Arimedex and back pain?

jdubious Member Posts: 113
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
After mastectomy, chemo and radiation, I was taking femara (for about 9 months), but had to switch to arimedex because of joint pain. I've been taking arimedex for almost a year, but I have lower back pain that's getting worse and worse. That plus my feet, elbows and shoulders hurt too! (Don't even mention sleeplessness!)Has anyone else had back pain with arimedex? It's really bad when standing, not so bad when sitting. I'm interested in others experience with the arimedex.


  • Susan956
    Susan956 Member Posts: 510
    Sleeplessness is a byproduct of Arimides. I use Ambien each night and it manages to let me have a normal nights sleep so I can function. As for joint pain it exits. I have found a chiropractor who does wonderful deep tissue massage. He had made my shoulders, elblow and hand on my surgery side feel normal again. There was a time when I barely could move and use them. So you may try working with a chiropractor and see if he can give you any relief.

    Take Care.... God Bless

  • pansylover
    pansylover Member Posts: 80
    I have the same aches. I do not have a problem w/ sleeping. I use a guided imagery cd for pain. I have very hurtful feet,hips,back and wrists/hands. I am grateful for my husband that gives massages, which helps ease the pain.
    (((hugs))) to you Jill. the worst part is over
    Laugh it jiggles things up abit.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Tamoxifen here, and an old lady (51 years young) to boot! I'm sending hugs...I've been lucky so unmanageable sides with the Tamoxifen.

    Hugs, Kathi
  • kathydaly
    kathydaly Member Posts: 81
    Dear Jill, How are you today? I hope you are feeling better but I understand if you aren't. I didn't respond sooner because I really hate being such a doomsayer about arimidex. I am either an anomoly about the severity of my reactions to at or I have a much lower pain threshhold thsan others here, and I don't think the latter is an unlikely possibility at all. So, I am just going to refer to the other messages where I spoke about my reactions to it, on pg.2 from chewie w/the header don't even know what my question is....and on pg.4 from alta w/the header bone/joint pain and finally on pg. 6 or 7 from me w/header Just had to say something....
    These messages cover everything you've mentioned AND more, and that's important because you may well not bei having all or as severe reactions as I did, and this is just what was true for me. We all react differently.

    I am now on aromasin as I've mentioned in those locations and have said where I'm at on that now. I still have 5 weeks to get to the 3 mo. mark on this, everything is bearable, I just don't get much done, lol. Well I hope some of this helps you and that you are still checking back on responses here. Please let me know if you do get to read this and how your reactions compare.

    With much love and hugggs, Kathy
  • kathydaly
    kathydaly Member Posts: 81
    kathydaly said:

    Dear Jill, How are you today? I hope you are feeling better but I understand if you aren't. I didn't respond sooner because I really hate being such a doomsayer about arimidex. I am either an anomoly about the severity of my reactions to at or I have a much lower pain threshhold thsan others here, and I don't think the latter is an unlikely possibility at all. So, I am just going to refer to the other messages where I spoke about my reactions to it, on pg.2 from chewie w/the header don't even know what my question is....and on pg.4 from alta w/the header bone/joint pain and finally on pg. 6 or 7 from me w/header Just had to say something....
    These messages cover everything you've mentioned AND more, and that's important because you may well not bei having all or as severe reactions as I did, and this is just what was true for me. We all react differently.

    I am now on aromasin as I've mentioned in those locations and have said where I'm at on that now. I still have 5 weeks to get to the 3 mo. mark on this, everything is bearable, I just don't get much done, lol. Well I hope some of this helps you and that you are still checking back on responses here. Please let me know if you do get to read this and how your reactions compare.

    With much love and hugggs, Kathy

    Hi Jill again, don't think you've read any of this yet, but anyway, what I wrote, Just had to say something, is actuallly on on pg. 8 and not really anything more than my referencing pain w/arimidex. So not really what you wanted to see. So skip my my bit, I think, lol.
    I wish we would hear back from you.
    Thinking of you and praying for you.
    with much love and a big hug from me to you, Kathy
  • MPMacKay
    MPMacKay Member Posts: 1
    Hi MP here

    I have been taking arimidex for about six months. At frist I was relieved because the tamoxifen was hot flash and fatique to the point of unbearable. Now sore sore sore, more as time goes on. Feet hands neck now the my hip and the small of my back. sleepless weight gain constant pain and fatigue. I am beginning to complain about how much I complain ! I was a very tough hardworking fun loving ( four daughters, two dogs, one cat, one husband, three sucessful companies) I worked at chemo and radition like it was my job to feel better. Positve and cheerful as much as any sane woman could be.
    Now I just feel old and worn. I have lost the hope of returning to normal life... that was then this is now.
    Working very hard at being grateful to be here. I lost my mom to BC when she was 46. She didn't get a chance. I did and I am so grateful.
    I am so sore. This week I had to leave meetings because my back was too sore to sit or stand. I have been home for two days and cried this morning just trying to get down the stairs.
    I am 51 and move like 91.
    I have tried all the aromatase inhibitors the others were worse for me. Femera - swollen black feet. Aromasin - hospitalized with a racing heart.
    I am thinking of quitting all hormone therapy. I'm scared but th e quailty of my life is pretty affected.
    I don't know what to do.

    I hope that you and all others that have gone through this nightmare get some relief from these very potent drugs