Question regarding colon cleansers

shubunkin Member Posts: 60
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I have been looking at them online and reading about them. Do any of you have any experiences with these, The show all the mucoid plaque that is supoose to come out ect. If we have all that in our colons why one earth would they not see it with a colonoscopy? I know they vlean you out before the test but i have know several people to get one(colonoscopy) and not a one said anything about passing this Stuff. Do you think it is a waste of money?


  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member

    I'm sure Scouty will chime in. The one that someone told me was good was "Renewlife". Some of the pictures are yucky but it sounds like you should do this every so many months. I haven't used it yet but plan to go get it at a local store where it is cheaper sometime this month or next. I think that the stuff given us for the colonoscopy misses this stuff. It is just good for your immune system if you do this every so often. No junk to bung it up. Take care and I will be watching this post because I'm interested too.

    Lisa F.
  • JoyceCanada
    JoyceCanada Member Posts: 134


    I'm sure Scouty will chime in. The one that someone told me was good was "Renewlife". Some of the pictures are yucky but it sounds like you should do this every so many months. I haven't used it yet but plan to go get it at a local store where it is cheaper sometime this month or next. I think that the stuff given us for the colonoscopy misses this stuff. It is just good for your immune system if you do this every so often. No junk to bung it up. Take care and I will be watching this post because I'm interested too.

    Lisa F.

    hi: I was awake during my colonoscopy and I can tell you that my colon was "sqeaky" clean. There was nothing adhering to the walls of the colon - it was "shining" !!!!
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Goodness, you ain't been here long and you are asking some great questions. This is going to be a long one so be patient or log off now.

    The plaque builds up on the walls of the colon much like you see on TV in regards to the plaque buildup in our veins and arteries over time. It is very common and probably not harmful unless it stays there for an extended period of time. The rest of what you are going to read is all my opinion; based on my own research, reading, questioning and experiences the last almost 3 years "trying to outsmart the ****".

    I agree with the docs that if the plaque stays in one place along the walls too long, the cells behind it can become free radical cells. Those are cells within our body that don't follow the rules and die off when they should (like the Terminator). They are the beginnings of a very nasty cell mutation process that eventually can lead to cancer cells. I believe that every non cancerous polyp removed could have eventually become cancer. It's kind of like having a ceiling leak that you are unaware of and all of a sudden something breaks from the rotting within that you never knew was there.

    You are sedated heavily and out of it for a colonoscopy and have no idea what they see on the walls of the colon while they are up there. It can't be pretty!!!!! I have been thanked every time I've had one for following the clean out directions (obvoiusly, not everyone does). I've had 3 flex sigmoidoscopes and you aren't drugged for them and if you want, you can watch it on a computer monitor as they do their thing. I've watch all 3 times and noticed that the wand they do the test with has a camera, air, and water (kind of like the dentist has). Again, they have thanked me following the directions. If they see a buildup they will first squirt some water on it to see if that washes it off. If it doesn't, then they remove the "polyp" and test it.

    Now as far as cleaning your innards out, there are many advertised, but I chose to do it in a very gradual natural way with the help of a Naturopathic Doctor. That is what detoxing is all about. It can be immediate, fast, or gradual. I chose gradual and I felt like it took about a year for me to get rid of all the nasty stuff within my bod as well as my colon (I was 50 at the time and had years of not being very nice to my body to get rid off).

    Because of my opinions, I think colonoscopies are a god send in helping prevent colorectal cancer, but I really would like to see more research and help with preventing the polyps in the first place. It's quite evident that fiber alone isn't the answer.

    I grow sick of hearing about the billions spent on expensive not nearly cures with horrid side effects, when most of us could have avoided being here in the first place. I like to think about a world with almost no colorectal cancer period.

    I think I have rambled entirely too long.

    Hope this helps,

    Lisa P.
  • shubunkin
    shubunkin Member Posts: 60
    thanks very much Lisa!!!!!! i agree! i would love to see a world without colon cancer too! I am afraid i may have the horrid gene since my mom, grandmother and great grandmother al had it but i am still gonna do everything in my power to prevent it! I have changed my diet around and i am trying not to eat processed foods and sticking to the outer aisles of the grocery store. thats where all the good stuff is! It will take some time but maybe i can do it! Thanks again for your input!
  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member
    I don't think there is any evidence that it does anything beneficial but, on the other hand, it probably is not harmful but you would need to make sure you replace electrolytes like potassium. It all depends upon whether or not you want to spend the money and effort. Diet is probably the first thing to be addressed as well as supplements.
