
paula2 Member Posts: 162
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
You have been given all the advice I wish I'd had when I was diagnosed, 6 and 1/2 yeaars ago. The part I really heard, was take it one step at a time. Do something about what you can control, one teeny little accomplishment at a time will keep you moving forward. I have a time facing large problems, but if I break it into smaller pieces and do the doable, it becomes less overwhelming.
When you are reading about cancer and it sounds too horrible, quit reading. It's like turning off the tv news, you don't need it! Especially when it comes to statistics.

Also, are you thinking about stomach cancer or ovarian cancer that has spread to the abdominal area? When I had a recurrence, it was ovarian cancer spread to a couple of locations in the abdomen, but not in the stomach. Another thing that one of the ladies mentioned is.. until the surgery, nothing is certain. The docs really need to get in there and have a good look around. ..and it's different for each of us.. Some of the people here have had chemo before surgery to shrink tumors. I didn't know about the chemo regime until I talked to the doctor after surgery. I did know that the ca 125, tumor marker test, was very high, indicating ovarian cancer. If you are going into surgery this soon, then you have probably had this test.
For now, try to focus on happier things, like your very precious daughter and turn the channel on freaking out. Try to keep your body strong for the surgery ahead.
You might look for a support group in your area. For me it's this website of course, and the Wellness Group at Hospice Volunteer Services. You may have already done this, but a phone call to American Cancer Society is a good someone to talk to. You can also write an email to any of the girls here by clicking on the envelope below the message. Many of us are living with ongoing treatments and have good quality of life. Some are in remission for a long time. It is not an automatic death sentence. Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul is a great read.
I wish you all the best as you face off with this disease. Hang in there, you are not alone...and you can and will get through this.
Prayers and hugs and lots of good thoughts sending your way.


  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    Paula is right,try to hold on to the Happy Christmas you and your daughter will have this year. make your list of questions, and USE A GYN/ONC for the surgery!!! We are all differnt but yet alike when it comes to this disease. The nodules your current Dr. is seeing could be nothing, and could be treated with chemo. They found nodules on my lungs this June, but by Oct, they were all gone and I wasn't on chemo!!! I was very bloated as well, 2 weeks before surgery they drained 1900cc, then at surgery they drained another 3500cc!!! I would ask the Dr. to drain some of that fluid off your belly and that will really help with your pain. it's a painless procedure, and you will feel the benefits immediately. I would do this ASAP, the better you feel, the better your mental and physical outlook will be. Also it could help them if they do another scan to really be able to see what you have or don't have. As I said it's easy and there is no down time associated,so you can walk out of the hospital the same hour,it is done. Good luck,,I'll be praying for you and if there is anything you need don't hesitate to ask or e-mail any of us personally...(((hugz)))..Joanne
  • dorion
    dorion Member Posts: 183
    Gosh hello ladies, I haven't checked the message board in a few days the computers been out and I've been on and off the pity pot and at times I sail through the day not thinking of what's ahead. Thank you so much for your advice and giving me hope. I'm at times feeling that I've accepted that what will be will be. When I allow my mind to go, then it's out of control with fear, but you ladies have helped me. I was feeling the latter scared and allowing myself to go down that road and something told me to go here and there you are. I go on the 26th, I find myself counting on my hands how many days to go, at times I feel like I'm going to the firing squad. I am so bloated now I look and feel 7 months pregnant. I did remember mentioning to him about draining but I honestly don't remember what he said. I do know that at times there are a couple of spots on my stomach that is really tender and sore and tell myself it's the fluid build up. Paula I can't read about it, it's too much for me, at times I'm just not brave....I use to think I had nerves of steel but this is a different ball game. I wish that I could talk to someone but the support group here doesn't meet until January 10th. Here in HI I'm finding that it's a whole different world in terms of support or sympathy for my needs. But at least I have you ladies. I will check out these icons and see if I can you leave you guys my number and if you can call me that would be so awesome. Just to hear a voice to tell me that it's gonna be ok, would be a comfort, I don't have anyone going with me to hold my hand which makes it even more frightening, I'm going it alone, I have no family here and my daughter is going to be staying at home she is only 9 and I don't want her to be scared. She is handling it beautifully, like a real pro. She is so encouraging to me and told me that she feels that God gave this to me so that I could learn something she feels. What a smart child. Thank you ladies and I sure hope to hear from one of you if you can that is.
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    dorion said:

    Gosh hello ladies, I haven't checked the message board in a few days the computers been out and I've been on and off the pity pot and at times I sail through the day not thinking of what's ahead. Thank you so much for your advice and giving me hope. I'm at times feeling that I've accepted that what will be will be. When I allow my mind to go, then it's out of control with fear, but you ladies have helped me. I was feeling the latter scared and allowing myself to go down that road and something told me to go here and there you are. I go on the 26th, I find myself counting on my hands how many days to go, at times I feel like I'm going to the firing squad. I am so bloated now I look and feel 7 months pregnant. I did remember mentioning to him about draining but I honestly don't remember what he said. I do know that at times there are a couple of spots on my stomach that is really tender and sore and tell myself it's the fluid build up. Paula I can't read about it, it's too much for me, at times I'm just not brave....I use to think I had nerves of steel but this is a different ball game. I wish that I could talk to someone but the support group here doesn't meet until January 10th. Here in HI I'm finding that it's a whole different world in terms of support or sympathy for my needs. But at least I have you ladies. I will check out these icons and see if I can you leave you guys my number and if you can call me that would be so awesome. Just to hear a voice to tell me that it's gonna be ok, would be a comfort, I don't have anyone going with me to hold my hand which makes it even more frightening, I'm going it alone, I have no family here and my daughter is going to be staying at home she is only 9 and I don't want her to be scared. She is handling it beautifully, like a real pro. She is so encouraging to me and told me that she feels that God gave this to me so that I could learn something she feels. What a smart child. Thank you ladies and I sure hope to hear from one of you if you can that is.

    Out of the mouths of babes! Your daughter has been given a revelation. And I also believe that you will not only learn something, but others will learn something from you - you will be an inspiration and encouragement for others, including your precious daughter.

    Your appointment is set and there's nothing you can do to change what will be. So, the best you can do for your self and daughter is to live in the moment - don't look ahead, don't look behind. Try to envelope yourself in the joy of the Christmas season. Watch some inspiring and funny movies like 'It's a Wonderful Life', The Christmas Carol (the one with Alister Sim is our favorite, because when he 'awakes' the next day he truly has joy and 'new life'); How The Grinch Stole Christmas (movie AND cartoon!). There are so many to choose from. But I'm sure you get the idea.

    So, come back after your visit, and let us know how it goes. In the meantime, sending luv, hugs and prayers. May you have a Blessed Christmas and a Healthy, Joyous New Year!
