sugery confirms early stage ovarian cancer

aah9976 Member Posts: 16
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Stage 1a ovarian cancer. Surgery removed all cancer through complete hysterectomy. I am now at home trying to recover and it is so painful to move. I seem to have some chest congestion now and that is making coughing completely unbearable. I begin taking vivelle dot (estrogen patch) on friday. Hopefully it will help my body get regulated better.

Not sure what else to expect from the surgery... any advise on what to do to help make me more comfortable? sleeping is difficult... walking helps move the gas but tires me out fast... looking for anything to help with the pain and sleeplessness. the pain meds are not putting me to sleep anymore. please help...



  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    How long since your surgery? The pain should be gone within two weeks. Have you called your doctor? With the chest congestion I urge you to do so. If the pain pills you have are not working maybe he will change the meds. Some don't work on some people.

    I had hydrocodone pain meds and they handled pain for me, but I was off them 10 days out from surgery and was sleeping on my 14 inch incision with in 15 days.

    I always believe in adding Vit. C after surgery because it helps build new cells. Rubbing Vit. E straight from the capsule twice a day after the stitches come out helps prevent scaring.

    It is such good news that you were staged at 1a. You have such an advantage to being completely rid of this disease. Walk, increasing the distance each day if only 1/2 block.
    Hugs and prayers, Saundra
  • aah9976
    aah9976 Member Posts: 16
    saundra said:

    How long since your surgery? The pain should be gone within two weeks. Have you called your doctor? With the chest congestion I urge you to do so. If the pain pills you have are not working maybe he will change the meds. Some don't work on some people.

    I had hydrocodone pain meds and they handled pain for me, but I was off them 10 days out from surgery and was sleeping on my 14 inch incision with in 15 days.

    I always believe in adding Vit. C after surgery because it helps build new cells. Rubbing Vit. E straight from the capsule twice a day after the stitches come out helps prevent scaring.

    It is such good news that you were staged at 1a. You have such an advantage to being completely rid of this disease. Walk, increasing the distance each day if only 1/2 block.
    Hugs and prayers, Saundra

    they were able to keep the
    they were able to keep the incision to the bikini cut... about 4-5 inches long and they stitched up all the under layers and surgical glued the top layer to help reduce the scarring.

    in the hospital the dilaudid was helping with the pain and I have it at home but it is not really doing much since I have been coughing so much more. I did talk to the dr about my chest congestion. he has me taking musonex to help break things up.
  • deanna14
    deanna14 Member Posts: 732
    aah9976 said:

    they were able to keep the
    they were able to keep the incision to the bikini cut... about 4-5 inches long and they stitched up all the under layers and surgical glued the top layer to help reduce the scarring.

    in the hospital the dilaudid was helping with the pain and I have it at home but it is not really doing much since I have been coughing so much more. I did talk to the dr about my chest congestion. he has me taking musonex to help break things up.

    Walk, walk, walk!
    Hi, I was just browsing through the ovca threads. I routinely post other gyn ca board, on the UPSC (uterine papillary serous carcinoma)thread. Congratulations on your early diagnosis and good luck to you. Catching this early is such a bonus for you! I am stage 3c and had radiation and will be starting chemo soon. Do you have to have further treatment?
    I had a hyst in September and had the bikini cut with internal sutures and skin bond on the outside incision. I really think you should probably call your doctor again. My pain was controlled with a much milder medicine than dilaudid. Most of my pain was from intestinal issues. I started taking MOM each night until the muscles down there were stronger and less sore. It really helped me and did not cause loose stools.
    I also would recommend lots of water for regularity and to thin your chest congestion. I know it hurts to cough, but you really need to. I also carried a pillow around for a couple of weeks to use if I sneezed or coughed. It helped to brace it against my incision, then I didn't feel like my insides were coming out.
    I also walked every couple of hours, I didn't go far, sometime to the end of our long driveway and back. Gradually I increased the distance. It helped move things along physically and tired me out a bit so I could sleep better at night.
    You look young in your picture, so some of your sleeplessness is from the abrupt withdrawal of hormones. I am really battling that now and can't take HRT due to the cancer. There are medications they can give you to help with that.There are some antidepressants that are used to treat the menopausal symptoms.
    Anyway, just wanted to share what helped me after surgery. Good luck to you. God bless!
  • softD
    softD Member Posts: 69
    deanna14 said:

