weird side effects

ColleenN Member Posts: 73
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi Everyone!
I have a question about a weird side effect of chemo I'm having. Have any of you ever had trouble with your knees swelling up after a chemo treatment? I had my 3rd carbo/taxol last Thursday. I normally get the leg aches a couple of days later, but this time it was really concentrated in my knees. Today they were both very swollen and sore. I called my onc. and she had never heard of something like this. I'm supposto keep an eye on things and call her if they they get any worse, I run a fever, etc. Let me tell you, Tylenol isn't cutting it! Help! Thanks, take care and have a great week.


  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Try advil
    Hi Colleen, sorry to hear you are having weird side affects. I swell up but more from the steroids, or I think that is what it is from. In fact I take my rings off before treatment. My hands, legs, joints get swellen and don't move very well and ache. I always run a low grade temp, or almost always. I alternate between tylenol type drug and advil type drugs(I buy generic). I think alternating helps with the fevers but the ibuprofen drugs help with the swelling. Pray you are already feeling better and the swelling is going down.

    Hugs N Prayers Bonnie
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Leg pain
    I did not have swelling but the first four doses of carbo/taxol causes lots of knee and shin pain that only pain pills relieved. I experiences less leg pain as the chemo continued, the first four were the meanest. Either it was less or I hardened to it and just tolerated it better. While on the 11 most recent doses of Taxol alone, the only pain I had was in the hip joints when I got up from sitting (like arthritis) until I walked around a bit and limbered up and some quick shooting pains in my feet that I think was wayward nerves shooting off. No swelling except in my hands which may be arthritis too at my age. (70 next week.) I think it will get better for you, but you can ask your doctor for pain pills if you like. (((Hugs and Prayers))) Saundra
  • kris43
    kris43 Member Posts: 275
    saundra said:

    Leg pain
    I did not have swelling but the first four doses of carbo/taxol causes lots of knee and shin pain that only pain pills relieved. I experiences less leg pain as the chemo continued, the first four were the meanest. Either it was less or I hardened to it and just tolerated it better. While on the 11 most recent doses of Taxol alone, the only pain I had was in the hip joints when I got up from sitting (like arthritis) until I walked around a bit and limbered up and some quick shooting pains in my feet that I think was wayward nerves shooting off. No swelling except in my hands which may be arthritis too at my age. (70 next week.) I think it will get better for you, but you can ask your doctor for pain pills if you like. (((Hugs and Prayers))) Saundra

    leg pain
    Saundra - I just had to make a comment re: you saying you had pain in the hip joints. I had the same exact thing and I was 43 when diagnosed last year - my doctor continually said it had nothing to do with chemo. I am 9 months out of treatment and still suffering with leg & muscle pain in my lower extremities and waiting to see a Rheumatologist in November. I was also on Neurontin & Amitryptiline for 6 months for neuropathy and it seemed to get worse the longer I was on that although it actually helped the neuropathy itself.

    You just made me feel as if I wasn't losing my mind re: the pain - by your reply. THANK YOU for that.

    My best to you all.

  • ColleenN
    ColleenN Member Posts: 73

    Thanks for making me feel like less of a nutcase! Today the swelling is down enough that I can walk normally again, and doesn't hurt much either. I wonder if it was partly due to a fluid imbalance or something as I had a nasty headache at the same time. My knees have always been a weak point, so it could have just picked there for extra pressure. Have a great weekend!
