Reply to response "is there any hope"?

urmiworld Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
Thank you for your well wishes. They mean a lot to me.
crot1998 yes my husband did have chemo. July 05 to Sept. 05, carboplatin & gemcitabine but on last day of chemo humerus fractured and he did not have the last dose. Also had one dose of radiotherepy.
I was inspired by your experience and have relayed this to my husband in hospital.
He was unable to have his knee replacement on the 13th as planned because of tracycadia and fever. Surgery did take place on 20th however and all is progressing well might even be home for the new year.
As we are in the land of Oz, I believe our health system works a bit diffently than in US, I have looked for Lung Cancer Clinics in Australia but there dont appear to be any.
Thank you again for responding to my post as I was feeling a bit low on that day and it helped that you cared enough to post a response.