    Walk, walk, walk!
    Hi, I was just browsing through the ovca threads. I routinely post other gyn ca board, on the UPSC (uterine papillary serous carcinoma)thread. Congratulations on your early diagnosis and good luck to you. Catching this early is such a bonus for you! I am stage 3c and had radiation and will be starting chemo soon. Do you have to have further treatment?
    I had a hyst in September and had the bikini cut with internal sutures and skin bond on the outside incision. I really think you should probably call your doctor again. My pain was controlled with a much milder medicine than dilaudid. Most of my pain was from intestinal issues. I started taking MOM each night until the muscles down there were stronger and less sore. It really helped me and did not cause loose stools.
    I also would recommend lots of water for regularity and to thin your chest congestion. I know it hurts to cough, but you really need to. I also carried a pillow around for a couple of weeks to use if I sneezed or coughed. It helped to brace it against my incision, then I didn't feel like my insides were coming out.
    I also walked every couple of hours, I didn't go far, sometime to the end of our long driveway and back. Gradually I increased the distance. It helped move things along physically and tired me out a bit so I could sleep better at night.
    You look young in your picture, so some of your sleeplessness is from the abrupt withdrawal of hormones. I am really battling that now and can't take HRT due to the cancer. There are medications they can give you to help with that.There are some antidepressants that are used to treat the menopausal symptoms.
    Anyway, just wanted to share what helped me after surgery. Good luck to you. God bless!

    IP Chemo & MOM?
    Hi Deanna,
    I am fairly new to contributing to this site, but do read it a lot. Pardon my ignorance but what is MOM? I live in Australia and maybe this is a different medication
    name to what I'm used to?? I have been having lots of abdo pain lately (finished chemo in
    Nov for 3c ovca.)
    I had intraperitoneal as well as iv chemo, and was wondering if my pain may be a side effect of the IP chemo. I managed to finish all 6 sessions and have now had the abdominal port removed . Have you or anyone else out there had experience with the IP chemo?? Or any side effects from it?? I don't know anyone here who has had this treatment so would really appreciate any feedback anyone has,
    Thanks in advance,
    Take care,
    luv Carolyn x
  • aah9976
    aah9976 Member Posts: 16
    MOM aka milk of magnesia is
    MOM aka milk of magnesia is one of the other things I am on for the time being till things start working correctly. full list is dilaudid, motrin 800, vivelle patch, mom, colace, musonex, semprex d (sinus decongestant), and nexium. I haven't been on this much stuff ever in my lifetime. everytime I get up it feels like my insides are falling out. I live in an apartment complex and there are too many stairs for me to do so I am not able to go outside right now. I have however created a walking routine around my apartment today. I turn the music on and just start strolling. I have noticed a difference today with how it is tiring me out. Hopefully I will be able to sleep well tonight. most of the pain that I have though is in my sides mostly my left side. the dr said that happens sometimes, but it should go away soon. Please send me other advise to get used to the feeling of my insides falling out when I stand and what else to expect when it comes to the menopause symptoms. the vivelle patch is a estrogen patch so I am hoping that it will help with some of the hot flashes I am already experiencing. a little scared of what to expect still...

  • deanna14
    deanna14 Member Posts: 732
    aah9976 said:

    MOM aka milk of magnesia is
    MOM aka milk of magnesia is one of the other things I am on for the time being till things start working correctly. full list is dilaudid, motrin 800, vivelle patch, mom, colace, musonex, semprex d (sinus decongestant), and nexium. I haven't been on this much stuff ever in my lifetime. everytime I get up it feels like my insides are falling out. I live in an apartment complex and there are too many stairs for me to do so I am not able to go outside right now. I have however created a walking routine around my apartment today. I turn the music on and just start strolling. I have noticed a difference today with how it is tiring me out. Hopefully I will be able to sleep well tonight. most of the pain that I have though is in my sides mostly my left side. the dr said that happens sometimes, but it should go away soon. Please send me other advise to get used to the feeling of my insides falling out when I stand and what else to expect when it comes to the menopause symptoms. the vivelle patch is a estrogen patch so I am hoping that it will help with some of the hot flashes I am already experiencing. a little scared of what to expect still...


