Adult child of 27 1/2 year Breast Cancer Survivor!!

Loree5683 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
I just wanted to post something... My mother is a 27 1/2 year survivor, she was diagnosed with Pagets when I was only 6 and had a radical unilateral mastectomy without reconstruction. She is the strongest woman I've ever met and admire her to no end.
The irony of life, my significant other had an 87% chance of being diagnosed with Breast Cancer, she opted for preventative surgery and on August 1st had a bilateral mastectomy. After the pathology came back they advised the cells had already started to turn, she couldn't have waited any longer. She is 32. She opted for immediate reconstruction and has moments of regret. She is now in my list of strong women, she was before this, she is a firefighter who is used to saving lives, not having to fight for her own per se.
Basically, I think I just wanted to verbalize it all. Any thoughts are welcome. My heart goes out to you all who have lost & survived. *hugs*


  • Thank you for your encouraging post. I am a 20 year breast cancer survivor (one radical mastectomy in 1986 and another in 1988) with no reconstruction. I was 38 when first diagnosed with two young children and now my youngest is a senior in college.
    Breast cancer (or any cancer for that matter) is a long hard road but it is worth the trip and with supporters like you we can make it when we have to. God bless you.