Question for Betsydoglover

SKEESH Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I would be interested in hearing more about your experience on Xeloda, Avastin and Oxaliplatin. I am about to go on the same regimen. I have already had 6 months of Folfox (with oxaliplatin)and almost 2 years out from that I still have lingering neuropathy. I would appreciate hearing your thought and those of any others in a similar situation. Thanks.


  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi - I'd be happy to describe my experience as I am sure would others. Of course, as you know, everyone reacts a little bit differently.

    I went thru 6 cycles of Xeloda/oxaliplatin/Avastin. The first 3 were the standard 3 weeks apart (2 weeks on Xeloda, 1 week off). Between cycles 3 & 4 we waited 4 weeks and between 4 & 5 we waited 5 weeks - then back to 3 week interval for the last one. This schedule adjustment was based mostly on side effects.

    My neuropathy experience with oxaliplatin sounds like it was different from yours. FYI - I do not have a port. The oxaliplatin caused the standard cold sensitivity, finger tingling, some toe tingling the first 7-10 days of each treatment. Starting with the second treatment and continuing with each treatment, the arm in which I received the IV would be extremely tingly, sore and sort of stiff from base of fingers up above the elbow. This was terrible on days 1 - 3 and then gradually diminished until it was just about gone in the middle of week 3. Except for the first 2 days I wasn't really impaired and it seems - in the neuropathy department - that there have been no lasting effects.

    One never knows which drug causes which symptom, but it seems to me that the Avastin did not cause anything noticeable.

    I started on 2000mg Xeloda twice a day - for the first 3 cycles I had annoying (and irritating in every sense of the word) diarrhea (but not debilitating). Then the skin on my feet began to peel slightly - when that happened my oncologist immediately lowered the dose to 1500mg twice a day. That resolved the skin problem (which really hadn't yet developed into a PROBLEM), but as a bonus completely resolved the diarrhea.

    As far as the overall regimen goes, my worst side effects were 2-3 days of the neuropathy in my arm, some diarrhea, very mild nausea which responded to Compazine, flu-like aches and pains on days 2-3 and bouts of fatigue which were at the their worst in cycles 3 & 4.

    I hope this helps. Others may have different experiences. I wish you the best.