    I had a lot of night sweats right after my surgery, but not really not flashes. My gyn/onc started me on Effexor which has almost stopped the night sweats. Occasionally I will have that, but not nearly as bad as before the medication. Now I am having the hot flashes quite frequently. I freeze everyone out of the house, but so far they have been pretty gracious with the thermostat.
    Sometimes I just feel like crying and so I let go and cry, then I feel better. I'm not sure how much of this is hormonal and how much is emotions due to what I am going through. I believe that the hormones are playing a huge part in it. I have never been much of a cryer and lately I cry on average about every other day.
    My husband says other than the crying spells, he doesn't see a big change in me. He says I do speak my mind more, but not in a mean or hateful way. He seems to think that is a positive thing. I guess it is better than holding all of your worry and frustration inside. There are some intimate changes, but again, I have just finished radiation, so some of that may be due to the radiation. But decreased libido and vaginal dryness.
    You should do fine since you are going on the estrogen patch. Both of my doctors say no estrogen for me due to the cancer. One of them also told me that the expectation is that around a year and the symptoms should subside.
    I think different docs have different views on HRT.
    In regards to the pain in your stomach, I did the same thing you did. Before I felt like going outside, I made a path in the house and would walk it over and over. I still advocate for the pillow when getting up, coughing or sneezing. I would even hug it to my stomach when sitting in the chair or laying in bed. It offered some support against that feeling. I also went around in pajama pants and sweats for a while. One day I put on a pair of blue jeans to see what it felt like. It actually felt good, the support of those blue jeans was a lot better than letting it all hang out, so to speak. That's what it felt like to me was jello flopping around with no support.
    The muscle tone will quickly begin to return if you keep pushing yourself to stay on the move.
    Again, good luck and hang in there. I can tell you are a strong lady and every day just gets easier.
  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    Stage 1A ovarian
    Hi Arden..So glad to hear that they have caught this so early for you. I also was the same stage. In October I had a full hysterectomy because they found a large cyst on my left ovary that had attached to the stomach wall. It turned out to be ovarian cancer. So in December I went in for staging surgery...this was about 6 weeks after the hysterectomy. To be honest, I was still sore from the hysterectomy, but now I also have that long scar with the internal stiches and the outside glue. I also had some chest congestion after surgery. Drink plenty of water and if you can't fully cough, keep clearing your throat. Hugging something also helps. I have a rolled up blankie I use. I also still don't sleep well at night and I have a tough time digesting foods yet. But I was off my pain meds in about 2 weeks. All I take is tylenol and Benedryl for my itchiness. Walking also helps. For the first two weeks I also felt like my insides were about to pop out. But I started wearing the binder they gave me from the hysterectomy and this really helps.If your doctor didn't mention anything about this, ask. Or get one of those back support things that go around your waist. It will give you some support especially while getting up and down from sitting. I also have stairs to get to my apartment and it was very slow going for the first two weeks. Go slow, but keep moving. That will keep things loose and also help with any gas pains. Hugs, Cindy
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I'm so happy to hear your surgery went well and the OVCA was caught early. As for your recovery, the walking really does help, even if it's a little bit every hour or so. Eventually, you will regain your strength. Nutrients are important to healing, so do whatever you can to eat and drink well, and take your supplements. I think I was very fortunate, in that I had minimal pain and didn't even take pain meds after the first day.

    I am curious, however, that you are actually on an estrogen patch. I can't go near the estrogen at all, and even when I was taking a small dosage of the Premarin cream after my first diagnosis, it made it big change in my CA125. Just curious if your doctor will be monitoring your blood levels from here on.

