Lisa P(Scouty) surgery results

kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hiya dear friends. I just recieved this email from Lisa's friend, Bea(Beatrice) who Lisa worked with at AT@T.
Bea has kindly sent an enormous number of mails to those on Lisa's addy book to inform them of her progress. Thanks Bea!!
Message reads;
Halleluiah!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!

Surgery went very, very well!!!! I spoke with Lisa's sister Deb just a while ago. She indicated the surgeon was delighted as to how surgery went. They were able to get the lymph nodes they were after and the reversal of the colostomy was a complete success as well!!!!!

The surgery took less than 3 that is great news too!!! Lisa had not yet awaken and would be in recovery till about 12:30 or so. She is at UNC Chapel Hill. Once she gets into a room Deb will let me know and I will update everyone with that information.

Thanks to EVERYONE!!!!!! CELEBRATE!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

LOVE TO ALL!!!!!!!


Jen and I are so thankfull and relieved that our dear Lisa has come thru ok. To show you how good her attitude was before surgery when I spoke to her Lisa said...quote.."now I will have to train my butt to crap again!" Well, anyway..something of that fashion but it goes to show just how much of a wonderfull person she is...her humour was still there!
Luv yah babe and hurry back HONEY!
Ross and Jen
ps.....Vanessa.....I started a new thread here to make sure that everyone would see the topic on her surgery results..hope you did not mind. Thank you for enquiring as to her health on your topic,huggs, Ross