when saving the breast, might lose it anyway

praiseJesus Member Posts: 33
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
They say 2A and Grade 3.....not too sure if i understand that....my breast 1.5......mastasized lymph node 3.4mm...25 taken....1 bad.she said the margin was okay...but that there were some sprinkles outside it....so now that I'm healing nicely...and would like to go ahead and start treatments....I have to wait.Because next friday of next week she wants to go in and try another margin....I pray to God it's clean if not she said she'll close me up I'll heal in couple weeks and start chemo...and during chemo I should think about getting my breast out afterwards.So please pray that this margin will be clean.


  • grateful_grammy08
    I will definately pray your
    I will definately pray your margins come back good. But if they don't you should really consider having your breast removed. I opted to have the lumpectomy first and during the wait for the pathology report I had a bad reaction to the dye they used to traced my lymph nodes (lymph nodes good). So the surgeon had to go back in and remove more breast tissue. I thought I would still be able to save my breast with having to have minimal reconstructive surgery. Well a few days after the 2nd surgery I got the pathology report back and the cancer was 100% to the margins, and had to have my breast removed anyway. So I had to go thru another surgery for no reason. But in the end to feel the releif I did knowing all the cancer was gone, I kinda wish I would have opted for the masectomy in the first place. Good luck to you and I'll keep you in my prayers!! Grammy