    Well, this truly is good news. And we can all use some good news! Blessings to you, and prayers for your continued recovery and new lease on life!

  • aah9976
    aah9976 Member Posts: 16
    mopar said:

    I'm so happy to hear your surgery went well and the OVCA was caught early. As for your recovery, the walking really does help, even if it's a little bit every hour or so. Eventually, you will regain your strength. Nutrients are important to healing, so do whatever you can to eat and drink well, and take your supplements. I think I was very fortunate, in that I had minimal pain and didn't even take pain meds after the first day.

    I am curious, however, that you are actually on an estrogen patch. I can't go near the estrogen at all, and even when I was taking a small dosage of the Premarin cream after my first diagnosis, it made it big change in my CA125. Just curious if your doctor will be monitoring your blood levels from here on.

    Well, this truly is good news. And we can all use some good news! Blessings to you, and prayers for your continued recovery and new lease on life!


    estrogen patch

    yes the dr will be monitoring my ca125 levels but my cancer was not detected by that test at all... It was not till the mri was done when they found it in the first place. I was very hesitant about starting the estrogen but I am going to do what the dr said. the estrogen dosage is .025mg to help with the menopause symptoms. I am 32 and he is concerned about me having too many symptoms associated with going through menopause at such a young age. If this does not help or if other issues arrise then I will be put onto something else. I am hoping that this is the end of all my cancer issues. I go back to the dr on February 2nd to check everything to make sure that I am healing properly and that the estrogen is not causing any other problems.

    I have a bunch of sheets from the hospital that were taped together to hold onto when I am to cough and sneeze to help hold things together. I have been using that but it does not seem to make much of a difference so I have been going without. I went for a walk with some of my friends today outside. They wanted to make sure that nothing happened to me while I was outside. It helped me to feel better. planning on taking another walk this afternoon and plan on going to a bridal expo tomorrow for an hour or 2 to get info to plan my wedding for this fall. my friends and I are going to get a wheelchair for me while at the expo incase I am too sore or tired to do all the walking around the expo. I have only been home for a few days and tired of seeing the inside of my apartment only. can't wait till I am able to drive again and go out more often.

    if anyone else has anyother ideas of what to do to reduce menopause symptoms please post them. I am willing to try anything. thank you to everyone who has posted so far with advise on how to recover from the hysterectomy.

    Teal Hugs,
  • 1trublonde
    1trublonde Member Posts: 18
    aah9976 said:

    estrogen patch

    yes the dr will be monitoring my ca125 levels but my cancer was not detected by that test at all... It was not till the mri was done when they found it in the first place. I was very hesitant about starting the estrogen but I am going to do what the dr said. the estrogen dosage is .025mg to help with the menopause symptoms. I am 32 and he is concerned about me having too many symptoms associated with going through menopause at such a young age. If this does not help or if other issues arrise then I will be put onto something else. I am hoping that this is the end of all my cancer issues. I go back to the dr on February 2nd to check everything to make sure that I am healing properly and that the estrogen is not causing any other problems.

    I have a bunch of sheets from the hospital that were taped together to hold onto when I am to cough and sneeze to help hold things together. I have been using that but it does not seem to make much of a difference so I have been going without. I went for a walk with some of my friends today outside. They wanted to make sure that nothing happened to me while I was outside. It helped me to feel better. planning on taking another walk this afternoon and plan on going to a bridal expo tomorrow for an hour or 2 to get info to plan my wedding for this fall. my friends and I are going to get a wheelchair for me while at the expo incase I am too sore or tired to do all the walking around the expo. I have only been home for a few days and tired of seeing the inside of my apartment only. can't wait till I am able to drive again and go out more often.

    if anyone else has anyother ideas of what to do to reduce menopause symptoms please post them. I am willing to try anything. thank you to everyone who has posted so far with advise on how to recover from the hysterectomy.

