Refuse Taxol?

Annabelle3 Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Today was supposed to be my last day of treatment. Then a nurse brought up a surprise that four more rounds might be given. I had a tumor (a few) under 2 and they gave me 4 rounds of chemo. No lymph node involvement. When I heard this today -- I flipped. (a) because it was my birthday and I figured it'd be a great day having the last chemo and (b) nobody suggested doing 4 more. I thought my prognosis was pretty good with just the chemo. Has anyone refused this? Did you take an alternate method? Any truth to eating better things? I'd really appreciate an answer. I meet with the oncologist on Wednesday and I'd like to have some kind of plan and information. Thanks everyone!


  • ClaudiaAnn
    ClaudiaAnn Member Posts: 51
    My question is why was the nurse telling you this before your conference with the dr? I would have been in the office looking for answers. Was your other treatment 4 rounds of A/C? To be followed by 4 rounds of Taxol? Taxol is another kind of chemo.I had a large agressive tumor and did both the above following a mastectomy. I also had no lymph node involvement. Are you HER/neu+? Have you had surgery of any kind? Is the chemo to shrink the tumors? Are you having surgery later? There is a web site that answers a lot of questions about chemo it's it translate to "people living with cancer" and it's sponsored by the national association of oncologist. My oncologist gave me the web site address to research when I was making those decisions. Maybe it can help you find answers or questions you may not have thought of to ask your dr.
  • Susan956
    Susan956 Member Posts: 510
    Similar to Claudia Ann, I also had both A/C and then taxol with Herceptin. For me the A/C was harder than the Taxol.... But both were quite a trip. I am now starting radiation. I guess the way I looked at things was that I was willing to treat the cancer agressively, so hopefully it will never come back. I do know how diappointing it is when things with your treatment doesn't go as you plan. Just today, I had expected to get my first radiation treatment... but because the set up procedure didn't work right.. we get to spend two days next week doing it again. But hey little setbacks seem to be part of the deal. Hope you can get your mind around having a little longer trip. Hope you managed to at least enjoy your birthday a little.... and think next year will be much better... with this all behind you.... Take Care.... God Bless....
  • lindatn
    lindatn Member Posts: 229
    Take whatever they give you. I had four A/C in 2002 found out this week I have liver mets so the fight is on to stay alive. I have spent three years eating no meat, no dairy and almost no sugar and taking a handful of vitamins daily so don't count on that helping might for some. I sure do have low blood sugar and clorlestrol. Which I also can't spell. Late hugs on the birthday and a few more chemos are doable. I will be in chemo of some sort probably until I die. I see one of the gals who posted to me has been on it for seven months, she is doing great but if four more chemos can cure you go for it. God Bless. Linda
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    When I was making decisions about my treatments I found that my cancer didn't seem to fit any of the criteria set out for my IDC breast cancer. When each treatment came up they always talked about the increased chances to my survival if I did them. Sometimes the percentage was small but I found myself thinking that if I had come this far and decided to fight for life then I wanted any chance and possibility there was no matter how small of chance it added to the big picture. I always looked at treatments as a benefit for survival and I wanted any that were out there since I chose to go this route.
    All cancers are different because of our individual make ups and therefore what might not work for someone else may indeed work for you and me. Unfortunately there really isn't anything else out there but the crash and burning of cancer. Yes people believe in many things and prayer but maybe treatments are our gift, I don't know.
    Get the information you need to make and informed decision is all I can suggest. The answers are sometimes in the very small print...