcome here, amongst breast cancer survivors of all ages and all life stages. Our Mimi/mimivac (her post is above mine, at the moment) is an active member here, while also a participant in the site she suggested. Yes, the youngest of those diagnosed have unique and different needs just as much as we all share in so many things.

    Also, right here on the ACS CSN - there's another board: "Young Cancer Survivors"...

    I cannot specifically address your questions. But, I do know that an awful lot depends on the exact details of your own diagnosis. Your very best source for answers is your own oncologist.

    Best wishes to you.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Yihong said:

    triple negative
    I am also triple negative too. Is that really triple negative a very bad type?
    My husband was once cried (he was hide in his office) after he read some horrible things about triple negative.

    Triple negative breast cancer
    Yihong, being triple negative simply means that the cancer is not feed by estrogen, progesterone, and does not overexpress the HER/neu gene. Although this means that hormonals such as Tamoxifen will not benefit you, and that you are not a candidate for Herceptin treatments (for HER/nue positive cancers), it is not necessarily a worse disease. Here is a link to an article on triple negative breast cancer from Breast Cancer Watch that someone from youngsurvival.org sent me months ago:


    Hope this helps.

  • Yihong
    Yihong Member Posts: 6
    mimivac said:

    Triple negative breast cancer
    Yihong, being triple negative simply means that the cancer is not feed by estrogen, progesterone, and does not overexpress the HER/neu gene. Although this means that hormonals such as Tamoxifen will not benefit you, and that you are not a candidate for Herceptin treatments (for HER/nue positive cancers), it is not necessarily a worse disease. Here is a link to an article on triple negative breast cancer from Breast Cancer Watch that someone from youngsurvival.org sent me months ago:


    Hope this helps.


    Thank You

    Thank you very much for your information.

  • Kit1018
    Kit1018 Member Posts: 48

    Hi, kansersuks!
    I was diagnosed at 45 (pregnancy/children not an issue), almost 6 years ago, and was then told I was "young" for BC. You are warmly welcome here, amongst breast cancer survivors of all ages and all life stages. Our Mimi/mimivac (her post is above mine, at the moment) is an active member here, while also a participant in the site she suggested. Yes, the youngest of those diagnosed have unique and different needs just as much as we all share in so many things.

    Also, right here on the ACS CSN - there's another board: "Young Cancer Survivors"...

    I cannot specifically address your questions. But, I do know that an awful lot depends on the exact details of your own diagnosis. Your very best source for answers is your own oncologist.

    Best wishes to you.

    Kind regards, Susan

    I have a biopsy
    on friday for breast lumps BiRAD 4. I am 27.
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Yihong said:

    Thank You

    Thank you very much for your information.


    How are you (and your husband) doing?
    How are you doing? And is your husband handling your cancer any easier?
    Just wondering,