    Teal Hugs,

    estrogen patch
    Sounds like you're on the right path. Asking questions is the first step. Not sure how long after surgery you started on the estrogen patch? So it may take you a while to turn around if there was some down time. That was the biggest deal for me too, so I kept asking that when I came out of surgery I wanted a patch, I got mine 2 days out, and have had NO symptoms. I am now in the process of tapering down the dose to get to the minimal amount of estrogen.
    BE PATIENT, our bodies all heal at different rates. I had hoped for a bikini cut but got the long one instead (a real hit to my vanity). Kind of a bummer but at least the cancer was out. My mum told me one day, "our bodies can only heal so much at a time, and each day it may work on a new spot" kind of a simple thought but for me it worked. I am a nurse and you'd think I could work this stuff out for myself, but hearing it helped. The fact that you want to feel better, you will. Keeping positive and believing (?) you'll feel strong, you will. Do not give up on the little pillow to hug when coughing, deep breathing, or even just moving. Listen to your body, sleep when able, don't go crazy.....My first day out of the house after surgery was for some lab work, the walk was not far but is knocked me out for the rest of the day.
    Pain meds are needed, but don't expect to have ZERO pain. You will feel sore, uncomfortable, all those things, but one day you will suddenly do something and realise, oh, I can move that way now and its okay...
    A hysterctomy is MAJOR surgery and because they were in there, getting the cancer out,all of your insides will feel the effects. We girls have a lot of 'stuff' in that area, so tons of stuff gets sort of bruised.....
    Well I'll end , sorry to chatter so much, Just wished I'd found this site sooner :-)
    Keep strong....
  • aah9976
    aah9976 Member Posts: 16

    estrogen patch
    Sounds like you're on the right path. Asking questions is the first step. Not sure how long after surgery you started on the estrogen patch? So it may take you a while to turn around if there was some down time. That was the biggest deal for me too, so I kept asking that when I came out of surgery I wanted a patch, I got mine 2 days out, and have had NO symptoms. I am now in the process of tapering down the dose to get to the minimal amount of estrogen.
    BE PATIENT, our bodies all heal at different rates. I had hoped for a bikini cut but got the long one instead (a real hit to my vanity). Kind of a bummer but at least the cancer was out. My mum told me one day, "our bodies can only heal so much at a time, and each day it may work on a new spot" kind of a simple thought but for me it worked. I am a nurse and you'd think I could work this stuff out for myself, but hearing it helped. The fact that you want to feel better, you will. Keeping positive and believing (?) you'll feel strong, you will. Do not give up on the little pillow to hug when coughing, deep breathing, or even just moving. Listen to your body, sleep when able, don't go crazy.....My first day out of the house after surgery was for some lab work, the walk was not far but is knocked me out for the rest of the day.
    Pain meds are needed, but don't expect to have ZERO pain. You will feel sore, uncomfortable, all those things, but one day you will suddenly do something and realise, oh, I can move that way now and its okay...
    A hysterctomy is MAJOR surgery and because they were in there, getting the cancer out,all of your insides will feel the effects. We girls have a lot of 'stuff' in that area, so tons of stuff gets sort of bruised.....
    Well I'll end , sorry to chatter so much, Just wished I'd found this site sooner :-)
    Keep strong....

    my surgery was on monday the
    my surgery was on monday the 5th of january and I started the estrogen patch today friday the 9th. so I had 4 days without anything to regulate me hormonally. I just hit a real emotional spot today when my fiance told me that he preferred if I didn't take the pain meds because he does not want me to get addicted to them but he just does not seem to want to understand that i am in pain and need them. I have no idea what I need to do to get him to understand that I am in pain and will be for a while. when I had my back surgery a few years ago I was off pain meds in no time but this is really knocking me off my feet worse that I thought that it would. the feeling of how heavy my pelvic area is, is quite unnerving. it feels like have this new growth on my body that I have to carry around but I have always had a belly. I have noticed today that it is quite swollen... in a way I feel kinda lost right now even though I know that I have all of my teal ladies out there that have been through this... no one around me understands what I am feeling or going through.

