Thx 4 all bday wishes!!!!

ylgriffin1 Member Posts: 17
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
It was sooo sweet being 43! Looking forward to 44. did well all day, faultered after dinner with family. kept wondering if i'd make it to 44. i say YYEEESSSS!!!! it's rough though. my history is stage IIbc, negnode aggressive, diag in 04, did 4 mons AC(Taxotere). Now in reoccurrence, 2cm, negnode, non-mets, non-estro responsive, doing 6mons MFT, AFT did too much damage to heart and joints. Mother is 40yr cervical ca survivor, her mother 40yr bc survivor. i have no husband or children & oh so broke. not what you think your life will be when you are 18yr old. anyway, thanks everyone for the good wishes. i have so few friends,... your messages really made a difference. God Bless You all. i pray that you get to have 1 more bday on every bday so they just keep coming. God's Child First, Yvette