    I am sorry for my venting/rant... i hope that more woman will be more active in their healthcare and speaking up when they sense something is wrong with their body... that is what saved me and I want other to be their own advocate to save themselves.

    teal hugs to all
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Go slow
    You may be trying to do too much too quick. I didn't realize that you had your surgery on Monday, for crying out loud. Of course, you should still need pain pills, at least for a week. Hysterectomies are MAJOR surgery and most doctors say take it easy at least 6 weeks. There is a reason for this, take it from a 70 year old with many friends, as it could prevent fallen bladder later in life. Many of my friends are now having to have bladder suspensions 10 15 years after the hysterectomy and they didn't even have cancer!
    Don't let your boyfriend determine how much pain you have. Don't rush things, you will feel better at the end of next week probably. You do produce estrogen from other glands other than the ovaries. I am on the anti-estrogen pill now and had my surgery 7/2007. My CA125 started back up and they gave me a rest from chemo with this pill. so far it is working to bring the CA125 down. I take a small dose anti depressant at bedtime to cut down on the number of night sweats or hot flashes or what ever this is.
  • deanna14
    deanna14 Member Posts: 732
    aah9976 said:

    my surgery was on monday the
    my surgery was on monday the 5th of january and I started the estrogen patch today friday the 9th. so I had 4 days without anything to regulate me hormonally. I just hit a real emotional spot today when my fiance told me that he preferred if I didn't take the pain meds because he does not want me to get addicted to them but he just does not seem to want to understand that i am in pain and need them. I have no idea what I need to do to get him to understand that I am in pain and will be for a while. when I had my back surgery a few years ago I was off pain meds in no time but this is really knocking me off my feet worse that I thought that it would. the feeling of how heavy my pelvic area is, is quite unnerving. it feels like have this new growth on my body that I have to carry around but I have always had a belly. I have noticed today that it is quite swollen... in a way I feel kinda lost right now even though I know that I have all of my teal ladies out there that have been through this... no one around me understands what I am feeling or going through.

    I am sorry for my venting/rant... i hope that more woman will be more active in their healthcare and speaking up when they sense something is wrong with their body... that is what saved me and I want other to be their own advocate to save themselves.

    teal hugs to all

    I didn't realize your surgery was Monday!
    I too did not realize you just had surgery on Monday. My goodness, don't get in such a hurry. If you went outside on a walk today, you are doing fantastic! You take those pain pills, you need them so that you can continue to move around. If you are in pain, you are not going to be about to be as active and will get more stiff and sore. Your doctor is not going to give you enough pain medicine for you to get addicted!
    I had pain all over my abdomen, even up under my ribs. My doctor told me that it was from him moving stuff around and searching for anything abnormal and taking biopsies. Since you too had cancer, I'm sure your surgeon did the same thing! I had surgery in September and still do things occasionally that I can feel a little soreness. I also had some swelling in my abdomen, hips and thighs. I joked about my "Big Mama" hips, I am a little overweight, but they really did feel like I had on a fat suit.
    Did your surgeon take any lymph nodes? I had minor lymph edema for roughly 1-2 weeks and I would describe the sensation like you did, my stomach felt like a growth. Almost like it wasn't a part of my body. I also found the numbness around the incision unnerving and it still feels that way to a degree. Hang in there, it does get better. You just tell your boyfriend he needs to pamper you right now, you deserve it!
    I have so much empathy for what you are going through. Don't expect so much of yourself so quickly. You are going to feel like you've been run over for a week or two, but you will get through it and every day gets a little better. Eat healthy, drink plenty of fluids, rest when you need to. I had a friend tell me now is a time you are allowed to be selfish, it really is all about you right now.
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    aah9976 said:

    my surgery was on monday the
    my surgery was on monday the 5th of january and I started the estrogen patch today friday the 9th. so I had 4 days without anything to regulate me hormonally. I just hit a real emotional spot today when my fiance told me that he preferred if I didn't take the pain meds because he does not want me to get addicted to them but he just does not seem to want to understand that i am in pain and need them. I have no idea what I need to do to get him to understand that I am in pain and will be for a while. when I had my back surgery a few years ago I was off pain meds in no time but this is really knocking me off my feet worse that I thought that it would. the feeling of how heavy my pelvic area is, is quite unnerving. it feels like have this new growth on my body that I have to carry around but I have always had a belly. I have noticed today that it is quite swollen... in a way I feel kinda lost right now even though I know that I have all of my teal ladies out there that have been through this... no one around me understands what I am feeling or going through.

    I am sorry for my venting/rant... i hope that more woman will be more active in their healthcare and speaking up when they sense something is wrong with their body... that is what saved me and I want other to be their own advocate to save themselves.

    teal hugs to all

    Hugs Prayers
    Dearest Arden, I don't hear any rant in your post ☺ and we need to get on our soapboxes and scream loudly sometimes. I know I have, many many times.

    I am so amazed you have the energy to be posting, you are amazing!! I understand needing the patch, and can still remember the completely soaked bed from the night sweats. I am sure the patch is better than the pills as your body absorbs it slowly and who knows you may find you can lower the dose as time goes by. If you do I would look into vaginal estrogen cremes though. I now have vaginal atrophy(and did try the cremes and even a ring). Vaginal atrophy is not fun and not much is said about it. Unfortunately our bodies don't make enough estrogen without our ovaries to prevent it. I know other women in the same boat. More Information than you were looking for huh? :-) Sorry

    Anyway, just wanted to say so glad to read all the good news in your posts. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and come here and rant(as you say) all you want. Hugs ♥ Prayers Bonnie
  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    aah9976 said:

    my surgery was on monday the
    my surgery was on monday the 5th of january and I started the estrogen patch today friday the 9th. so I had 4 days without anything to regulate me hormonally. I just hit a real emotional spot today when my fiance told me that he preferred if I didn't take the pain meds because he does not want me to get addicted to them but he just does not seem to want to understand that i am in pain and need them. I have no idea what I need to do to get him to understand that I am in pain and will be for a while. when I had my back surgery a few years ago I was off pain meds in no time but this is really knocking me off my feet worse that I thought that it would. the feeling of how heavy my pelvic area is, is quite unnerving. it feels like have this new growth on my body that I have to carry around but I have always had a belly. I have noticed today that it is quite swollen... in a way I feel kinda lost right now even though I know that I have all of my teal ladies out there that have been through this... no one around me understands what I am feeling or going through.

    I am sorry for my venting/rant... i hope that more woman will be more active in their healthcare and speaking up when they sense something is wrong with their body... that is what saved me and I want other to be their own advocate to save themselves.

    teal hugs to all

    I've had abdominal


    I've had abdominal surgery twice-the first was a bikini cut, the second "down the middle". Did your doctor ask if you wanted to try a belly-band? A friend of mine (a guy) told me about them before I ever had surgery. They're supposed to help you by the guts-falling-out-feeling. I never had that, so I didn't try one.

    For sleeping, I did buy one of those body pillows so I wouldn't have to lie with my legs together when on my side.

    Benadryl or the generic equivalent (really inexpensive) could help you sleep, and may help with your congestion, but talk to your doctor.

    You mighht want to call your local ACS office and see if there's a support group in your area. I've belonged to one for about six years now, and there's nothing like talking to women with the experience face-to-face!

    I, like Saundra, am taking an anti-estrogen (tamoxifen) to cut down my CA-125 level. It has given me a good dose of menopause six years after my surgery, so I can appreciate what you're going through! I find I have hot flashes after eating, and usually when I first go to bed, but I do have night sweats, also.

    This past summer I walked by a booth at a county fair that was selling "cooling bandanas", and I am very sorry I didn't stop to investigate. Doing a Google search now, I can't find a pattern for them - maybe someone on the board can tell us how to make one!

    A local survivor of OVCA who was dx when she was 26, has a book called "Sudden Menopause". Her name is Debbie DeAngelo, and she is a nurse and women's health educator who is a good speaker for groups interested in OVCA and/or menopause.

    Your pain medication should be your choice - most docs don't want people to be in pain.

    Thank goodness you were dx at 1A! It doesn't get any better than that!
  • aah9976
    aah9976 Member Posts: 16

    I've had abdominal


    I've had abdominal surgery twice-the first was a bikini cut, the second "down the middle". Did your doctor ask if you wanted to try a belly-band? A friend of mine (a guy) told me about them before I ever had surgery. They're supposed to help you by the guts-falling-out-feeling. I never had that, so I didn't try one.

    For sleeping, I did buy one of those body pillows so I wouldn't have to lie with my legs together when on my side.

    Benadryl or the generic equivalent (really inexpensive) could help you sleep, and may help with your congestion, but talk to your doctor.

    You mighht want to call your local ACS office and see if there's a support group in your area. I've belonged to one for about six years now, and there's nothing like talking to women with the experience face-to-face!

    I, like Saundra, am taking an anti-estrogen (tamoxifen) to cut down my CA-125 level. It has given me a good dose of menopause six years after my surgery, so I can appreciate what you're going through! I find I have hot flashes after eating, and usually when I first go to bed, but I do have night sweats, also.

    This past summer I walked by a booth at a county fair that was selling "cooling bandanas", and I am very sorry I didn't stop to investigate. Doing a Google search now, I can't find a pattern for them - maybe someone on the board can tell us how to make one!

    A local survivor of OVCA who was dx when she was 26, has a book called "Sudden Menopause". Her name is Debbie DeAngelo, and she is a nurse and women's health educator who is a good speaker for groups interested in OVCA and/or menopause.

    Your pain medication should be your choice - most docs don't want people to be in pain.

    Thank goodness you were dx at 1A! It doesn't get any better than that!

    thank you to everyone for the advice...
    I am so gratefull to everyones advice... I appreciate all the support... I have finally gotten my pain under control and taking the motrin during the day and dilaudid at night because the pain gets worse as I relax more to sleep... I am sleeping better... walking better... I was taken off the estrogen because it was making me naucous... my gyn/onc is going to see what else he can give to me to take away some of the menopause symptoms... I am going to talk to my dr tomorrow to see about the belly band to see if it will help... I have noticed that I have this weird "heavy" feeling in the pelvic/lower belly area... is this "normal" after surgery??? please advise...

    Also looking for advise as to what to do to kill my day besides watching tv all day... I am so bored already and I have 6 more weeks before I can go back to work...
  • kellyw314
    kellyw314 Member Posts: 51
    I had a total hysterectomy
    I had a total hysterectomy for uterine cancer and had a very smooth recovery - saw gyn/onc 2 weeks post surgery for staple removal and was given permission to drive that afternoon and returned to work part-time 3 days later - I suffered no consequence and for me an early return to work was the best medicine = perhaps you too can return to work earlier and avoid the daily grind of tv kellyw314
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    aah9976 said:

    thank you to everyone for the advice...
    I am so gratefull to everyones advice... I appreciate all the support... I have finally gotten my pain under control and taking the motrin during the day and dilaudid at night because the pain gets worse as I relax more to sleep... I am sleeping better... walking better... I was taken off the estrogen because it was making me naucous... my gyn/onc is going to see what else he can give to me to take away some of the menopause symptoms... I am going to talk to my dr tomorrow to see about the belly band to see if it will help... I have noticed that I have this weird "heavy" feeling in the pelvic/lower belly area... is this "normal" after surgery??? please advise...

    Also looking for advise as to what to do to kill my day besides watching tv all day... I am so bored already and I have 6 more weeks before I can go back to work...

    Baby steps first than you can run!
    Back to work can be earlier, part time, if you don't have to lift or anything. I worked from home and then went back part time earlier than expected. It felt good to have a bit of normalcy to my life.

    Some have more pain than others, I can't remember to be honest. Glad our memory doesn't do that very well. Are you having good bowel movements, I know that causes me a lot of pain when I don't. Our bodies are slow to heal when on chemo especially.

    Take care adn keep the updates coming. Hugs ♥ Prayers Bonnie

    PS I too love your picture!!